


Illustration: Simon Letch.

I've got just the book for a tween who is hungry for zany words and quizzes, puzzles and explanations.

Turning Pages

A Legacy of Spies, by John le Carre.

If you're travelling overseas it's always worth visiting a bookshop.

Auschwitz Testimonies: Documents about the Holocaust

<i>Auischwitz Testimonies</i>, by Primo Levi, with Leonardo De Benedetti.

The unvarnished testimony of these letters and documents speaks volumes about the weight of responsibility felt by survivors such as Primo Levi to ensure that the world never forgot the horrors of the Holocaust.

Egan dwells on trajectory of American power

Jennifer Egan says being a novelist can often help her process social changes she finds alarming.

Award-winning novelist Jennifer Egan found it hard to get comfortable in the world she was creating for her first historical novel, Manhattan Beach, which is set in the Brooklyn Navy Yard during the 1940s.


Illustration: Simon Letch.

Puns work by creating collusion between coiner and decoder, forging a gnostic circle of sorts. This same transference is enacted in our brains as well, according to new research.