October 09, 2017

Reporter: New York Times "Gutted" 2004 Article That Exposed Harvey Weinstein's Use of Prostitutes and a Payoff to a Woman Alleging Abuse


Gatekeepers and throne-sniffers.

[I] simply gagged when I read Jim Rutenberg's sanctimonious piece [in the New York Times] on Saturday about the "media enablers" who kept this story from the public for decades.

"Until now," he puffed, "no journalistic outfit had been able, or perhaps willing, to nail the details and hit publish."

That’s right, Jim. No one -- including The New York Times.

In 2004, I was still a fairly new reporter at The New York Times when I got the green light to look into oft-repeated allegations of sexual misconduct by Weinstein....

I traveled to Rome and tracked down the man who held the plum position of running Miramax Italy. According to multiple accounts, he had no film experience and his real job was to take care of Weinstein's women needs, among other things.

As head of Miramax Italy in 2003 and 2004, Fabrizio Lombardo was paid $400,000 for less than a year of employment. He was on the payroll of Miramax and thus the Walt Disney Company, which had bought the indie studio in 1993.

I had people on the record telling me Lombardo knew nothing about film, and others citing evenings he organized with Russian escorts.

At the time, he denied that he was on the payroll to help Weinstein with favors....

I also tracked down a woman in London who had been paid off after an unwanted sexual encounter with Weinstein. She was terrified to speak because of her non-disclosure agreement, but at least we had evidence of a pay-off.

The story I reported never ran.

After intense pressure from Weinstein, which included having Matt Damon and Russell Crowe call me directly to vouch for Lombardo and unknown discussions well above my head at the Times, the story was gutted.

I was told at the time that Weinstein had visited the newsroom in person to make his displeasure known. I knew he was a major advertiser in the Times, and that he was a powerful person overall.

But I had the facts, and this was the Times. Right?

Wrong. The story was stripped of any reference to sexual favors or coercion and buried on the inside of the Culture section, an obscure story about Miramax firing an Italian executive. Who cared?

Meanwhile, the late-night clowns who I'm told are the New Conscience of the Nation aren't even mentioning their Democrat ally and patron Weinstein, and the very brave show Saturday Night Live cut its single joke about Weinstein just before staging the show for the public.

Half-Day Off: Because of my strong affinity for the Italian people (as well as the Spanish monarchy), i'm taking the day partly off. I'll just be posting links and the occasional open thread.

Posted by Ace at 01:07 PM Comments

The Morning Rant


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"So over the weekend I heard that some big-ass powerful Hollywood guy named Harvey Weinstein was suddenly fired from his job, removed from any position of power or influence, forced to confess to heinous and unspeakable crimes and now everybody is running away from him like they don't even know him. He'll never work in Hollywood again. What, did they find out he was a conservative?"

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Posted by OregonMuse at 11:34 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Open Thread


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A Morning Walk
John Singer Sargent

On his sports talk radio show this morning, Boomer Esiason spoke at length about the disconnect between the NFL players who sit/kneel during the National Anthem and display of our nation's flag, and the fans who are offended by their behavior.

When NYC sports radio personalities come down forcefully on the side of respecting the flag and against the behavior of some of the players, it is clear that the tide has shifted.

This chapter of the culture wars isn't over, but I think that the players made two huge mistakes; the first was allowing themselves to be manipulated by the hard left, and the second was choosing the easy, visible, and quite offensive method of disrespecting the flag and the anthem, and by extension the country. Had they stood respectfully, but after each game gave group interviews hammering their point (whatever that is) home to a willing media, they could have earned at least some respect from their fans. But that takes work and organization and dedication. It is much easier to spend two minutes, once each week on one's knees.

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report 10/9/17

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning kids. Another week and the big news about the big story from the end of last week is that Harvey Weinstein has been fired from the company that bears his name. Beyond the man's revolting politics and the trail of misery he left in his wake of perversion and sexual assault, what is equally perverse is the complete silence from the media whores and Democrats who both willingly took - and are keeping - his money while attacking anyone in Conservative circles for anything even remotely as salacious, real or imagined (mostly imagined). In speaking with my friend who had dealings with him, one thing that gets lost in the sauce is that Harvey's partner is his brother Bob. The two evidently had been butting heads, mostly because of Harvey's profligacy. Recall that Miramax is owned by Disney and it was Harvey's hubris and delusions of becoming bigger than Michael Eisner that led to the latter shit-canning him. And don't be surprised if it comes out that Bob was the one who instigated Harvey's demise. And that Bob himself has his own skeletons just beneath the surface.

We have a few things in the Chutz-pocrisy Dept. First, after VP Pence and his wife walked out on the Colts-Niners game the moment players were spotted kneeling for the anthem, Adam "pencil neck" Schiff and Brian "ovoid thumb" Stetler decried it as a stunt. This on the same day that we get conflicting reports that suddenly Colin Kaepernick will agree to stand for the anthem IF he gets signed by a team. Wow, what principles and commitment to fighting the institutional racism that keeps the black man down in Amerikka.

And then there's Bob Corker, the flunky, goniffing crook who abrogated his oath to uphold the Constitution by engineering a deal that all but guarantees the Iranians get the bomb in a few years. This f***ing guy, after all that, claims PDT's rhetoric is going to start World War 3. Wow. And then we learn that this miserable little worm begged the President to campaign for him, but when he was rightly rebuffed decided he needed to spend more time with the family rather than seek reelection. I hope Marsha Blackburn a) wins the seat and b) helps reverse the damage you and your ilk caused, Corker.

In other news, we have learned that a major terror plot in NYC has been thwarted, PDT has revealed a strong 70-point plan for immigration enforcement and border security, though allegedly it includes some sort of DREAMer deal, the Dems are now going full gun-grabber via the bump stock issue, and of all places Slim's Slimes has published an accurate info-graphic that puts what happened last week in perspective when compared to the abject slaughter taking place in America's inner cities.

Lastly HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY, where we recognize the man who opened up the New World to western civilization and helped stamp out the mostly peaceful savagery of the indigenous peoples who were killing, raping, pillaging, enslaving and generally slaughtering each other for thousands of years. Who knows how many lives he saved by the bravery of him and his men. G-d bless him, "capisce?"

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:12 AM Comments

Sunday Overnight Open Thread (10/8/17)

—Misanthropic Humanitarian


(We really do have a great country)


Quotes of The Day

Quote I

There's a lot of things great about life. But I think tomorrow is the most important thing. Comes in to us at midnight very clean, ya know. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday. John Wayne

Quote II

ISIS is not at our doorstep. Illegal immigrants are not only at our doorstep, but millions of them are already through the door, murdering far more Americans than ISIS ever will. Ann Coulter

Quote III

You send your kids off to college. They love you. You walk away with a Cornell mom T-shirt. You are walking away going this is great, and come Thanksgiving, your kid tells you that you are an imperialist and a racist and a homophobe. That is not worth $120,000. Andrew Breitbart

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:00 PM Comments

After Food Thread Open Thread

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

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A few things to ponder and/or discuss before The ONT or something better shows up.


The FBI (Federal Bureau of Incompetence) is interested in LV shooter's 200+ foreign transactions. Why is shady behavior always flagged after the event? Don't you feel better with the FBI looking into the matter?


Progressive Libtards always want to have a National Conversation. I nominate Kurt Schlichter to be my spokesman.

I don’t agree with liberals often, because I’m not an idiot and because I love America, but when they once again say, “We must have a conversation about guns!” I still couldn’t agree more. And, since all we’ve heard is you leftists shrieking at us all week, I’ll start it off.

You don’t ever get to disarm us. Not ever.

There. It sure feels good to engage in a constructive dialogue.

If they don't understand that, then a good Shut The F*ck Up should suffice.


If you have been away from your TV set, then you missed Chrissy Mathews latest dumb shit statement.

MSNBC host Chris Matthews on Thursday accused Republicans of being "fanatics" who support private ownership of tanks and bazookas.

"The Republican platform protects magazines. It protects AR-15s. It protects everything that is even discussed," Matthews said on his show "Hardball."

"They haven't gotten to this bump [stock] thing yet, this thing that changes the gun into an automatic," he said. "But they clearly—when they hear something's coming their way, they put it in their platform and say, ‘Leave it alone.'"

"They are fanatics. The Republican Party, as a party, is a fanatic party on guns," he added.

If you're going to run with the big dogs, you better learn how to lift your leg. “It was a slave camp,” McGahey said. “I can’t believe the court sent me there.”
One of America’s biggest poultry companies has carved out a pretty plum deal for itself — a partnership with a Christian rehab program that puts offenders to work on its production line for almost nada. An in-depth look by the Center for Investigative Reporting has found that participants in the court-ordered Oklahoma program (called CAAIR, short for Christian Alcoholics & Addicts in Recovery) have made Simmons Foods more than $11 million in revenue since 2010. The so-called “Chicken Farm” is sold to judges as a place where defendants serve one year doing meaningful real-world work while they recover from addiction.

Suck it up, Buttercup!

We all know the leftards can dish it out, but can't take it. Gay coffee shop owner becomes unglued when Christians enter his shop.
Don't hold your breath that the ACLU or some other wannabe civil rights outfit will come to the Christians defense.

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 06:25 PM Comments

Food Thread: Tomatoes And Baseball Both End In October: Coincidence, Or God's Plan?


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[photo courtesy of commenter westminsterdogshow]

We are rapidly approaching the void (not the baseball one, but that is a problem too), where most tomatoes are horror-shows of mealy-textured, flavorless simulacrums of the real thing. But until that horrible and depressing time arrives, I'm going full-tilt into the tomato world.

My favorite is sliced tomatoes with good mozzarella and a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I think it is the perfect expression of Italian cooking, and it doesn't make me feel like I am eating healthfully.

By the way, those tomatoes are home grown: Hillbilly, Kellogg Breakfast and Cherokee Purple. And westminsterdogshow is expecting snow on Monday, so she has had to build a temporary greenhouse for those lovely tomatoes!

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Posted by CBD at 04:00 PM Comments

Suppressors, Death Squads And Hearing Loss: Larry Correia "Fisks" An Attack On Guns


There are innumerable examples of the stunning ignorance, laziness and blind obeisance to liberal orthodoxy among the media when it comes to guns. Among the worst excesses of stupidity are any mention of full-auto, and today's topic: suppressors.

Here is Larry Correia knocking the snot out of "author Elizabeth Moon, who is an extremely good science fiction writer, but who apparently knows jack shit about guns. Which is kind of sad, since she was a Marine."

He is a witty and very caustic writer, which I like very much. And even though he has a bad case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), he is worth a read.

An Opinion on Suppressors and the Hearing Protection Act

Today’s topic is suppressors, also known as silencers, which are basically car mufflers but for guns. Some folks are having a giant hyperbolic come apart because Congress is thinking about making suppressors easier for people to own. Note, they are already perfectly legal to own, but the process to get one is convoluted and stupid. This law would just get rid of the convoluted and stupid part.

There are lots of excerpt-worthy paragraphs, so just read the his post and chuckle.

But...he made a mistake. A pretty basic one, so whoever identifies and corrects the mistake gets a Platinum membership with Troll-B-GonTM and ampersand utility.

Posted by CBD at 12:10 PM Comments

Sunday Morning Book Thread 10-08-2017


Library of Festetics Palace Keszthely Hungary.jpgLibrary of Festetics Palace, Keszthely, Hungary
(Click for slightly larger version)

Good morning to all you 'rons, 'ettes, lurkers, and lurkettes. Welcome once again to the stately, prestigious, internationally acclaimed and high-class Sunday Morning Book Thread, a weekly compendium of reviews, observations, and a continuing conversation on books, reading, and publishing by people who follow words with their fingers and whose lips move as they read. Unlike other AoSHQ comment threads, the Sunday Morning Book Thread is so hoity-toity, pants are required. Like those worn by this moron, who, technically, is in compliance with the Book Thread's dress code.

(h/t Hank Curmudgeon for the pants pic)

Pic Note

This is the library in the privately-owned Festetics Palace in Keszthely, Hungary that's being offered as a filming location.

911? Maybe Not

My one complaint about the book Dial 911 and Die: The Shocking Truth About the Police Protection Myth, promoted by 'Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership' is that there probably needs to be an updated edition. The publication date is 1999 and there's probably a wealth of new material that can be used and outdated information that can be replaced.

This intent of this book is to explode the "you don’t need a gun because the police protect you from crime."

Anti-gun lobbyists get away with proposing to completely disarm the citizens only because most citizens just assume the police will protect them. That assumption is false. The police cannot protect everyone -- in fact the police usually have no legal duty to protect anyone.

Dial 911 and Die proves this fact. For nearly every American state and territory, this book shows how the police owe no legal duty to protect individuals from crime. The police in most places do not even have to come when you call.

Gun prohibitionist lobbyists, politicians and media have sold Americans the myth of police protection. Schools teach youngsters to "Dial 911." There was a television program with "911" in the title. That phone number is perhaps the best known in the country. A generation of Americans has come to trust a telephone number for self-defense.

Now that firearms and gun control have come up again on our cultural radar, these issues should be revisited.

It was very disturbing when I found out, several years ago, that the police are under *no obligation* to protect me or my family. Court cases have decided this question, i.e. cities/police departments have been sued by victims of crimes for failure to protect, and their cases have been thrown out with the reasoning being something like "look, you can't expect the police to be there instantly to protect you from any and all possible crimes", which sounds reasonable. The police do not have unlimited power, and that's a good thing. But then the state should not be putting in obstacles in the way of firearms ownership for those of us who want to defend ourselves and our homes. Depending on where you live, you might be in a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-dont situation where the police aren't obligated to protect you, and you can't protect yourself due to local firearms laws (like if you're in Chicago).

It Pays To Increase Your Word Power®

To EXAUSPICATE is to do something lucklessly or with little good fortune.

Usage: 'Ette Jane D'oh had to go to a holiday dinner with all of her with liberal relatives and quickly became exauspicated.

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Posted by OregonMuse at 09:21 AM Comments

EMT 10/08/17


I'm pimping my brother's first book again, which is coming to you at no cost to you, this time with a new and improved cover.

If you like and buy his other stuff, please do leave a review. Apparently self-publishing on Amazon largely lives or dies based on reviews.

His new cover art raises an interesting question: How much of an influence does cover art have on you?

DIY update:

All materials have been purchased, with only minor damage to the pickup truck used.

Sunroom is now completely empty, and ready for me to pull up the existing flooring.

If you don't hear from me by next Saturday, I think you would be entirely within reason to assume the worst, which will either mean A: I have managed to commit a non-ritual hara-kiri with with a nail gun and/or prybar; or B: I haven't finished the project, so the wife has finished me.

Posted by krakatoa at 06:00 AM Comments

Saturday Overnight Open Thread (10/7/17) Point And Click Edition

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

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brought to you by babe ruth .jpg

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:08 PM Comments

Saturday Evening Movie Thread 10-07-2017 [Hosted By: TheJamesMadison]



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You people are cruel. 82% wanted me to do this. Well, I asked for it.

Assassin’s Creed

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When Assassin’s Creed was announced, I had some mild interest. I’ve played some of the games (beating the second one), and I had found them to be potentially good vehicles for an action movie franchise. When the director, Justin Kurzel, was announced, I became cautiously optimistic. I hadn’t seen it yet, but his adaptation of Macbethwas well regarded and looked visually impressive from the trailers (I’ve since seen it and found it to be very good). When the trailers for Assassin’s Creed started to come out, my enthusiasm wasn’t really enhanced. The visuals looked good enough, but what big budget action movie doesn’t these days?

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Then the reviews came in, and they were not kind. I saw the movie’s 18% score on Rotten Tomatoes, just like everyone else. It’s hard to go to the theater with a 3-year-old, so it wasn’t like the score kept me from the movie, but my assumption was that the movie probably wasn’t very good, but the zeitgeist had taken effect and the critics were overreacting. It was probably going to be somewhere between mediocre and okay.

I finally got my chance when the movie came to HBO on my very last day of having the service. So, I watched it.

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Posted by OregonMuse at 07:26 PM Comments

Saturday Afternoon Chess/Open Thread (Featuring Dress Pr0n) 10-07-2017


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"Come on, move already! I ain't got all day."

Good afternoon morons and moronettes, and welcome to the Saturday Afternoon Chess/Open Thread, the only AoSHQ thread with content specifically for all of us chess nerds who pay homage in the temple of Caïssa, goddess of the chessboard. Also, dress pr0n. Each week, I pick out a few lovely, modest, conservative dresses for the 'ettes to admire and appraise. And, for those of you who aren't nerdly enough for chess, you can use this thread to talk about checkers, or other games, or politics, or whatever you wish, only please try to keep it civil. Nobody wants to get in the middle of a pie fight on a Saturday afternoon, unless you like old-school madness and mayhem.

Problem 1 - Black To Play (587)

Hint: Black wins material

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2q3k1/5pp1/2n5/4p3/3P4/1Q3N2/4KP2/8 b - - 0 1


What about your chess GAINZZZ, brah?

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Posted by OregonMuse at 05:13 PM Comments

Ace of Spades Pet Thread

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

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(Working Group: Wrench Dog)


Hi. Thanks for stopping by. Take a little time out from your busy schedule and enjoy a thing or two about animals.

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 03:04 PM Comments

Saturday Gardening Thread: The harvest is on now! [KT]

—Open Blogger


Hello, gardeners and friends of gardeners. It was the Harvest Moon last night. Harvesting is on! Planting is also on in a few places. Desert denizens, now is YOUR big season! Planting anything now? Got any planting planned?

As you can see above, Gordon has been busy pickling beets. From last week's comment thread, JQ had some great recommendations for gardening and food preservation information from extension agencies. Pat* and Shanks for the memory had great reports. Scroll down.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 01:14 PM Comments

Back in the USSR [KT]

—Open Blogger


Thought about learning some Russian?

Hello, Horde. Hope your Saturday is going well. I have some sad news from afar. The man who saved the world has died. I likely owe my life to a split-second decision by a man named Stanislav Petrov. The Economist is the source of this obituary:

"The base" was the secret Serpukhov-15 early-warning facility, near Moscow. He had worked there--since graduation, with top honours, from the Radio-Technical College in Kiev--monitoring surveillance by Oko satellites of the missile launch areas of the United States. Its core was a room of 200 computer operators over which, when he was on duty, he would preside from a glassed-in mezzanine office. On one wall of the computer room, an electronic world map lit up the American launch areas: six of them, with a total of 1,000 missiles aimed at the USSR. Just above his eye level, a wall's-width screen glowed a dull red. If nothing appeared on it, all was well. . .

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Posted by Open Blogger at 11:48 AM Comments

Saturday Morning Weird News Dump

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

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5. Pee


Good Saturday morning. Not sure where this past week has gone. But Woot-Woot it's the weekend. Here are just a few news items that didn't get their due here at the AoSHQ.

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:53 AM Comments

EMT 10/07/17


DIY week starts now.

Replacing the aluminum floor (don't ask) in the sunroom. New subfloor, insulation, and waterproof laminate suitable for a playroom for the tyke.

Then, fixing my mom's roof.

Love that I get to use vacation time for relaxing.


Posted by krakatoa at 06:00 AM Comments

Friday Night Ont: Sunshine and Happiness Edition


Friday Night. End of the week and you know what? I'm not going to cover anything serious. This ONT is to other AoS posts as USA Today is to serious news. Unicorns and rainbows and puppy gifs are the order of the day. In fact, lets start with a doggie infographic:

Right click and select “open in a new window” for full size version. Source.

Continue reading

Posted by WeirdDave at 09:55 PM Comments

Hillary Clinton: I Screamed Into a Pillow Over the Shock of Losing



In other news:

Gay coffee shop owner demands Christians, who had been dropping anti-gay pamphlets near his shop, but not in it, leave his store. Also says that he'll "F*** some guy in the a**" in front of them and make them watch.

Serve the coffee, bigot.

The ratings for late-night clowns keep falling, with alleged Consciences of the Nation now crowing about having ratings pretty much the same as Sean Hannity's. And yet I don't see Politico and other "news" outlets dutifully running Hannity's clips as "news."

Robert Tracinzsky says that they might not be losing viewers because they've gotten too political, but rather, might have gotten too political because they've lost so many viewers.

I've speculated about this myself in the past -- if you're losing customers, one possibly play is to narrowcast just to a small subset of customers and make them as fanatically loyal as possible. If you can't deliver entertainment to the masses, try selling religion to a cult.

It's a smaller market, but prior cult leaders have proven that you can bleed a lot of cash and sexual favors out of cultists.

The NFL shows continued loss of viewers throughout almost every single demographic in week 4.

Again, as their ratings fall, they might find that it makes more sense to get out of the sports entertainment business and more into a hybrid sports/political religion business.

If you missed it, Mike Rowe's words about what you can find comfort in in the aftermath of depraved evil are worth reading.

Gloria Allred is very disappointed to see her daughter whoring herself out for Hollywood favors.

And, Matthew Continetti has a good piece on the media's end of all pretense.

They, too, have given up on attempting to deliver news to the general public, and now content themselves to publish deranged, conspiracy-filled cult newsletters.

Open thread. Have a great three day (maybe) weekend!

Posted by Ace at 07:11 PM Comments

The White Male Consciences of the Nation: Nation's Beloved Leftwing Late Night Clowns Somehow Omit Any Commentary on the Story of the Day, Harvey Weinstein


John Sexton notes that the Hollywood Reporter actually reports on Harvey Weinstein's massive donations and bundling for Democrats like Schumer, Hillary, and Obama.

Good on them.

Yet, the nation's all-white male crew of Consciences of the Nation didn't see fit to even mention their Hollywood buddy's adventures in sexual harassment.

Larry O'Connor recalls Nina Burleigh's offer to give Bill Clinton a blowjob, and her suggestion that all American women ought to similarly get out their "presidential kneepads" to thank Clinton for keeping abortion legal, and notes that rich government and media liberals simply have more rights than the proles.

He also suggests that lunatic progressive feminists like Ashley Judd maybe can't bring themselves to condemn a fellow liberal, so they transfer their hatred to a less career-threatening target, namely, Republicans:

Ashley Judd, the most famous victim of Weinstein’s predatory behavior, is an ardent pro-choice feminist activist who led the rally of the “resistance” pink hat march on Washington in January by proclaiming she was a “Naaaaaaaaaasty woman” and went on to speculate about the president’s nocturnal emissions while fantasizing about his own daughter. It was some sick stuff that left many wondering to themselves “Wow, what happened to Ashley Judd?”

Now we know what happened to her. Harvey Weinstein happened to her. And at the time, according to the Times report, as she was being preyed upon by a bathrobe-clad Weinstein begging for a massage or for her to watch him shower (talk about Sophie’s Choice) Judd’s over-riding concern was not “alienating Harvey Weinstein” while escaping his Cosby-esque advances.

Has she channeled that anger and humiliation and fear at the industry that allowed it? Or at the man and his multi-million dollar corporation that enabled it? No. Her real enemies are Republicans. Don’t you get it?

Posted by Ace at 05:30 PM Comments

Investigators Wonder if Vegas Psychopath Had Visitors to His Sniper Suite


The investigators are puzzled by two discoveries: First, a charger was found that does not match any of the cellphones that belonged to the gunman, Stephen Paddock.

And second, garage records show that during a period when Paddock's car left the hotel garage, one of his key cards was used to get into his room.


They are also examining his finances. IRS records show that Paddock was a successful gambler, earning at least $5 million in 2015. Some of that could be from other investments, but most of it was from gambling, officials say.

I wonder if that claim of $5 million in gambling revenue comes from just his IRS filings or from casino filings. Maybe the latter, certainly; I know above a certain level of winnings, the casino has to report the payout.

But if one claimed a series of sub-threshold winnings... well, one could claim that illegal money from some unknown source was just "gambling winnings."

Maybe something; probably nothing.

Posted by Ace at 04:36 PM Comments

Harvey Weinstein Didn't Just Buy and Own the Official Democrat Party -- He Also Bought and Owned the Unofficial One, the Media


The High Priests of Truth. And shabby bribery and graft.

I have been having conversations about Harvey Weinstein's history of sexual harassment for more than 17 years.

The conversations started when I was a young editorial assistant at Talk, the magazine he financed, in 1999; back then it was with young people, friends -- women and men -- who worked for him, at Miramax, and told tales of hotel rooms, nudity, suggestion, and coercion, and then of whispered payoffs, former assistants who seemingly dropped off the face of the Earth.


In my mid-20s, I became a reporter and fact checker at the New York Observer, and part of my beat was covering the film business in New York. The night before the 2000 election, I was working on a story -- perhaps my first seriously reported story -- about O, the violent reimagining of Othello that Miramax's Dimension division was then sitting on, perhaps out of deference to the cringey clean-media message of the Al Gore–Joe Lieberman campaign, which Weinstein was publicly supporting; already there was talk of Weinstein's ambitions in Democratic politics. After Weinstein failed to respond to my calls for comment, I was sent, on Election Eve 2000, to cover a book party he was hosting, along with my colleague Andrew Goldman.

Weinstein didn’t like my question about O, there was an altercation; though the recording has alas been lost to time, I recall that he called me a cunt and declared that he was glad he was the "fucking sheriff of this fucking lawless piece-of-shit town." When my colleague Andrew (who was also then my boyfriend) intervened, first calming him down and then trying to extract an apology, Weinstein went nuclear, pushing Andrew down a set of steps inside the Tribeca Grand -- knocking him over with such force that his tape recorder hit a woman, who suffered long-term injury -- and dragging Andrew, in a headlock, onto Sixth Avenue.

Such was the power of Harvey Weinstein in 2000 that despite the dozens of camera flashes that went off on that sidewalk that night, capturing the sight of an enormously famous film executive trying to pound in the head of a young newspaper reporter, I have never once seen a photo. Back then, Harvey could spin -- or suppress-- anything; there were so many journalists on his payroll, working as consultants on movie projects, or as screenwriters, or for his magazine.

Right now the media is trying to pretend sugar wouldn't melt in its mouth.

Be highly suspicious of their sudden Pin the Scandal on the Democrats positioning -- they wouldn't do that unless they had to sacrifice the official Democrat Party to deflect blame from the unofficial Democrat Party, themselves.

Posted by Ace at 02:12 PM Comments

Hurricane Harvey Makes Landfall in Democrat Party


Former Obama Adviser Anita Dunn helped Harvey Weinstein strategize his response to the sexual harassment exposee.

Anita Dunn, a top Obama campaign staffer and former White House communications director, helped offer damage control advice for the Hollywood mogul....

Dunn was not paid by Weinstein for her help, according to one of the people familiar with the matter. But she did offer her PR advice, including in regards to a Sept. 23 Times story written by Megan Twohey. The story, about a controversy over Weinstein's work with AIDS charity amfAR, was thought to be a precursor to the big investigation posted on Thursday.

Sources said that Lanny Davis, former special counsel to Bill Clinton, has been central to the PR effort for Weinstein, who is a major Democratic donor. Dunn, for her part, is the managing director of SKDKnickerbocker, a Washington public affairs firm with deep ties to Democratic politics. She was communications director for Obama’s 2008 campaign and served briefly in his administration.

Harvey Weinstein's lawyer gave $10,000 to Manhattan DA after the DA failed to file sexual harassment charges against him. Oh. How cozy.

Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer delivered $10,000 to Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. in 2015, in the months after Vance’s office decided not to prosecute Weinstein over sexual assault allegations, according to an International Business Times review of campaign finance documents. That contribution from attorney David Boies --- who previously headlined a fundraiser for Vance — was a fraction of the more than $182,000 that Boies, his son and his law partners have delivered to the Democrat during his political career.

Boies has done legal work for Weinstein since at least 2005, and his website at his law firm says his clients include The Weinstein Company.

David Boies was Gore's recount lawyer. Apparently he's been a big cash-money bestest friend of the DA who presides over the jurisdiction where a lot of his other Democrat friends live. That must all work out nicely for them.

Even CNN's partisan retard Chris Cillizza grasps that this is all a problem for Democrats. Not even a "Republicans pounce" headline. (Yet.)

And it's hard to see how Obama and the Clintons -- Weinstein is a long time pal of Bill and Hillary -- can avoid putting out statements condemning him for his behavior. That's especially true since Weinstein isn't really denying the Times story; he's threatening a lawsuit simply saying the news organization didn't give him enough time to respond.

But there's more to this story than simply issuing statements condemning Weinstein or returning his now-tainted money. These paragraphs from the Times story gets to that broader point:

"In interviews, some of the former employees who said they had troubling experiences with Mr. Weinstein asked a common question: How could allegations repeating the same pattern — young women, a powerful male producer, even some of the same hotels — have accumulated for almost three decades?

"'It wasn't a secret to the inner circle,' said Kathy DeClesis, Bob Weinstein's assistant in the early 1990s. She supervised a young woman who left the company abruptly after an encounter with Harvey Weinstein and who later received a settlement, according to several former employees."

Then there's this from New York magazine's Rebecca Traister: "I have been having conversations about Harvey Weinstein's history of sexual harassment for more than 17 years."

It seems like Weinstein's boorish behavior -- to put it mildly -- was an open secret in the circles he ran in. The prevailing sentiment when the New York Times published its piece was not "WOW!" but rather "Finally!"

That's important. If everyone around Weinstein knew about his inappropriate conduct around women, why were so many Democratic politicians willing to pal around with him and/or accept his money?

Posted by Ace at 12:49 PM Comments

The Morning Rant


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"Do you know what stupid is? Stupid is continually telling a large portion of the population that they're the cause of all social problems, you hate them, they're Literally Hitler and you wish them dead. And then telling them oh by the way, please give up your guns."

"I'll take 'Bad Ideas' for $600, Alex."

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Really? I mean, come on, what was Obama thinking? it's not like the stories weren't out there.

Continue reading

Posted by OregonMuse at 11:32 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Open Thread


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The Flatiron
Edward J. Steichen

Well, I'm cheating...a little. Anyone know why? I sure didn't until I looked into it a bit.

Coincidentally, last night I ate at a nice restaurant just a few blocks from this building. Great booze list...it must have had 100 different Scotch Whisky choices.

It's in a part of NYC that is still quite appealing. Bloomberg's Disneyland fetish didn't extend quite this far.

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report 10/6/17

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning kids. The end of an absolutely horrific week. Still in the lead is the Las Vegas massacre, both the investigation as well as the political fallout. Judging from only the released information from the authorities about what the girlfriend has said, we have at best an incomplete picture and some very troubling circumstantial evidence. He possessed the same explosive that was used in the jihadist bombing in NYC last year, he had targeted mass events in both Chicago and Boston and ISIS is still claiming he converted to Islam and is one of their own. Amazing how almost one year after the 2016 election, the Left and its Deep State operatives are still investigating Russian collusion but within seconds of the Vegas shooter being taken out had ruled out any involvement with Islamist or Anti-Trump Leftist terrorism.

Politically, the Left is dancing on the still warm corpses of the victims, who while they were alive were vilified as bitter-clinger Nazi Jesus freaks who want to turn America into the Handmaid's Tale. They were oddly silent after the Durbin-linked, Democrat-inspired assassin mowed down Steve Scalise and others at a GOP softball practice. Now, of course, we must do something because, as usual, the GOP and NRA have blood on their hands! The Left knows that to call for the abolishing of the Second Amendment is political suicide, so like the sneaky cancerous Alinskyite vermin they are, they go after it bit by bit, incrementally. That is why the bump-stock ban should be opposed tooth and nail. Sadly, it seems that PDT is signaling a cave on this when in fact, as I raved yesterday, logic, facts and reason should be used to shut this crap down once and for all, especially considering that the overwhelming majority of gun owners in this country have the President's back. As you ponder that, I will leave you with excellent monologues from Limbaugh and Levin. If anyone in the GOP would speak even one scintilla as cutting and sarcastic as Limbaugh and as fiery as Levin, this crap would not even get started. But, GOP-e.

In other news, Harvey "Pervey" Weinstein is in some deep doo-doo. And because politics is always downstream from culture, the who's-who of major Democrats are scrambling like mad to distance themselves from him and are giving back the tens of thousands of dollars he has donated to them. As of now, Obama's daughter is still working for Weinstein but I expect she will be ankling there quickly and quietly if she has not done so already. Meh, the Propaganda Media will provide air cover, for sure. A dear friend of mine who has done business with Weinstein (and who shall remain nameless for obvious reasons) joked with me and said, "if Harvey had any kind of balls, he'd offer the Times $5 million to buy the rights to the story and then cast Anthony Hopkins or Geoffrey Rush to play him!"

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:27 AM Comments

Thank You Sir, Can I Have Another ONT?


Howdy everybody, welcome to the Thursday ONT. This one may be shorter than usual, my youngest son got his first rank in Scouts and the ceremony was tonight. I hope he sticks with it to Eagle, one of my big regrets is that I didn't. I had completed every single requirement for the rank except for my service project. I was going to do that in the fall, but that summer I got interested in girls and dropped scouting. * sigh * I'm probably the only man in history to fail to achieve something due to the overwhelming power of boobs.


Continue reading

Posted by WeirdDave at 09:58 PM Comments

Millennial Invention: A Safe Space Where Pajama Boys Can Nap and Mediate at Work


As one wag noted: "This is a tent. You invented a fucking tent."

Okay, now that is definitely dumb.

But can you answer me this -- why am I so mesmerized by the idea of a Zen Booth, which is just a phone booth with some sound insulation, which costs a fortune?

I dunno. But I want one.

I think it's just the name. Sometimes all you need is a good title.

Okay, so let's say I build a sound-insulated booth with, get this, some oxygen tanks on the back so you can oversaturate the oxygen in it.

And let's say I call it the OxyPod. Wait, no -- the OxyBox. No -- BOXYEGEN!!!

The thing would cost a bloody fortune (plus refilling oxygen tanks is expensive), but you think I could trick Silicon Valley WorkSpace Designers (or whatever they call themselves) into buying a few dozen?

Also, Boobs are in fashion as far as cable news controversy again.

They're never out of fashion, though, are they?


Open thread! Happy Thursday night!

Posted by Ace at 08:07 PM Comments

Harvey Weinstein, Continued


I've been delaying this because there's a lot of stuff coming out and I had wanted to put it into some kind of coherent narrative.

But I can't think of a coherent narrative, and I need to put this up, so I'm just going to link stuff.

The Allegations

Ashley Judd in 2015 complained of a major studio exec making various "grooming" attempts on her and then asking her if she would watch him shower.

This article dates from before any public accusations were made against Weinstein.

The ultimate thing when I was weaseling out of everything else was, "Will you watch me take a shower?" And all the other women, sitting around this table with me, said, "Oh my god--that's what he said to me too."

The New York Times says several women complained of similar maneuverings:

In interviews, eight women described varying behavior by Mr. Weinstein: appearing nearly or fully naked in front of them, requiring them to be present while he bathed or repeatedly asking for a massage or initiating one himself. The women, typically in their early or middle 20s and hoping to get a toehold in the film industry, said he could switch course quickly -- meetings and clipboards one moment, intimate comments the next. One woman advised a peer to wear a parka when summoned for duty as a layer of protection against unwelcome advances.

Rose McGowan reached an out-of-court settlement with Weinstein for $100,000. She declined to comment for the Times story. I imagine the settlement requires silence on her part.

Today, though, she tweeted this:

The Media Cover-Up and Liberal Bias

From the New York Times piece, Weinstein was untouchable partly because of his Nice Guy Greg liberal posturing:

During that time, after being confronted with allegations including sexual harassment and unwanted physical contact, Mr. Weinstein has reached at least eight settlements with women, according to two company officials speaking on the condition of anonymity. Among the recipients, The Times found, were a young assistant in New York in 1990, an actress in 1997, an assistant in London in 1998, an Italian model in 2015 and Ms. O’Connor shortly after, according to records and those familiar with the agreements....

In 2015, the year Ms. O'Connor wrote her memo [describing a "toxic atmosphere" for women in the company[, his company distributed “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about campus sexual assault. A longtime Democratic donor, he hosted a fund-raiser for Hillary Clinton in his Manhattan home last year. He employed Malia Obama, the oldest daughter of former President Barack Obama, as an intern this year, and recently helped endow a faculty chair at Rutgers University in Gloria Steinem’s name. During the Sundance Film Festival in January, when Park City, Utah, held its version of nationwide women’s marches, Mr. Weinstein joined the parade.

Didn't people in the media know, given that Weinstein was, you know, a notorious figure in the media?

CNN really rakes him over the coals by declaring... "it's complicated"??!!

And let's not forget -- this is being described as an ages-old "open secret" that everyone knew about.

So what's with all the Democrats sucking him off for donations?

Remember Lisa Bloom? Well, she was shootin'-mad about Trump's pussy-grabbing comments and the various accusers who suddenly accused him in peak election cycle.

So I guess it's no surprise that she's representing some of Harvey Weinstein's accusers.

Wait a minute -- I mean she's representing Harvey Weinstein himself and defending him, offering up the same "dinosaur in an age of mammals" bullshit he did.

See, she talked with him. Had a real good "rap session" with him, as the kids said back in 1994:

I wonder if this has anything to do with anything else:

The Possiblity of Collateral Damage:

Did Harvey Weinstein do this while his company was owned by Disney? And will they now be on the hook for additional lawsuits?

The unsubstantiated rumors of Weinstein pawing women have swirled for decades. What will be worth watching now is whether this story starts an avalanche of other women telling similar stories after long swallowing shameful approaches. That is what happened in the cases of Ailes, Bill Cosby, O’Reilly and most recently the geek film blogger Harry Knowles. All were banished. Since the sexual harassment allegations listed by The New York Times go back decades, that covers the period when Miramax was owned by Disney under Michael Eisner. There might also be scrutiny of what that corporation did, whether Disney was aware of this pattern of behavior and how it was handled.

The Denial, the Defense, the Lawsuits, and the PR Pushback

Harvey Weinstein plays the Liberal in Good Standing Card, aka The Joss Whedon Chewbacca Defense, and says that he's stepping aside from his company, but will appease liberals by working full-time against The Real Villains Here, the NRA:

Well, he won't quite be working full-time against the NRA -- he'll also be suing the New York Times. But don't worry, he's playing the Nice Guy Greg Defense there too -- he says that should he prevail in his lawsuit, he'll donate all monies awarded to "women's organizations."

He's suing for $50 million, according to "sources."

Weinstein has hired Charles J. Harder — the LA attorney who brought down Gawker after winning a $140 million verdict for Hulk Hogan after the site posted a sex tape — to go after the Times, which posted its blistering exposé on the Oscar-winning Hollywood mogul Thursday.

Harder said in a statement on behalf of Weinstein, exclusively given to Page Six, “The New York Times published today a story that is saturated with false and defamatory statements about Harvey Weinstein. It relies on mostly hearsay accounts and a faulty report, apparently stolen from an employee personnel file, which has been debunked by 9 different eyewitnesses. We sent the Times the facts and evidence, but they ignored it and rushed to publish. We are preparing the lawsuit now. All proceeds will be donated to women’s organizations.”

$50 million buys almost 100 Hillary Clinton speeches, so that's real money.

Posted by Ace at 06:30 PM Comments

West Point Was Warned About Its Marxist Infiltrator's Anti-America Bile Before Graduation; Graduated Him Anyway


Obama's Army.

Here's one senior officer's report on him, expressing his vehement objection to permitting this Marxist infiltrator to lead American troops.

Link Fixed.

Posted by Ace at 04:50 PM Comments

NRA Calls for ATF To Consider New Regulation on Bump Stocks


Kinda predictable.

The National Rifle Association, in its first statement on the Las Vegas shooting and in a rare break from its traditional opposition to gun-related regulations, called Thursday for a federal review of so-called bump stocks and suggested new rules might be needed for the device apparently used by the shooter in Sunday’s massacre.

"The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations," the NRA said in a written statement....

The Obama administration’s ATF gave its seal of approval to selling the devices in 2010 after concluding that they did not violate federal law. On Thursday, the NRA called on the ATF to review that assessment.

"In Las Vegas, reports indicate that certain devices were used to modify the firearms involved," the NRA said. "Despite the fact that the Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions, the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law."

Interestingly, they don't call for a new law to ban or regulate these items, and it has to be remembered that Obama's ATF examined whether existing federal law gave them the power to regulate bump stocks, and they decided it didn't.

If the ATF under Obama found that its pen and phone authority did not reach that far, well then, by golly, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say their authority actually does not reach that far.

I don't see what principled reason could cause a deviation from that first finding -- either the law empowered the federal agency to make a rule in this area, or it didn't. A new fact (There was a massacre) and a new political input (the NRA's okay with it) should not change the more important fact that the law does not grant the administrative agency rule-making power in this area.

So is this a fake-out? Or does the NRA fear a new rule less than a new law (which, presumably, could be read to grant other powers of regulation, by unscrupulous progressive bureaucrats (which is to say, almost all of them))?

Posted by Ace at 03:39 PM Comments

Awans' Lawyer: Our Clients Were Ordered to Falsify Records by Democratic Congressmen


How does Luke Rozniak keep scooping the MSM on these stories?

Oh right, he's actually covering them instead of covering them up.

House Democrats ordered the systematic falsification of records showing how they spend their taxpayer-provided office budgets, according to lawyers for two former House information technology (IT) aides.

It's a remarkable accusation that pits sitting lawmakers against the former aides, Imran Awan, his brothers Abid and Jamal, and his wife Hina Alvi....

One of Imran’s lawyers, Aaron Page, acknowledged the invoicing discrepancy Aug. 21, telling The Daily Caller News Foundation, "This is just how things have been done for forever. This is what experienced members of Congress expect: to expedite things, they adjust the pricing."

If members or senior staff instructed IT aides to misrepresent how budgets were spent, that could potentially explain why officials have not charged the Awans with crimes related to procurement, even a full year after House authorities gathered documentation showing invoices that claimed expensive technological items cost $499 instead of their true price: potentially an open-and-shut violation.

"The only reason you’re not seeing charges is because the Democrats who employed him are not cooperating," a senior Republican congressional official with direct knowledge of the probe told TheDCNF last month.

Posted by Ace at 02:37 PM Comments

Harvey Weinstein About to be Socked With Sexual Harassment Claims


This guy? A sexual harasser?

I just don't see it.

Story at Variety.

Harvey Weinstein has hired a high-powered team of attorneys to push back on soon-to-be-published bombshell stories from the New York Times and the New Yorker detailing sexual allegations and improper workplace behavior against him. Some women making the charges are believed to be on-the-record.

Weinstein has retained star litigator David Boies, as well as attorneys Lisa Bloom and Charles Harder in an effort to rebut the claims. Jodi Kantor, an investigative reporter who wrote about harsh working conditions at Amazon, is working on the story for the Times, along with Megan Twohey. Ronan Farrow, the former MSNBC host, is doing the story for the New Yorker, according to multiple individuals with knowledge of the situation. One individual said Farrow had shopped the story for awhile including to NBC.

In a brief interview on Wednesday, Weinstein declined to comment on the charges.

He's also said to be hiring Lanny Davis to craft a PR defense. David Boies was Gore's lawyer in the 2000 recount.

They stick together, don't they?

Posted by Ace at 01:14 PM Comments

The Morning Rant


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"Why is the FBI always so quick to say there's 'no evidence' that a shooter had connections to Islamic terrorism? And why is there never 'no evidence' that he was a right wing Tea Party militia guy wearing a MAGA hat? That's a question that they always seem to leave open."

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Continue reading

Posted by OregonMuse at 11:32 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Open Thread


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Reflections Of A Hungry Man
Emilio Longoni

He was a minor artist, but this piece stood out. It's not particularly subtle, but there is something quite appealing about it.

I had a conversation (with a Moron!) yesterday that echoed in my mind. As a free people, what can we do to minimize the chaos inherent in freedom? The answer is: not much. The concept of the perfectibility of Man is laughable, so the only thing left is the iron fist of government, and that was rejected 240 years ago by some very smart people.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.
Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report 10/5/17

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning kids. As we head into Thursday, bits and pieces of the motive for the Las Vegas massacre are starting to trickle out. The sheriff has openly suggested that there may have been more than just one shooter, the girlfriend has claimed she has no idea that he was going to do what he did and supposedly he targeted the aviation fuel tanks that were adjacent to the concert grounds. You'll be happy to know that our fearless media has uncovered the motive: the shooter was white.

Of course, the grandstanding hacks and moral midgets in DC are going for the guns; most shockingly (or not, really, when you think about it) some in the GOP are going wobbly as well. What-the-actual-F**K; I mean, here we are, with majorities in both houses and holding the Oval Office, a political third rail to end all third rails, science, statistics, reason, history, the friggin' US Constitution and 200 million legal, responsible gun owners to back us up and McYertle meat-puppet John Cornyn is stuttering and muttering about a possible bump-stock ban. For the love of all that is righteous and good, will no one who is putatively on our side in the Senate or Congress rise and shut these tyrants up once and for all? You've sold us out on healthcare, the budget, prosecuting the IRS and other bureaucratic tyrants and laughing at us while you do it. But on the Second Amendment, is it too much to ask to reject the propaganda and fight?! I guess it is.

There is other news. In brief, and just as maddening, some sea-slug with the intellectual agility of a soap dish named Richard Burr, who heads the Senate committee investigating the Russia collusion hoax declared that despite the lack of any sort of evidence, they're still going to investigate Russian collusion. Senator, please understand that the entire investigation is based on a fabricated dossier. Spurious, phony, fake, fraudulent, made up. And still, you persisted.

Well at least we have Lindsay Graham and Dick Durbin cuddling and cooing together and ready to push for the return of the full DREAM Act. And we can also cheer on our betters in Congress because for the 60th straight year, the national debt has increased!

On a sad note, we also note the deaths of three special forces soldiers who were ambushed while on ops in Niger. Sadly, your lives were sacrificed for the likes of Colin Kaepernick and Black Lives Matter who would have no qualms about defecating on your graves.

Lastly, this is a few days old but I felt compelled to include it; two hideous degenerates from Massachusetts, disguised as Congressmen, Katherine Clark and Seth Moulton did not respect the moment of silence in the House for the victims of the Las Vegas massacre. Instead of trying to describe the flavor of my bile as it rises in my throat, it will be noted that this Moulton bastard has aspirations for the Democrat nomination in 2020. The ads will write themselves, and let's just leave it at that before I have to ban-hammer myself.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:14 AM Comments

Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (10/4/17)

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

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(Wonder if the malcontents can kneel on water?)


Quotes of The Day

Quote I

No bloody or unbloody change of society can eradicate the evil in man: as long as there will be men, there will be malice, envy and hatred, and hence there cannot be a society which does not have to employ coercive restraint. Leo Strauss

Quote II

The capacity of the human mind for swallowing nonsense and spewing it forth in violent and repressive action has never yet been plumbed. Robert A. Heinlein

Quote III

Socialism of any type leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a leveling of mankind into death. Alexander Solzhenitsyn

We have some special people in the Armed Forces. Amputee plans on rejoining the Air Force.

When August O’Niell, a member of an elite special forces group, woke up from routine surgery, it only took one look at his mother’s face to tell something went horribly wrong.

She was with the doctor. “Are you awake? Are you able to talk now?” the doctor asked. “I have woken you up halfway through the surgery. There was so much scar tissue …”

O’Niell had already endured 19 grueling surgeries in the three-and-a-half years since a rifle round mangled his leg while he was on deployment in Afghanistan. He woke up hoping this 20th surgery would finally allow him to have a functional knee. But he quickly learned his left leg would never fully function again.

Continue reading

Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:08 PM Comments

538 Statistician: "I Used to Think Gun Control Was the Answer. My Research Told Me Otherwise."


America's Garbage Pile newspaper, the Washington Post, only lets you view a few of their dreck stories every month. Which is fine, because there are so few worth reading.

However, this is a new month, and you probably have a few free reads to your credit. If so, use one to read the only worthwhile story they're likely to publish this month.

Before I started researching gun deaths, gun-control policy used to frustrate me. I wished the National Rifle Association would stop blocking common-sense gun-control reforms such as banning assault weapons, restricting silencers, shrinking magazine sizes and all the other measures that could make guns less deadly.

Then, my colleagues and I at FiveThirtyEight spent three months analyzing all 33,000 lives ended by guns each year in the United States, and I wound up frustrated in a whole new way. We looked at what interventions might have saved those people, and the case for the policies I’d lobbied for crumbled when I examined the evidence. The best ideas left standing were narrowly tailored interventions to protect subtypes of potential victims, not broad attempts to limit the lethality of guns.

I researched the strictly tightened gun laws in Britain and Australia and concluded that they didn’t prove much about what America's policy should be. Neither nation experienced drops in mass shootings or other gun related-crime that could be attributed to their buybacks and bans. Mass shootings were too rare in Australia for their absence after the buyback program to be clear evidence of progress. And in both Australia and Britain, the gun restrictions had an ambiguous effect on other gun-related crimes or deaths.

When I looked at the other oft-praised policies, I found out that no gun owner walks into the store to buy an "assault weapon." It’s an invented classification that includes any semi-automatic that has two or more features, such as a bayonet mount, a rocket-propelled grenade-launcher mount, a folding stock or a pistol grip. But guns are modular, and any hobbyist can easily add these features at home, just as if they were snapping together Legos.

As for silencers -- they deserve that name only in movies, where they reduce gunfire to a soft puick puick. In real life, silencers limit hearing damage for shooters but don’t make gunfire dangerously quiet. An AR-15 with a silencer is about as loud as a jackhammer. Magazine limits were a little more promising, but a practiced shooter could still change magazines so fast as to make the limit meaningless.

As my co-workers and I kept looking at the data, it seemed less and less clear that one broad gun-control restriction could make a big difference.

She talks about some "interventions" she think could work. For example: 2/3rds of all gun deaths are actually suicides; if you want to reduce suicide by guns, you should just increase suicide prevention efforts.

Another large swath of gun deaths are to young males involved in street crime. If you want to reduce that, you beef up programs to reduce street crime and intervene with at-risk youth and you identify gangsters and you target them for gun-checks. Or that kind of thing.

What progressives mean when they talk about "common sense gun safety laws" is simple widespread gun confiscation. They claim they don't want that, and yet, every time this issue comes up, they point to Australian and Britain as models of what we should do -- countries in which there was a state-enforced near-complete involuntary disarmament of the population.

So which is it, progs? Do you want full-on confiscation or not?

Posted by Ace at 08:38 PM Comments

Marco Rubio: The West Point Communist Infiltrator Should Pay the US Government Back His Tuition


This is not, I think, any kind of extraordinary demand -- a West Point education is an expensive one, a top-level Ivy-equivalent one, and you get it (and room and board and books and even a stipend, I think) for free, well, free with one big caveat:

You have to serve your country as an officer for a number of years to pay back the elite-level education you just got.

Now, if you voluntarily make yourself ineligible to perform that duty -- by, say, violating army rules by making political statement in uniform, like announcing "Communism Will Win" and wearing t-shirts celebrating communist terrorist killer Che Guevera, and by promoting armed domestic terrorist groups like antifa -- then, my friend, you owe the United States government the money it spent to (fail to) educate your communist ass.

So Rubio's not making an outrageous demand here -- I believe this is standard for those cadets who choose to make themselves unavailable to repay their college debt.

"I respectfully request the United States Army immediately nullify Rapone's commission and pursue all available disciplinary options under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Rapone should be required to pay back in full the cost of his education and the United States Military Academy should consider revoking his degree," Rubio wrote.

The senator referenced Rapone's robust social media presence posting photos of communist propaganda while in his Academy uniform, and other posts expressing his desire to foment a communist revolution.

Rapone at different points on social media denigrated Secretary of Defense James Mattis as an "evil, vile f***," and called convicted leaker Army Pfc. Chelsea Manning an inspiration.

"This clearly violates multiple Army regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice," Rubio's letter noted.

On that, I also have to link Colonel Schlicher's thoughts about this infiltrator -- and the hideous state of the armed forces after eight years of remorseless Obamization.

After nearly a decade under President Faily McWorsethancarter, can our military win a fight with North Korea? Because if it is unable to perform the basic task of ensuring that the people commissioned to lead our troops in the defense of the United States are actually loyal to the United States, how the hell can we reasonably expect it to be able to conduct high-intensity combat operations against a Nork Army that prioritizes fighting over political correctness?

We can't.

I don’t enjoy saying that -- it gives me no pleasure to have to wonder whether the Army I served in both in active and reserve status for close to 28 years is broken. And it's not just the Army. The Marines and the Special Ops community, well, they seem to be holding on to the standards the rest have forgotten, but the Navy and the Air Force -- they're broken too. Our military -- in terms of strategy, equipment, and leadership, is in crisis. American troops will die if we don't fix it.

Hell, they already have.

We have a Navy that can’t even sail its few remaining ships without running into giant cargo vessels. I come from a Navy family. You should call my dad, the retired lieutenant commander, and ask him what he thinks about the Navy’s current level of seamanship. It will not be a happy chat.

It is, in fact, a disgrace. Our sailors, the precious young men and women we commissioned officers are charged with leading and protecting, are dying because our officer corps tolerates incompetence. One collision is an accident. Two is a lifestyle.

And yeah, they’ve fired some admirals, and that’s a good start, but the problem is a cultural rot, not just one 'ed-up command. The Navy focused on things besides its mission -- "to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas" -- and in the last few months that misplaced focus has killed 17 sailors and taken two major vessels out of action in the Western Pacific at the very moment we are on the edge of war.

Did you know several senior Navy officers are being or have been charged for corruption? Corruption. Graft. Bribes. Hookers. Senior leaders, and they’re scumbugs -- criminal scumbags. But hey, the Army has its problems too. General Petraeus…sheesh, what a punch in the gut it was to see him use the Army values as a latrine. Then there was the 82nd Airborne general court martialed for using his billet to build himself a sex harem. And how about the colonel who played games with contracts and ditched his wife to marry an Iraqi chick -- the Army was so upset he got a reprimand and to keep his pension. No jail time.

Let me say that again. No jail time. Yeah, that would totally have happened to a sergeant who did the same thing, according to several high-ranking unicorns in the Judge Advocate Office.

Want to know what [else] generals and admirals don’t get in trouble for? Failing to win wars.

The military senior leadership has turned into a fraternity, where they cover up for each other and make sure everyone graduates with a gentleman’s "C". And it’s not even a fun fraternity -- the senior leadership is painfully politically correct, parroting all the right buzzwords and receive wisdom of our failed ruling caste.

I'm sure it's dawned on you, as it's also probably dawned on Colonel Schlichter, that this was always the plan.

Posted by Ace at 07:21 PM Comments

The AoSHQ Amazon Store

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From The National Review! And definitely worth a read. [CBD]
AWOL, likely traitor, who libs hailed as "hero" who "served with honor and distictions" to plead guilty later this month. Good thing he isn't an NRA member, so he'll avoid the firing squad. [krak/t]
Dear Stoners who insist it's all fun and mellllowww and a toker is less likely to turn violent than an alcoholic. Yeah, so maybe not so much. Funny what happens to sacred cows when they get fat enough. krak/t
Arthur wants a trilogy? He gets a trilogy. This time in AoS movie review length. Larry Correia's 2012 treatise shows that the Left's gun-banning tactics never change. [krak/t]
And this!
The Civilization of Guns.

Anyone want to make this a trilogy?
Why the gun is civilzation. Old, but on-point. This is basically the most succinct argument for an armed civilization I've seen. [krak/t]
What does an auto-M4 sound like suppressed? Impressive in how much it does reduce the decibels -- I definitely want one now. But silent? Please. [krak/t]
After bump stocks, don't forget to outlaw belt loops. Molon Labe. [krak/t]
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