Stretch, grab a late afternoon cup of caffeine and get caught up on the most important news of the day with our Coffee Break newsletter. These are the stories that will fill you in on the world that's spinning outside of your office window - at the moment that you get a chance to take a breath.
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Senate Foreign Relations chairman caps off war of words with Trump by opening up to NYT about presidential "reality show."
Poll shows 29 percent of Latinos “much more” likely to vote for a Republican in 2018 who supports DACA protections.
House Homeland Security chairman on Vegas gunman and ISIS: "You can’t completely close the door on that.”
More reasons for owners to panic.
Lesson learned?
Accidental prime minister hits the skids. Time for her to Brexit?
Focus on the man, not on the weapon.
The answer to Las Vegas is in the heart of Everyman
Knowingly exposing someone to AIDS is no longer a felony.
I find their lack of critical thinking disturbing.
Don't poke the bear.
Actually, Trump's warning could help deter a war.
Both “herpes and colonoscopies” are more popular than Congress but “98 percent of them get re-elected” because of gerrymandering.
Abdullahi Hasan Sharif, who illegally crossed into the U.S. in 2011, just committed an ISIS-inspired terror attack.
A $100 million mistake.
German envoy to U.S.: "We don’t think it will be possible to renegotiate it, and we believe there is no practical peaceful alternative to this deal."
"They took control, and they made me feel calm."
The New Testament gives us hope that the universe will not stay silent forever!
Apparently talking about Rush is verboten on YouTube now.