the future

The Global Goals are a way for everyone to get involved
in creating the world we want by 2030.

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UNDP to coordinate UN-wide effort to build back better following powerful hurricanes
Tong Try, of UNDP Cambodia, has dedicated his entire career to ridding his country of landmines.
Putting human rights at the centre of HIV response
Life gave Víctor a second chance. He’s devoting it to surfing and environmental protection.
UNDP, FAO and UNITAR team up to help countries make food systems climate resilient
UNDP supports Oaxaca state after massive earthquake
70 percent of people in Benin have access to potable water. But this figure conceals major disparities between regions.
15 winners receive prestigious award at gala event
UNDP report: Addressing income disparities will be key to achieving the SDGs in sub-Saharan Africa

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Our mission

On the ground in about 170 countries and territories, UNDP works to eradicate poverty while protecting the planet. We help countries develop strong policies, skills, partnerships and institutions so they can sustain their progress.


Our impact


jobs created over the past three years in 98 countries


new voters registered in 41 countries


disaster risk reduction plans put in place in more than 50 countries


Take action

UNDP is committed to ending poverty once and for all. That’s why we work to get to the root causes of poverty and create lasting change. The good news is we have a plan. But we need your help to get the job done.


Become a donor

When we began our work five decades ago, one in three people worldwide lived in poverty. Now? Just one in eight. Let’s finish the job.


Fundraise for us

Join our team and fight poverty. When you fundraise for UNDP, you make a difference today and inspire better tomorrows. Let’s do this!



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It's the little things citizens do. That's what will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees.Wangari Maathai
Environmental activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner

UNDP Around the world