
Western Australia

Education data useless, how about trying something useful?

Education data useless, how about trying something useful?

It is time to focus on quality teaching and learning, not meaningless statistically driven stupidity.


WA Liberals flirt with secession lite

WA Liberals flirt with secession lite

In the end, the West Australian Liberal Party could not quite bring itself to promote WAxit. That was sensible.

Perth Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi disqualified from office for 18 months over travel rorts

Perth Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi disqualified from office for 18 months over travel rorts

Embattled Perth Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi's has been disqualified from office for 18 months, effective from September 7th, after a decision by the State Administrative Tribunal.

  • by Heather McNeill
WA Liberal Party vote for 'fiscal secession' draws gasps

WA Liberal Party vote for 'fiscal secession' draws gasps

State president Norman Moore, who previously believed WA should be a separate country, said fiscal independence could be achieved by government decree.

WA Liberal leader Mike Nahan 'strongly opposes' secession plan

WA Liberal leader Mike Nahan 'strongly opposes' secession plan

Western Australia Liberal opposition leader Mike Nahan strongly opposes any idea of the state breaking away from the federation but understands where such sentiments come from.

  • by AAP
PM tries to reassure WA Liberals

PM tries to reassure WA Liberals

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has failed to commit to a new deal for a better GST share for Western Australia, but told the party faithful only the Liberals can enable entrepreneurship and enterprise in the state.

Turnbull to offer mining sweetener in WA

Turnbull to offer mining sweetener in WA

Malcolm Turnbull is expected to announce a $100 million nationwide tax incentive to encourage resources exploration in a bid to restart Western Australia's declining mining sector.

Greens slam move to bring cashless welfare cards to WA's Goldfields

Greens slam move to bring cashless welfare cards to WA's Goldfields

"Before anybody can do any analysis of the final evaluation report, the third site has been announced. The previous report was flawed, I lack confidence in the Government's analysis."

  • by David Allan-Petale
After Brexit, can WA really be thinking of seceding?

After Brexit, can WA really be thinking of seceding?

After Britain voted to leave the European Union in a move known as Brexit, and some Californians agitated to leave the United States after President Donald Trump's election, has "threatening to leave" become the new political solution to thorny problems?

  • by Charlotte Graham
'Floodgates to destruction': Ex gambling addict urges WA to continue to resist pokies

'Floodgates to destruction': Ex gambling addict urges WA to continue to resist pokies

"It's been a gross mismanagement of power, and WA is the one place to do the right thing. At least when they are in a casino you know you are in a casino. When they are in a social setting they become normalised."

  • by David Allan-Petale
Some Western Australian Liberals pushing for 'WAxit' to secede from Australia

Some Western Australian Liberals pushing for 'WAxit' to secede from Australia

The motion is part of the fall-out over the long-running sore of GST distribution.

  • by Latika Bourke