Sommet du Bien Social 2016 - ALGÉRIE

Emission Radio Chaîne 2 -Radio Nationale Algérienne Berbérophone - 17 Septembre 2016


Dans le cadre des activités liées au Sommet du Bien Social 2016, sommet qui a lieu en marge de l'Assemblée Générale du 18 au 24 septembre 2016, le PNUD Algérie a animé une emission ce matin sur les ondes de la Chaine 2 de la Radio Algérienne en Tamazight sur les Objectifs du Développement Durable. Ce Sommet du Bien Social 2016, sommet qui a lieu en marge de l'Assemblée Générale du 18 au 24 septembre 2016, le PNUD Algérie a animé une emission ce matin sur les ondes de la Chaine 2 de la Radio Algérienne en Tamazight sur les Objectifs du Développement Durable.

Emission Radio Chaine 1 - Radio Nationale Algérienne Arabophone - 18 Septembre 2016


Ecoutez le passage ce matin sur les ondes de la Chaine 1 en langue Arabe de Mme Randa Aboul-Hosn, Représentante résidente adjointe du PNUD et de Mme Sana Al Attar, Chef de l'Unité du Bureau de la Coordination du SNU en Algérie pour débattre autour des Objectifs de Développement Durable. Cette manifestation entre dans le cadre de la semaine du Sommet du Bien Social 2016.…/2cce6a2b-3816-4f71-be52-59…

Fostering Female Political Leadership through Interactive Workshops - 19 - 22 Septembre 2016


In a warm but lively room at the Cultural House of Relizane, capital city of the same named region of Algeria (North-West of the country), 26 women elected to the local assemblies are listening attentively to the words of Ms Durant, former Vice-President of the European Parliament and current local deputy in a village not too far from Brussels. The Belgian politician, a role model for every woman wishing to make her way into politics, is explaining to her Algerian counterparts how to face the everyday challenges of being a woman within a field still dominated by men –Politics – through shelf-assertion, shrewdness, and good judgement, and this from a “participative democracy” approach. But this is not a master lecture: the women also interact with the lecturer and tell her their everyday issues as female politicians in a country where the political participation of women is relatively recent.

In another room right next to them, Ms Marta Nogareda, Professor in Political Sciences and Communication at the University of Madrid, is also teaching to other group of Algerian female representatives, through participatory exercises, the necessary skills and technics to overcome their fears when addressing to the public, either their potential voters or political rivals and peers.

However, these women from Relizane are not the only ones in Algeria in benefitting from the expertise of the European political specialists above mentioned. Neither do these training sessions represent a haphazard and isolated activity. In fact, roughly 400 elected women from other 8 Algerian regions or wilayas have already participated in these interactive workshops aiming at strengthening the capacities of women elected into the local assemblies.

This initiative is just one of the products of a wider and ambitious program conceived and implemented by UNDP Algeria under the title “Supporting the effective and sustainable participation of women in elected assemblies in Algeria”. Through this project, which is financed by Norway, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, UNDP Algeria together with its institutional partner the Ministry of the Interior and Local Governance, aims to reinforce the skills of Algerian elected women – particularly their leadership – in order to promote their role as a key decision maker, integrate the gender issues into Parliament, and foster a participative approach of the whole society in the everyday Politics of the country.