Many of UNDP's relationships with countries and territories on the ground exceed 50 years.
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Svaka druga žena u Crnoj Gori bila je žrtva nasilja u nekom trenutku tokom svog života. Ne smijemo zatvrati oči jer nasilje ima dalekosežne posljedice po pojedinca, porodicu i cjelokupno društvo. Cijena nasilja je astronomska. Procjenjuje se da Crna Gora godišnje izgubi više od 233 miliona eura usljed posljedica...
A new three-year programme “Implementing norms, changing minds” aiming to end discrimination and violence against women and girls kicked off today in Montenegro and brought together representatives of the EU Delegation, UNDP and UN agencies, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and civil society. Funded by the EU...
Loading, loading, ReLOad programme… An ideal local government can inspire and lead communities to make them better places to live. The best way to achieve this is to bring decision-making as close as possible to those who benefit from it and find new ways to strengthen people's involvement in finding local...