The GNU Privacy Guard

GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 (also known as PGP). GnuPG allows to encrypt and sign your data and communication, features a versatile key management system as well as access modules for all kinds of public key directories. GnuPG, also known as GPG, is a command line tool with features for easy integration with other applications. A wealth of frontend applications and libraries are available. GnuPG also provides support for S/MIME and Secure Shell (ssh).

GnuPG is Free Software (meaning that it respects your freedom). It can be freely used, modified and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License .

The current version of GnuPG is 2.2.1. See the download page for other maintained versions.

Gpg4win is a Windows version of GnuPG featuring a context menu tool, a crypto manager, and an Outlook plugin to send and receive standard PGP/MIME mails. The current version of Gpg4win is 3.0.0.

Reconquer your privacy

Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different from saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. – Edward Snowden

Using encryption helps to protect your privacy and the privacy of the people you communicate with. Encryption makes life difficult for bulk surveillance systems. GnuPG is one of the tools that Snowden used to uncover the secrets of the NSA.

Please visit the Email Self-Defense site to learn how and why you should use GnuPG for your electronic communication. If you need printed leaflets check out FSFE’s GnuPG leaflet.


GnuPG 2.2.1 released (2017-09-19)

We are pleased to announce the availability of GnuPG version 2.2.1. This is a maintenance release fixing a few minor bugs. {more}

Libgcrypt 1.8.1 released (2017-08-31)   important

We are pleased to announce the availability of Libgcrypt version 1.8.1 and 1.7.9. These releases fix a local side-channel attack on Curve25519 encryption dubbed "May the Fourth be With You" [CVE-2017-0379]. Read {more}…

GnuPG 2.2.0 released (2017-08-28)

The GnuPG team is pleased to announce the availability of a new GnuPG release: version 2.2.0. Read {more} for details.

This release marks the start of a new long term support series to replace the 2.0.x series which will reach end-of-life on 2017-12-31.

GnuPG 2.1.23 released (2017-08-09)

A new version of GnuPG has been released. Please read the full announcement mail for details. This version is intended as a release candidate for 2.2.0 which will mark a new long term stable branch.

GnuPG 2.1.22 released (2017-07-28)

A new version of GnuPG has been released. Read the full announcement mail for details.

Update 2017-07-31: We fixed a problem with keyserver access in the Windows versions. A fixed installer has been uploaded; the download section has the links.

GnuPG 1.4.22 released (2017-07-19)

Although GnuPG 1.4 is of limited use today we did a maintenance release to address the recently published local side channel attack CVE-2017-7526. See the download section on how to get this version.

Libgcrypt 1.8.0 released (2017-07-18)

We are pleased to announce the availability of Libgcrypt version 1.8.0. This is a new stable version with full API and ABI compatibility to the 1.7 series. Its main features are support for the hash algorithm Blake-2, the addition of XTS mode, an improved random number generator, and performance improvements for the ARM architecture. See the announcement mail for details.

Scute 1.5.0 released (2017-07-14)

Scute is a PKCS#11 module built around the GnuPG Agent and the GnuPG Smart Card Daemon. It allows you to use your OpenPGP smart card for TLS client authentication and S/MIME mail and document signing. Read the full announcement mail for details.

Libgcrypt 1.7.8 released (2017-06-29)   important

We are pleased to announce the availability of Libgcrypt version 1.7.8. This release fixes a local side-channel attack (CVE-2017-7526). See the announcement mail for details.

GnuPG 2.1.21 released (2017-05-15)   important

A new version of GnuPG has been released. This release fixes a pubring.gpg corruption bug introduced with 2.1.20. Read the full announcement mail for details.

GnuPG 2.1.20 released (2017-04-03)

A new version of GnuPG has been released. Read the full announcement mail for details.

New installer for GnuPG 2.1.19 (2017-03-28)

An updated Windows installer for GnuPG 2.1.19 is now available. This installer fixes problems retrieving keys for Posteo accounts and other servers with limited set of TLS algorithms.

GnuPG Made Easy 1.9.0 released (2017-03-28)

GPGME is a library that allows to add support for cryptography to a program. {more}

GnuPG 2.1.19 released (2017-03-01)

A new version of GnuPG has been released. Read the full announcement mail for details.

GnuPG 2.1.18 released (2017-01-23)

A new version of GnuPG has been released. Read the full announcement mail for details.

Libgcrypt 1.7.6 released (2017-01-18)

We are pleased to announce the availability of Libgcrypt version 1.7.6. This is a maintenance release for the stable version of Libgcrypt with a few bug fixes.

GnuPG 2.1.17 released (2016-12-20)

A new version of GnuPG has been released. Read the full announcement mail for details.

Libgcrypt 1.7.5 released (2016-12-15)

We are pleased to announce the availability of Libgcrypt version 1.7.5. This is a maintenance release for the stable version of Libgcrypt with a few bug fixes. {more}

Pinentry 1.0.0 released (2016-11-22)

After 14 years is was time to bump up the version of Pinentry to 1.0. This new release fixes a couple of minor bugs and introduces features to better diagnose problems. See the download section on how to get Pinentry.

GPA 0.9.10 released (2016-11-19)

A maintenance release of the GNU Privacy Assistant is now available. Note that some of the changes are only available when build with the latest GPGME version and used with GnuPG 2.1.16 or later.

GnuPG 2.1.16 released (2016-11-18)

It has been 3 months since the last GnuPG modern release and thus it was time for a new one: Version 2.1.16 is now available. Read the full announcement mail for details.

GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME) 1.7.0 released (2016-09-21)

GPGME is a library that allows to add support for cryptography to a program. Highlights in this release are Python and C++ language bindings as well as support for GnuPG 2.1 features. {more}

GnuPG 2.1.15 released (2016-08-18)

A new version of the modern branch of GnuPG has been released. Read the full announcement mail for details.

Security fixes for Libgcrypt and GnuPG 1.4 (2016-08-17)   important

A bug in the random number generator of Libgcrypt and in GnuPG 1.4 has been found. Updating the software is highly suggested. Please read this mail for details. Note that the CVE id in that mail is not correct, the correct one is CVE-2016-6313.

A big Thanks to all supporters

Due to this ProPublica article we received more than 120,000 € of individual donations on a single day. There was even more: The Core Infrastructure Initiative granted 60,000 $ for 2015. Our payment service Stripe and Facebook will each give 50,000 $ to the project. And finally the Wau Holland Stiftung is collecting tax deductible funds for GnuPG (19000 € plus 57 BTC).

As the main author of GnuPG, I like to thank everyone for supporting the project, be it small or large individual donations, helping users, providing corporate sponsorship, working on the software, and for all the encouraging words.

GnuPG does not stand alone: there are many other projects, often unknown to most people, which are essential to keep the free Internet running. Many of them are run by volunteers who spend a lot of unpaid time on them. They need our support as well.

— Werner, 2015-02-06

(see also this blog entry)