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Why Do Republicans (and Some Democrats) Vilify Single Payer?

The answer has everything to do with our campaign finance system.

John Nichols


The Invention of Christopher Columbus, American Hero

How the founding fathers turned Christopher Columbus, a mediocre Italian sailor and mass murderer, into a historical icon.

Edward Burmila

Can Podemos and Its Allies Save Spanish Democracy?

They’re offering a responsible alternative to the two sets of flag-wavers on the question of independence for Catalonia.

Andy Robinson
Affordable housing

How Tenants’ Rights Are Flourishing—Right In Trump’s New Backyard

DC is home to some of the country’s most progressive efforts to keep housing affordable.

Jimmy Tobias
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From the Magazine

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Special Investigation: How America’s Biggest Bank Paid Its Fine for the 2008 Mortgage Crisis—With Phony Mortgages!

Alleged fraud put JPMorgan Chase hundreds of millions of dollars ahead; ordinary homeowners, not so much.
David Dayen

You know the old joke: How do you make a killing on Wall Street and never risk a loss? Easy—use other people’s money. Jamie Dimon and his underlings at JPMorgan Chase have perfected this dark art at America’s largest bank, which boasts a balance sheet one-eighth the size of the… Continue Reading >


Noam Chomsky Diagnoses the Trump Era

The president has abetted the collapse of a decaying system; Chomsky explains how.

Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian

Democrats and Republicans in Congress Agree: Russia Did It

Senators Burr and Warner and Representative Schiff say the intelligence community’s assessment got it right.

Bob Dreyfuss

Is Nonviolence—or Fighting Back—the Answer to Far-Right Thuggery?

As Trump incites violence, the left needs a counter-strategy.

Sasha Abramsky
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Guns in america

The American Impulse to Equate Guns With Freedom and Masculinity With Violence Is Killing Us

And Trump is exactly the wrong leader for this reality.

Joan Walsh

Gun Sales Are Plummeting and Trump Wants to Help

The NRA’s new playbook includes guns for kids and open carry in every state.

George Zornick

The Second Amendment Was Never Meant to Protect an Individual’s Right to a Gun

How the Supreme Court upended the well-established meaning of the Second Amendment.

Dorothy Samuels


The Rage of White Folk

How the silent majority became a loud and angry minority.

Steven Hahn

Carmen Maria Machado’s Earnest Vision

Her new fiction collection reminds us that a new, more inclusive world is possible.

Larissa Pham

Barbarian Virtues

James Scott's search for the origins of the state.

Samuel Moyn

Watch and Listen

Watch: We’re DACA Recipients, but We’re Fighting for All Undocumented Immigrants

These young activists aren’t going to stop until the rights of all 11 million undocumented immigrants are protected.

September 27, 2017

View: The Borderlands’ Human Stain

Photographs that capture the traces of violence that have plagued the US-Mexico border for generations.

July 27, 2017

Watch: VIDEO: People in Denmark Are a Lot Happier Than People in the United States. Here’s Why.

When governments provide benefits and services that allow its citizens to thrive, everyone wins.

July 17, 2017
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Take Action

Fight Against Gun Violence and Demand More Aid for Puerto Rico

Check out three meaningful actions you can take this week.

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