10 October 2017

US defence secretary calls on military to be ready for war against North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 10 October 2017

President Trump has repeatedly dismissed efforts to start talks with North Korea and to end the dangerous confrontation on the Korean Peninsula.

Trump’s threats against North Korea signify real danger of war

Surrounded by generals, Trump remarks on “the calm before the storm”

UK draws up plans to back US military attack on North Korea

By our reporter, 10 October 2017

At the Conservative Party’s annual conference, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said his government was prepared to use nuclear weapons against North Korea or another adversary.

Spain’s Popular Party threatens repression as Catalan authorities declare independence

By Alejandro López, 10 October 2017

Popular Party leaders warned Monday that national police and civil guards are ready to halt any unilateral declaration in the Catalan parliament.

As crackdown looms in Catalonia, Spain’s Popular Party calls protest in Barcelona

US, Turkey suspend visa services in diplomatic row

By Halil Celik, 10 October 2017

The move comes amid deterioration in ties between the two NATO allies and the Trump administration’s war threats against North Korea and Iran.

Ten dead, thousands displaced as wildfires rip through northern California

By Trévon Austin, 10 October 2017

Officials have described the rapidly developing situation as one of the most destructive fire emergencies in the state’s history.

Puerto Rico’s government lies about real extent of disaster

By Rafael Azul, 10 October 2017

Three weeks since the devastating storm hit, there is a concerted campaign by the Trump administration and local government authorities to conceal the full scope of the disaster.

WSWS reader describes ongoing human catastrophe in Puerto Rico

More on Puerto Rico »

Notes on police violence
Killing of fleeing man by Salt Lake City police officers ruled “justified”

By Josh Varlin, 10 October 2017

No charges have been brought against the officers who killed Patrick Harmon despite contradictions between the police version of events and bodycam footage.

More on police violence in America »

Trump and Pence orchestrate national anthem provocation at NFL game

By Alan Gilman, 10 October 2017

Pence and his wife left the Indianapolis stadium after about 20 members of the San Francisco 49ers “took a knee” during the national anthem.

Intensifying his attack on NFL players, Trump continues to incite the ultra-right

Canadian autoworkers warn CAMI strikers on role of Unifor, condemn attack on WSWS

By Shannon Jones, 10 October 2017

Ford and GM workers in Canada expressed their support for striking CAMI workers and denounced the treacherous role of Unifor.

Unifor operative assaults WSWS reporter at CAMI strike rally

Unifor, the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter and the politics of the CAMI strike

More on auto workers struggles »

British government prepares further draconian legislation to censor Internet

By Steve James, 10 October 2017

Rudd’s initial focus is on clamping down on opposition to British imperialism’s predatory wars in the Middle East, but this will inevitably be extended to cover all anti-war sentiment and commentary.

UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson reveals predatory agenda of NATO’s war on Libya

Tory party on verge of leadership contest after disastrous conference performance by May

Outgoing German finance minister warns of financial bubbles

By Nick Beams, 10 October 2017

Schäuble said he had “no idea when the next crisis will happen” but economists all over the world were concerned about the rise of liquidity and debt.

New Zealand: Pike River mine disaster families make Supreme Court appeal

By Tom Peters, 10 October 2017

Families of some of the 29 men who died in the 2010 Pike River Coal mine explosion are opposing the decision to drop charges against CEO Peter Whittall.

Canada integrating universities into its militarist foreign policy

By Laurent Lafrance, 10 October 2017

Ottawa’s 70 percent military spending hike includes funds to intensify collaboration between the armed forces and universities.

New in Norwegian

Hva vil en Jamaika-koalisjon i Tyskland bety?

Peter Schwarz, 10 October 2017

Det er allerede klart at den nye regjeringen vil bli den mest høyreorienterte i den tyske forbundsrepublikkens historie.

Tysklands sosialdemokratiske president krever strengere flyktningpolitikk og tilpasning til AfD

Christoph Vandreier, 10 October 2017

Triumfvalget til AfD har utløst skrekk og motstand blant de aller fleste i den arbeidende befolkningen. De herskende elitene ser imidlertid ekstremistene som en anledning til å flytte den offisielle politikken lenger til høyre og gjøre de høyreradikale posisjonene gangbare igjen.

New York Times publiserer World Socialist Web Sites anklage om Google-sensur og svartelisting

Andre Damon, 10 October 2017

Googles sensur og svartelisting av World Socialist Web Site og andre venstreorienterte og antikrigs-nettsteder var gjenstand for en lengre artikkel i New York Times, publisert 27. september.

Et åpent brev til Google: Stopp sensuren av Internett! Stopp den politiske svartelistingen av World Socialist Web Site!

10 October 2017

David North, leder av Det internasjonale redaksjonstyret for World Socialist Web Site, har sendt følgende åpne brev til direktørene i Google, Sundar Pichai, Lawrence Page, Sergey Brin og Eric Schmidt.

New in Spanish

Las amenazas de Trump contra Corea del Norte significan un peligro real de guerra

Por Joseph Kishore, 10 octubre 2017

La mención de Trump de “la calma antes de la tormenta” tiene que ser entendida como el aviso de una guerra inminente.

Mientras se acerca la represión en Cataluña, el Partido Popular español convoca protestas en Barcelona

Por Alejandro López, 10 octubre 2017

Los independentistas catalanes son repudiados en amplios sectores de la clase trabajadora por sus políticas de austeridad, que han llevado a recortes importantes en el gasto social.

Escándalo por campaña de desinformación sacude a socialdemócratas en Austria

Por Markus Salzmann, 10 octubre 2017

Un asesor político del SPÖ fue encontrado administrando dos páginas falsas de Facebook como parte de una campaña de desinformación contra el principal candidato del Partido Popular Austríaco.

Las élites “ya no tienen credibilidad”: una entrevista con el periodista Chris Hedges

Por David North, 10 octubre 2017

Periodista ganador del premio Pulitzer Chris Hedges platica con el WSWS sobre la campaña antirrusa, el ataque contra derechos democráticos, y el rol de los medios de comunicación capitalista.

New in French

Non aux ordonnances, solidarité avec l'Espagne menacée de dictature!

Par Francis Dubois et Alexandre Lantier, 10 octobre 2017

Pour la mobilisation du 10 octobre contre les ordonnances de Macron, le Parti de l'égalité socialiste appelle à la solidarité avec les travailleurs catalans menacés d'intervention militaire par Madrid.

Les menaces de Trump contre la Corée du Nord indiquent un vrai risque de guerre

Par Joseph Kishore, 10 octobre 2017

La référence de Trump au « calme avant la tempête » doit être considérée comme signifiant que la guerre est imminente.

Alors que la répression se profile en Catalogne, le Parti populaire espagnol appelle à une manifestation à Barcelone

Par Alejandro López, 10 octobre 2017

Les séparatistes catalans sont méprisés dans de larges couches de la classe ouvrière pour leurs politiques d’austérité, qui ont imposé des coupes majeures dans les dépenses sociales.

Le ministre britannique des affaires étrangères révèle les visées prédatrices de l’OTAN dans la guerre contre la Libye

Par Jean Shaoul, 10 octobre 2017

Johnson a dit que la ville libyenne dévastée de Sirte pourrait devenir un paradis pour les hommes d’affaires britanniques une fois que la ville aura « dégagé les cadavres ».

Other Languages


Trump White House declares war on immigrants

10 October 2017

The Trump immigration document exposes the role of the Democratic Party in providing political cover for the White House.

Earlier Perspectives »


As Spanish crackdown looms, France’s New Anti-capitalist Party promotes Catalan nationalism

By Alex Lantier, 10 October 2017

Rather than advance a principled policy to unite the Spanish and Catalan working class against Spanish state repression, the Pabloite New Anti-capitalist Party is lining up behind the Catalan bourgeoisie.

After Madrid’s violent crackdown:
An independent class strategy for the Spanish and Catalan working class!

More on Spain »

What would a “Jamaica” coalition in Germany represent?

By Peter Schwarz, 7 October 2017

Trump administration threatens widespread ICE raids in California

By Patrick Martin, 9 October 2017

Court testimony exposes governor’s lies about Flint water crisis

Trump administration limits access to birth control under ACA

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon workers force company to rehire unjustly fired worker after IAWV exposure

By Samuel Davidson, 10 October 2017

The re-hiring may seem like a small victory, but it is an indication of the strength Amazon workers have when they unite to protect one another’s rights.

Is $12 an hour a fair wage for Amazon workers?

By Samuel Davidson, 4 October 2017

Price gouging at Amazon and the case for public ownership

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
October 9 - 15: Lenin steps up campaign for insurrection

9 October 2017

With Trotsky at the head of the Petrograd Soviet, and with the Bolshevik Party in control of a growing majority of other soviets, the Bolsheviks are now the most powerful party in the Russian Revolution. However, significant differences have emerged within the party’s leadership regarding what course to take.

The ICFI is continuing its commemoration of the centenary of the 1917 October Revolution with a second series of four weekly online lectures, beginning on October 14 and concluding on November 4. Barry Grey, US national editor of the World Socialist Web Site, will give the first lecture, “Lenin’s The State and Revolution” The lecture will be streamed on YouTube on Saturday, October 14 at 5:00 pm Eastern (US). Three weekly lectures will follow.

Leaders of the Russian Revolution
Leon Trotsky on Yakov Sverdlov (March 1925)

By Leon Trotsky, 5 October 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Featured Commentary

Inequality and the American oligarchy
Identity politics and the growth of inequality within racial minorities

By Eric London, 7 October 2017

New data from the Federal Reserve reveal the extraordinary growth of social inequality within minority populations, which forms the basis of the identity politics of the upper-middle class.

Inequality and the American oligarchy
The social and economic roots of the attack on democratic rights

By Eric London, 6 October 2017

New figures on social inequality reveal the material basis for the campaign in ruling circles to block access to the WSWS and other left-wing sites.

Google Censorship

The elites “have no credibility left:” An interview with journalist Chris Hedges

By David North, 6 October 2017

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges talks with the WSWS about the anti-Russia campaign, the attack on democratic rights, and the role of the capitalist media.

Sri Lankan academics oppose Google censorship

By our correspondent, 7 October 2017

The New York Times reports World Socialist Web Site charge of Google censorship and blacklisting

By Andre Damon, 2 October 2017

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

The new McCarthyism and the suppression of political dissent

Socialist Equality Party/International Youth and Students for Social Equality (UK) public meetings
Stop Internet Censorship! Stop Google’s political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site

More on Google Censorship »

Workers Struggles

General strike by Argentine public employees, Colombian pilots defy strikebreaking order, walkouts in Kentucky and Ohio
Workers Struggles: The Americas

10 October 2017

Public sector workers in Argentina launch general strike against austerity measures by President Mauricio Macri while walkouts start at a packaging plant in Louisville, Kentucky and a specialty ceramics maker in Ohio.

Arts Review

Rapper Cardi B (“Bodak Yellow”) celebrated as a feminist icon

By Hiram Lee, 9 October 2017

In truth, “Bodak Yellow” is a vulgar work that glorifies backward and genuinely anti-social impulses.

On the loss of Tom Petty

By Hiram Lee, 5 October 2017

Toronto International Film Festival: Part 5
African American playwright Lorraine Hansberry, a revolution betrayed in Portugal and other matters

By Joanne Laurier, 4 October 2017


Observation of gravitational waves wins Nobel Prize in physics

By Bryan Dyne, 6 October 2017

Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded for discoveries on the circadian rhythm

By Benjamin Mateus, 4 October 2017

FDA recommends approval of new leukemia treatment

Socialist Equality Party

SEP Australia verifies “registered party” status once again

By our reporters, 5 October 2017

Socialist Equality Group holds public meeting following New Zealand election

By our reporters, 5 October 2017

New Zealand workers and youth discuss the growing danger of global war

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“Dad, mom, the police are here”
ICE rounds up farmworkers applying for work in Michigan

ICE arrests nearly 500 immigrants in raids on “sanctuary cities” across US

More on US immigration »


International Youth and Students for Social Equality wins club status at New York University

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 3 October 2017


The contradictions of Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s The Vietnam War

By Patrick Martin, 2 October 2017

The Grenfell Tower Fire

Grenfell Fire Forum: Wide-ranging discussion and resolution passed opposing Google censorship

By Paul Mitchell, 3 October 2017

Grenfell Tower fire eyewitnesses: “It’s because of our class—we are the lowest socioeconomic class on the food chain”

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry and the case for socialism

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Book Review

The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills
The “disease” of social inequality sends thousands to a premature death

By Benjamin Mateus and George Marlowe, 25 September 2017

A new book by Chicago doctor David Ansell reveals the profound ways in which social inequality in the US creates “death gaps” and disparities in life expectancies.

Hillary Clinton’s What Happened: A conspiracy theory of the 2016 election

By Andre Damon, 20 September 2017

Hillary Clinton’s memoir, released September 13, represents the Democratic Party’s semi-official narrative of its electoral defeat in 2016.

Why is Amazon deleting negative reviews of Hillary Clinton’s new book?

Maruti Suzuki

Legal appeals of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers expose travesty of justice

By Saman Gunadasa, 23 September 2017

Sri Lankan free trade workers express solidarity with framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

Aisin Automotive workers in India’s Haryana state face a new company-government witchhunt

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Mehring Books

New from Mehring Books
Why Study the Russian Revolution?
Volume I: The February Revolution and the Development of Bolshevik Strategy

28 August 2017

One hundred years after the Russian Revolution, the events of 1917, their consequences and their lessons retain a burning contemporary relevance.