UNDP Hands Over 36 Canoes to the Communities in Identified Project Localities of EboTown, Old Jeshwang, Daranka, Bakindiki Koto and Kamalo

Aug 30, 2017

UNDP Resident Representative, Ms. Ade Mamonyane Lekoetje handing over canoes to women in identified Projects (Photo Credit : Cecilia Senghore/UNDP)

Under the project, “Enhancing resilience of vulnerable coastal areas and communities to the impact of climate change in the Gambia”, UNDP on 30th August handed over 36 canoes to identified communities within this project. 

This project was initiated in 2012, and became operational in 2014, the project is a tripartite partnership amongst the Government of the Gambia, UNDP and GEF. This project is funded by GEF to the tune of US$ 8.9 million with over US$ 1 million as UNDP Co-financing over the period 2014 to 2017. The objective of the project is to reduce The Gambia’s vulnerability to climate change, including sea-level rise and has three main components:

 Component 1 - Policy and institutional development for climate risk management in coastal zones; 
Component 2 – Physical Investments in coastal protection against climate change risks 
Component 3 – Strengthening livelihood of coastal communities at risk from climate change.

One of the outputs under the third outcome is aimed at enhancing fisheries activities in the Tanbi and Baobolong wetlands. Specific activities to achieve this output include the need to strengthen fishermen and Oyster collectors. Specifically, nine oyster collector groups and three fishing groups were targeted.  

A little over one year ago, precisely 11 August 2016, UNDP handed over 45 canoes to the five communities of Lamin, Kubuneh, Abuko, Wencho, Fajikunda and   three fishing boats to the three fishing communities of No-Kunda, Konteh-Kunda Niji and Jumansar-Ba. The remaining four communities of Ebotown, Old-Jeshwang, Daranka, and Kamalo were promised that they will be provided with similar equipment in 2017. Meanwhile, Bakindiki Koto in the NBR, has been added to the list of beneficiaries based on an identified felt need. 

In her handing over speech, the UNDP Resident Representative, Ms. Ade Mamonyane Lekoetje, said she feels proud to handover 36 canoes with accessories to the communities just named above as a fulfilment of the promise UNDP made in 2016. 

“UNDP recognizes this activity as one that goes towards building and strengthening the resilience of vulnerable communities to shocks, including climate change, and 
will go a long way in contributing to the attainment of food security, income generation and economic-independence for the communities concerned, particularly the women folk”.