Category: Nuclear Power

Robert Hunziker: Fukushima: the World’s Never Seen Anything Like This

Nobody knows whether Fukushima morphs full meltdown into Earth, although the signposts are not good, and not only that but nobody knows what to do about it

John M. Laforge: Mass Destruction for the Whole Family

These nuclear war theme parks are part of a deliberate attempt to trivialize nuclear weapons and to dumb down popular understanding of their environmental and human health legacy

George Monbiot: Power Failure

Overpriced, overcomplicated and overdue, the Hinkley project needs to be killed off and the money invested into other low-carbon technologies

Robert Hunziker: The Fukushima Fix

Japan’s citizenry really should expect consolation rather than aggravation, intimidation, and terrorizing by their own government

Richard Falk: The Nuclear Challenge (6): 70 Years After Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Fukushima and Beyond

The terrifying nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011 associated with the reactor meltdowns, hydrogen explosion, and release of radioactivity at the Fukushima Daiichi reactor complex was an anguishing complement to the awful collective memories of the Japanese people arising from the atomic attacks seven decades ago. We can only wonder about the lingering effects on Read more…

Ramzy Baroud: An Opportunity in the Iran Nuclear Deal

Despite the saber rattling, the fiery speeches, and all the chest-thumping that has lasted for many years, Israel had lost its battle to lead another regional war against a formidable enemy in the Middle East.

Harvey Wasserman: Grassroots Pressure Escalates to Shut Down Diablo Canyon Nuke Plant

The two reactors at Diablo Canyon are the last ones still operating in California. And the grassroots pressure to shut them down is escalating

Robert Hunziker: Looking Inside Fukushima Prefecture

Why is Japan brazenly restarting nuclear power plants in the face of Fukushima’s continuing calamity, a tragedy that has only just started?

Robert Hunziker: Is Fukushima Getting Worse?

The Fukushima multiple nuclear disasters continue spewing out hot stuff like there’s no tomorrow. By all appearances, it is getting worse, out-of-control nuclear meltdowns

Nina Burleigh: Are We on the Verge of a Nuclear Breakdown?

Air Force officers at America’s nuke sites work 24-hour-shifts in antique underground capsules launching fake attacks straight out of ‘Strangelove’ — and they’re ready to blow

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