October 10, 2017

Sandcrawler PSA: Public Not in Danger After Hand Chopping Incident

Remember when they could not figure out that the dead drug dealer was Tamerlan Tsarnaev's first victim?

I in fact saw the story about that murder but elected not top blog it because I'm, you know, a phobe.

So lets hope the solves this one.

West Springfield police responded to the apartment building at about 11 p.m. Monday. They found a bloody scene and the victim half inside an apartment with his legs extending into the common hallway.

The victim had “severe cutting injuries to his hands” and a “severe laceration to the crown of the head.”

The man was taken to a hospital, where he was stabilized and is expected to survive. His name was not made public.

Probably nothing..... but.... probably isn't certainly.

By Howie at 11:19 AM | Comments |

October 09, 2017


There better be some Jawas in it!

By Howie at 09:06 PM | Comments |

Columbus Rocks

So Spain discovered the new world? Funny they keep telling me it was white people, you know, who did all the bad stuff. And now you're telling me the Spanish were the real imperialists?

Who knew?

Anyway thanks Columbus because without you we'd all still be hunting buffalo with no horses, no guns. Ever try to kill a buffalo on foot with just a spear? It sucks.

By Howie at 10:20 AM | Comments |

Islamic State of Losers Surrenders Hawijah

Losers. They surrendered to the Kurds? But they said they wanted martyrdom?

A US Department of Defense release on the battle for Hawijah cites "many sources reporting more than 1,000 terrorists surrendered."

Unlike the battle for Mosul, once ISIS' largest Iraqi stronghold, the terrorist group "put up no fight at all, other than planting bombs and booby traps," Kurdish officials told The New York Times.

Strikingly, the same officials reported that ISIS commanders had ordered their fighters to turn themselves in, on the grounds that the Kurds would take prisoners while other opponents would be harsher.

Allah is going to be so disappointed.

By Howie at 10:13 AM | Comments |

El-Bahnasawy Wanted To Kill Thousands of Infidels

Islamic Terrorist El-Bahnasawy has pled guilty and will learn how long he will spend in Federal Prison on December 12.

According to the charges, El-Bahnasawy and Haroon declared their support for Islamic State and were inspired by deadly terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels.

“We seriously need a car bomb at times square …. look at those crowds of people!” El-Bahnasawy said in one message to the undercover agent, according to court papers. He also expressed a desire to “shoot up concerts cause they kill a lot of people.”

“We just walk in with guns in our hands. That’s how the Paris guys did it,” he wrote, according to the charges.

He bought bomb-making materials in Canada, including about 40 pounds of hydrogen peroxide, which can be used to make a powerful explosive, along with batteries, Christmas lights and thermometers.

BTW the recipe El-Bahnasawy was using was publishing is Samir Khan/AQAP magazine called Inspire. So the damage that Samir did before he was droned is still reverberating. In case you thought that Islamic terrorist propaganda is benign. Its not.

By Howie at 10:07 AM | Comments |

Iran and Turkey Pretty Sure Jews Put Silly Idea About Freedom in Kurds Heads

Press TV: Where the Global Zionist Kihnspiracy is always front page news.

Chairman of Iran's Expediency Council Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi warns the United States and the Israeli regime are behind a “dangerous and treacherous” plot to partition Iraq, following an independence referendum held in the Arab country’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region.

“It is crystal clear that the US and Israel are the architects of this dangerous move and plot in the region and they seek to create a new Israel in the region,” Hashemi Shahroudi said during a meeting of the council in Tehran on Saturday.

He expressed great sorrow over efforts to instigate another act of sedition in Iraq’s Kurdistan region and break up the Muslim country, emphasizing that the secessionist “move is undoubtedly a major act of treachery against the region and the Muslim world.”
Interesting that the Kurds are majority Sunni Muslim, Yet the Sunni Turks and Iranian Shia, both former imperial powers both agree that these Kurdish Muslims should never have self determination.

Both coddle and finance ISIS, Hamas and AQ so long as its killing Kurds, Jews or Americans. You know, free decent people ruling themselves... that is what they are both against. That little Shia/Sunni schism can wait so long as there are more important things, like Free Kurds to attend to.

By Howie at 09:56 AM | Comments |

October 06, 2017

POS of The Day: Zameer Ghumra

Everyone wave buh bye to Zameer.

A man who showed a beheading video to a child has been convicted of disseminating "terrorist propaganda".

Pharmacist Zameer Ghumra, of Leicester, showed the boy a graphic Twitter video on his mobile phone.


Nottingham Crown Court heard the 38-year-old also told two primary school-age youngsters "you had to kill" anyone who insulted Islam.

Ghumra, who will be sentenced on Friday, had claimed the two boys were making "a false allegation".

He was convicted of disseminating "terrorist propaganda" in the form of a graphic Twitter video on his mobile phone, between January 2013 and September 2014.
During the trial, prosecutor Simon Davis said Ghumra believed in a "very, very, very extreme" form of Islam.

Under Islam his sentence should be death, for spreading Fitna and warping young Muslim's minds.

By Howie at 10:52 AM | Comments |

October 04, 2017

Meanwhile in Africa

Apparently we are at war in Niger? Who knew?

The Russians apparently want you to read about it.


Anyway here's a hopefully un-amplified version.

A joint patrol of U.S. and Niger troops came under attack in southwest Niger on Wednesday, a spokesman for U.S. Africa Command confirmed after Radio France International (RFI) reported a lethal ambush near the Niger/Mali border.

“We can confirm reports that a joint U.S. and Nigerien patrol came under hostile fire in southwest Niger,” said a spokesman for U.S. Africa Command. He did not comment on RFI’s report that several U.S. soldiers had died in the attack.,

Ahh The Company is #4 on google below the sponsored, makes sense.

But probably a total coincidence. I'm almost sure.


By Howie at 07:04 PM | Comments |

Sandcrawler Travel Advisory: Visit Exciting Exotic Karachi Pakistan!

Join the funin Karachi, were you can truly have the full Islamic experience!


No women! No wine! Bacha bazi all day long!

Pakistan's commercial hub Karachi has been serving as an attractive base for global jihadi groups such as al-Qaeda and its affiliates since the 9/11 attacks in the United States.

"Although the number of high-profile al-Qaeda members arrested in Karachi dropped after the first few years following 9/11, the number of the militant outfits in the metropolis and the arrest of al-Qaeda individuals has picked up since the group formally created al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) in September 2014, ' The News International reports.

The research report titled 'al-Qaeda in Pakistan: A metric problem?' has been published in a special edition of the Combating Terrorism Centre (CTC) Sentinel, a publication of the US military academic institution, analyzing al-Qaeda over the past 16 years since 9/11, which shows the global terror group's presence in the city has been growing in recent years. The data also points that in 16 years, the challenges posed by the group in the region have extended well beyond Afghanistan.

Hmm? American reports on Kremlintroll sites.

Anyway I didn't want that link to be clickable. But is Karchi a terrorist shithole? Um.... yeah...

By Howie at 07:30 AM | Comments |