UNDP in Yemen launched the “Restore the disrupted livelihoods of crisis-affected populations” component of the Yemen Stabilization Programme.

Aden, October 02, 2017 - United Nations Development Programme in Yemen launched the “Restore the disrupted livelihoods of crisis-affected populations” component within the framework of the Yemen Stabilization Programme.  The Stabilization Programme in Yemen is fubded by Government of Japan and it aims to...

Habil Japr
In Lahj, Village Cooperative Council (VCC) paving road for the community

Lesha’ab, is a 112-household village located at Habil Jabr District in Lahj Governorate, the neglected mountainous road made the access to village difficult and this was affecting the villagers negatively making it difficult to access to nearby town market and services. It is a hard life that communities are facing in...

YECRP 1st Year
First Year of Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project

Summary of the first year of Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project. Figures and achievements.

Aden Interviews
Yemen Stabilisation Programme launches its first phase of the Project “Restoration of livelihoods of affected populations” funded by Government of Japan

Aden, 23 August 2017: Aden is a test case for the concretization of post-conflict peace dividend and for the start of a post-conflict recovery phase. Yet the city’s socioeconomic, political and security conditions remain fragile and the State is struggling to improve security orders.  Aden and other non-active...

UNDP – World Bank Partnership is yielding results in war-torn Yemen

Escalating armed conflict since 2015 has dramatically worsened Yemen’s chronic poverty and fragility, creating a crisis of unprecedented magnitude in what was already the poorest country in the Arab region. In a country of 27 million people, tens of thousands have been killed or wounded and 3 million have been...

Enhanced Rural Resilience Consultation Workshops were conducted in Aden and Sana’a

Sana’a, 13 August 2017 - Coordination Unit of the Enhanced Rural Resilience In Yemen (ERRY) Joint Program ERRY Joint Programme, which is supported by EU, Conducted “The Consultation Workshop for ERRY Phase II” in order to provide feedback to the ERRY Joint Programme Mid Term Review and discuss on the proposed...

Solar Energy, Always Healthy

Four years of no electricity supplies has turned people’s life in Yemen upside down. Therefore, the incredible hunger for electricity makes you think that life revolves around the search for energy and little else.   Many small rural and public facilities in the country suffer from lack of energy supply, impeding...

Press Conference for UNDP Yemen Country Director, Mr. AukeLootsma, on the current crisis in #Yemen

@AukeLootsma, UNDP Yemen Country Director, reports on the current crisis in #Yemen & how we’re helping people affected by the #Crisis

Brings Life Back to a School in her Community, Mona, an Insider Mediator

In Al-Madan village, of Zabid district, a serious conflict had impacted on the young generation’s right to access to education especially for girls in that district. A disagreement has been raised  between one of female public school’s administration and students’ parents over the need for payment of a monthly...

From Depression into a Successful Banana Retailer

Due to the ongoing conflict, many young people in Yemen lost their jobs and businesses. In addition, many entrepreneurs around the country lost the vision of a better life for themselves and families. Mohammed Salem Al Dalak , a 27 – year –old young man from Lawdar District in Abyan Governorate, is one of those...

My neighborhood, Al-Nusairiah in Hajjah, is well protected from floods and easily accessible

“I got to the point of buying just about enough wheat flour for the day and night to feed my family and there were times when I couldn’t have the money to purchase just one kilo of wheat. I don’t have a fixed source of income and there are no jobs because of the ongoing crisis.”

nutrition video
Enhancing nutrition services & practices in Hodeidah

Enhancing nutrition services & practices in #Hodeidah - 13,487 cases of malnutrition for treatment @WorldBankMENA

European Union and UNDP support social protection for community resilience in Yemen

Brussels, 5 July 2017—The European Union (EU) confirms its commitment to Yemen by providing EUR 25 million (nearly USD 27 million) to support the vulnerable Yemeni people affected by the devastating conflict. The project, to be implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and local communities, will help struggling households to earn income to buy food and other essentials; keep some of the remaining healthcare facilities open and provide more psychosocial support to affected civilians.

Mukhtar AByan
Mukhtar Awadh: No longer in Despair

40,078 beneficiaries of 5,725 households reached/supported through resilience enhancement activities conducted by 4 UN organizations and 12 Implementing Partners in 18 rural districts across 4 ERRY jointly targeted governorates in Yemen.