7 October 2017

Surrounded by generals, Trump remarks on “the calm before the storm”

By Peter Symonds, 7 October 2017

Trump’s menacing comment—almost certainly directed against North Korea—is another warning that the US is on the brink of launching a catastrophic war.

Trump administration crisis worsens amid war drive against North Korea

Trump rules out negotiations with North Korea

Madrid prepares to deploy troops in Catalonia

By Alejandro López, 7 October 2017

Spain’s political establishment is openly talking of invoking Article 116 of the Spanish constitution, laying the basis for the imposition of martial law.

Spain prepares military crackdown in Catalonia

After Madrid’s violent crackdown:
An independent class strategy for the Spanish and Catalan working class!

German government backs Spain’s violent crackdown on Catalonia

By Peter Schwarz, 7 October 2017

The German government has backed Madrid’s suppression of the Catalonian independence referendum because it, too, is preparing to crack down on social and political opposition at home.

EU hands Spain blank check for stepped-up police repression in Catalonia

More on Spain »

Trump administration limits access to birth control under ACA

By Trévon Austin, 7 October 2017

A new mandate revokes the requirement for companies and organizations that claim religious or moral objections to provide birth control.

For one in four US women: Nearest abortion facility over 30 miles away

As CAMI strike ends third week, Unifor peddles Canadian nationalism at rally

By Jerry White, 7 October 2017

Unifor is using CAMI workers as pawns in their maneuvers with the Canadian and US governments over renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement.

As CAMI strike continues, Unifor sheds crocodile tears for Mexican workers

Unifor, the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter and the politics of the CAMI strike

Unifor president at CAMI picket line: A declaration of bankruptcy

More on auto workers struggles »

Puerto Rico continues to languish as tropical storm Nate threatens US Gulf Coast

By Rafael Azul, 7 October 2017

The current hurricane season in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico is proving to be one of the most destructive on record.

Trump’s photo-op in Puerto Rico

Trump to Puerto Rico: Your lives don’t matter

More on Puerto Rico »

Killings of four elite soldiers in Niger highlight vast scale of American military operations in Africa

By Eddie Haywood, 7 October 2017

The deployment of troops to Niger is an element of the “scramble for Africa,” which was commenced by Obama and is being continued under Trump.

US Supreme Court begins new term

By Alan Gilman, 7 October 2017

The US Supreme Court opened its new term last Monday with newly appointed Justice Neil Gorsuch beginning his first full term.

Democrats push for deal with Trump on DACA as ICE threatens mass raids

By Norisa Diaz, 7 October 2017

Democrats downplay tension on immigration as ICE head threatens to split families up and conduct warrantless arrests in California.

A week on America’s death row
A lethal injection in Florida, stay of execution in Alabama

By Kate Randall, 7 October 2017

Michael Lambrix was executed Thursday night in Florida, while Jeffrey Borden was issued a last-minute state of execution in Alabama.

Tory party on verge of leadership contest after disastrous conference performance by May

By Robert Stevens, 7 October 2017

Theresa May only remains in place to keep the party together and avoid an eruption of unrestrained factional warfare.

What would a “Jamaica” coalition in Germany represent?

By Peter Schwarz, 7 October 2017

It is already becoming clear that the new government will be the most right-wing in the history of the German Federal Republic.

Germany’s Social Democrats prepare to suppress popular opposition

German Green Party opts for coalition with conservative and neo-liberal parties

Germany’s Social Democratic president calls for tougher refugee policy and adaptation to AfD

German Left Party’s Lafontaine launches AfD-style tirade against refugees

More on Germany »

“Love and courage”—Canada’s NDP elects Obama-style pitchman as leader

By Roger Jordan, 7 October 2017

Singh’s elevation to the position of party leader was greeted with enthusiasm by the corporate-controlled media, reflecting the fact that he was the preferred candidate of the most right-wing elements among Canada’s social democrats.

Thailand’s junta leader welcomed at the White House

By our reporter, 7 October 2017

In pushing for stronger military and economic ties with Thailand, President Trump made no mention of the military regime’s suppression of opposition and dissent.

Burma’s anti-Rohingya pogrom fuels regional tensions

More on Asia »

Australian economy “going into a hole”

By Nick Beams, 7 October 2017

The record run of the Australian economy, 26 years without a recession, has “flattered to deceive,” as major economic problems come to the surface.

New in Spanish

La desigualdad y la oligarquía estadounidense
Las raíces sociales y económicas de los ataques contra los derechos democráticos

Por Eric London, 7 octubre 2017

Las nuevas cifras sobre la desigualdad revelan la base material detrás de la campaña desde los círculos gobernantes para bloquear el acceso al WSWS y otros sitios izquierdistas.

España prepara la represión militar en Cataluña

Por Alex Lantier, 7 octubre 2017

La Unión Europea está respaldando los planes de Madrid para una intervención militar y policial sangrienta en Cataluña y para imponer el estado de emergencia en toda España.

El gobierno español envía tropas a Cataluña

Por Paul Mitchell, 7 octubre 2017

El Ministerio de Defensa ha despachado unidades del ejército para apoyar a la Guardia Civil y a la Policía Nacional en una posible continuación de la represión de la población catalana.

Wall Street exige que Puerto Rico pague

Por Rafael Azul, 7 octubre 2017

Jefe de presupuesto de Trump Mulvaney: “Puerto Rico va a tener que averiguar cómo arreglar los errores que ha cometido con sus propias finanzas durante la última generación”.

New in French

Au milieu de la crise catalane, Madrid prépare un régime militaire dans toute l’Espagne

Par Alejandro López, 7 octobre 2017

L’establishment politique espagnol débat maintenant ouvertement de ses options pour réprimer le mouvement sécessionniste en Catalogne et installer un régime militaire dans tout le pays.

Les racines sociales et économiques de l’attaque contre les droits démocratiques

Par Eric London, 7 octobre 2017

Les nouveaux chiffres sur l’inégalité sociale révèlent la base matérielle de la campagne dans les milieux dirigeants pour bloquer l’accès au WSWS et à d’autres sites de gauche.

Les chasseurs de sorcières du Sénat brodent sur leur histoire d’épouvante anti-russe

Par Patrick Martin, 7 octobre 2017

Les affirmations de la Commission du renseignement du Sénat sur une subversion russe de la démocratie américaine sont factuellement absurdes et politiquement sinistres.

Les Étudiants et jeunes internationalistes pour l’égalité sociale (ÉJIES) admis comme club à l’Université de New York

IYSSE, International Youth and Students for Social Equality (l’organisation des Etudiants et jeunes internationalistes pour l’égalité sociale), 7 octobre 2017

La décision intervient grâce à une vague de soutien pour l’IYSSE parmi les étudiants et les professeurs du campus qui ont défendu le droit des trotskystes d’y avoir un club.

New in German

Soziale Ungleichheit und die Oligarchie in den USA
Die sozialen und ökonomischen Ursachen der Angriffe auf demokratische Rechte

Eric London, 7. Oktober 2017

Neue Zahlen über die soziale Ungleichheit zeigen, auf welcher materiellen Grundlage die Versuche der Herrschenden basieren, den Zugang zur WSWS und anderen linken Websites zu blockieren.

Bundesregierung unterstützt gewaltsame Unterdrückung Kataloniens

Peter Schwarz, 7. Oktober 2017

Die Bundesregierung unterstützt den brutalen Kurs der spanischen Regierung, weil sie sich selbst auf die Unterdrückung sozialer und politischer Opposition vorbereitet.

Spanien bereitet militärisches Eingreifen in Katalonien vor

Alex Lantier, 7. Oktober 2017

Die Europäische Union unterstützt Madrids Pläne für eine brutale Intervention von Militär und Polizei in Katalonien sowie die Verhängung des Ausnahmezustands in ganz Spanien.

Neue Streiks bei Amazon

Marianne Arens, 7. Oktober 2017

Den Kampf gegen den Weltkonzern müssen Amazon-Arbeiter international gemeinsam aufnehmen.

New in Russian

Социальная патология бойни в Лас-Вегасе

Патрик Мартин, 6 октября 2017 г.

Самый массовый расстрел в американской истории унес жизни 59 человек; еще, по меньшей мере, 527 человек было ранено.

New in Norwegian

Forsvarere av imperialistiske «menneskerettigheter» hyller den spanske regjeringens brutale aksjon i Catalonia

Chris Marsden, 6. Oktober 2017

Den spanske statens brutale aksjon mot søndagens folkeavstemning om katalansk uavhengighet har dypt sjokkert millioner av mennesker over hele verden.

Hillary Clintons Hva Skjedde: En konspirasjonsteori om 2016-valget

Andre Damon, 6. Oktober 2017

Hillary Clintons nye bok handler overhodet ikke om hva som faktisk skjedde. Hun evner ikke, sammen med sine medforfattere, å gi en virkelig politisk redegjørelse for hvorfor hun tapte valget.

Other Languages


Inequality and the American oligarchy
Identity politics and the growth of inequality within racial minorities

7 October 2017

New data from the Federal Reserve reveal the extraordinary growth of social inequality within minority populations, which forms the basis of the identity politics of the upper-middle class.

Earlier Perspectives »

Featured Commentary

Inequality and the American oligarchy
The social and economic roots of the attack on democratic rights

By Eric London, 6 October 2017

New figures on social inequality reveal the material basis for the campaign in ruling circles to block access to the WSWS and other left-wing sites.


Senate witch-hunters expand on their anti-Russia horror story

By Patrick Martin, 6 October 2017

Germany’s Network Enforcement Act: Legal framework for censorship of the Internet

By Katerina Selin, 5 October 2017

The social pathology of the Las Vegas Massacre

By Patrick Martin, 3 October 2017

The Las Vegas massacre the day after

Google Censorship

The elites “have no credibility left:” An interview with journalist Chris Hedges

By David North, 6 October 2017

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges talks with the WSWS about the anti-Russia campaign, the attack on democratic rights, and the role of the capitalist media.

Sri Lankan academics oppose Google censorship

By our correspondent, 7 October 2017

Google’s actions are “a gross abuse of monopolistic power” and related to its close links to the US state apparatus and the Pentagon.

The New York Times reports World Socialist Web Site charge of Google censorship and blacklisting

By Andre Damon, 2 October 2017

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

The new McCarthyism and the suppression of political dissent

Socialist Equality Party/International Youth and Students for Social Equality (UK) public meetings
Stop Internet Censorship! Stop Google’s political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site

More on Google Censorship »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

The ICFI is continuing its commemoration of the centenary of the 1917 October Revolution with a second series of four weekly online lectures, beginning on October 14 and concluding on November 4. Barry Grey, US national editor of the World Socialist Web Site, will give the first lecture, “Lenin’s The State and Revolution” The lecture will be streamed on YouTube on Saturday, October 14 at 5:00 pm Eastern (US). Three weekly lectures will follow.

Leaders of the Russian Revolution
Leon Trotsky on Yakov Sverdlov (March 1925)

By Leon Trotsky, 5 October 2017

This week in the Russian Revolution
October 2 - 8: Trotsky elected chairman of the Petrograd Soviet

2 October 2017

David North delivers address on Russian Revolution to large audience at Northern Virginia Community College

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »


Observation of gravitational waves wins Nobel Prize in physics

By Bryan Dyne, 6 October 2017

Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded for discoveries on the circadian rhythm

By Benjamin Mateus, 4 October 2017

FDA recommends approval of new leukemia treatment

Arts Review

On the loss of Tom Petty

By Hiram Lee, 5 October 2017

Toronto International Film Festival: Part 5
African American playwright Lorraine Hansberry, a revolution betrayed in Portugal and other matters

By Joanne Laurier, 4 October 2017

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

7 October 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Socialist Equality Party

SEP Australia verifies “registered party” status once again

By our reporters, 5 October 2017

Socialist Equality Group holds public meeting following New Zealand election

By our reporters, 5 October 2017

New Zealand workers and youth discuss the growing danger of global war

By our reporters, 5 October 2017

International Amazon Workers Voice

Is $12 an hour a fair wage for Amazon workers?

By Samuel Davidson, 4 October 2017

Workers denounce Amazon for speed-ups after two die on the job

By Christopher Davion, 2 October 2017

Price gouging at Amazon and the case for public ownership

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

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“Dad, mom, the police are here”
ICE rounds up farmworkers applying for work in Michigan

ICE arrests nearly 500 immigrants in raids on “sanctuary cities” across US

More on US immigration »


International Youth and Students for Social Equality wins club status at New York University

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 3 October 2017


The contradictions of Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s The Vietnam War

By Patrick Martin, 2 October 2017

The Grenfell Tower Fire

Grenfell Fire Forum: Wide-ranging discussion and resolution passed opposing Google censorship

By Paul Mitchell, 3 October 2017

Grenfell Tower fire eyewitnesses: “It’s because of our class—we are the lowest socioeconomic class on the food chain”

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry and the case for socialism

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Book Review

The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills
The “disease” of social inequality sends thousands to a premature death

By Benjamin Mateus and George Marlowe, 25 September 2017

A new book by Chicago doctor David Ansell reveals the profound ways in which social inequality in the US creates “death gaps” and disparities in life expectancies.

Hillary Clinton’s What Happened: A conspiracy theory of the 2016 election

By Andre Damon, 20 September 2017

Hillary Clinton’s memoir, released September 13, represents the Democratic Party’s semi-official narrative of its electoral defeat in 2016.

Why is Amazon deleting negative reviews of Hillary Clinton’s new book?

Maruti Suzuki

Legal appeals of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers expose travesty of justice

By Saman Gunadasa, 23 September 2017

Sri Lankan free trade workers express solidarity with framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

Aisin Automotive workers in India’s Haryana state face a new company-government witchhunt

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Mehring Books

New from Mehring Books
Why Study the Russian Revolution?
Volume I: The February Revolution and the Development of Bolshevik Strategy

28 August 2017

One hundred years after the Russian Revolution, the events of 1917, their consequences and their lessons retain a burning contemporary relevance.