Increase your team’s engagement and productivity

Most Valuable Player

For rockstars with the most number of points in a month

Speed Racer

For the fastest resolutions
in the house


Customer Wow Champion

For people who collect
the most number of smiles

Sharp Shooter

For agents who get it right
with just one reply

Helpdesk Gamification

No matter how much your support reps love helping customers, doing the same things again and again can get boring quickly. Freshdesk adds excitement and competition to your agents' jobs by bringing in game mechanics to your helpdesk. With the Freshdesk Arcade, every ticket becomes a chance to score more points as your agents compete with the rest of the team to win trophies and badges. Your employees get to have fun helping customers, your help desk becomes more productive, and your customers get serviced by happy reps. Everybody wins.

You can also leverage Arcade to focus your agents on specific quests to solve specific problems. Improve your KPIs and keep your team motivated all at the same time, with Freshdesk Arcade.

Boost agent productivity with Gamification

Powerful Automations

Stop spending time and energy on repetitive tasks that bog down every helpdesk. Freshdesk enables you to automate common repetitive tasks to save your agents’ time that they can spend where their attention is needed.

Automatic Ticket Dispatch

Every ticket that comes into Freshdesk can be automatically categorized, prioritized and assigned using the Dispatch’r. Bug reports can be sent to the development team and refund tickets to billing, as you wish. Tickets can even be assigned to specific agents based on their expertise.

Time Based Actions

Instead of going through hundreds of tickets to close them individually, you can use the Supervisor to set up rules to handle repetitive routines and maintenance tasks. So, at the end of the day, Freshdesk will clean up for you and make sure that everything works just as it should.

Event Triggered Actions

The Observer looks for specific events in your helpdesk and follows them up with any action that you define for that trigger. For example, you can set up a rule to automatically reopen a ticket if a customer replies to it. It’s like having a personal sidekick who has your back, round the clock.

Thanks to Freshdesk, our resolution times are lower than ever. Our net promoter scores increased substantially after implementing Freshdesk, rising from a 3 to 9.6 which also resulted in a 25% increase in same-customer sales.

Paul Miller DoctorBase
Turn your support into a fun game and boost helpdesk productivity overnight
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