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Damien Hardwick and Alastair Clarkson: A premiership love story

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This was a football love story.

They walked together, arms around each other's backs. Damien Hardwick and Alastair Clarkson had long been close friends, but as of late Saturday afternoon they had something else in common – they were both premiership coaches.

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Clarkson interrupts Hardwick's press conference

Richmond coach Damien Hardwick appreciated the Hawthorn mastermind Alastair Clarkson's interruption for a celebratory drink afterwards.

Having both been involved in Port Adelaide's 2004 flag, when Clarkson was a Power assistant and Hardwick a veteran defender, and then in Hawthorn's 2008 premiership, when Clarkson was at the helm and Hardwick an assistant, the pair were reunited in the bowels of the MCG on Saturday night, celebrating Richmond's breakthrough premiership.

Rival coaches they may be, but their bond overcomes club loyalties, so much so that Clarkson, beer in hand, was there celebrating with Hardwick after the final siren, even interrupting the winning coach's press conference.

Hardwick spoke of his "love" for Clarkson as the Tiger party continued at Punt Road on Sunday. "It was great. We've been friends for a long time," Hardwick said.

"Our families are incredibly close."


There had for the best part of a decade been something between them though. There is a still a gap, but as of Saturday, it's been closed slightly. "I've always had that jealousy of every time I walk down his hallway there's bloody four premiership medallions sitting there," Hardwick said.

"So I got one back on him. He's been a great friend of mine, a great mentor of mine. I owe a lot of what I am today to how he's taken me under his wing.

"He's a fantastic man. To have him there at the celebrations at the end is testament to him that he's walked in an opposition club rooms and got his arm around my players and me. I just love him."

As for Clarkson's impromptu appearance through a side door at the presser, Hardwick had an explanation. "He had to get home," Hardwick said.

"Had to take our kids home, so he wanted to get out of there pretty quickly, so he had a beer and then took off."

Hardwick said the achievement was yet to fully sink in, although he enjoyed his subdued Sunday morning at home. "I don't think so. I think it will over a period of time. I must admit I did enjoy having breakfast this morning reading the papers and looking at the pictures."

Still he had some appreciation of what had taken place, especially Richmond's ascension from their 13th-place finish last year, a season which led to turmoil at Punt Road. "It's a special time. What these players have done this year has just been fantastic for our footy club and our fans.

"I'm incredibly proud of them. I well up thinking about them, what they've been able to achieve, to think where we came from last year.

"It's a great time to be involved in September. It's great for our fans, who have been outstanding since I"ve been at this club.

"[They have] Supported us through the good times and the bad. It's a great reward to them."