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Sotomayor Says Nation 'Can't Afford to Despair' Over Trump

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Roe v. Wade: The Potential Implications of Donald Trump’s Election for Abortion Rights

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Holiday Season Could Be Target for Terrorists, DHS Says

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Muslim-Americans Say Trump's Election Shows Need to Learn From US Civil Rights Struggles: “You can take off a hijab. Black people can’t take off their skin."

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Anti-Trump Protests Spread to Democratic Leadership With Sit-In at Schumer's DC Office

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Accusing Roger Ailes of Sexual Harassment Would Have Been Career 'Suicide Mission,' Megyn Kelly Says

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ANALYSIS: How Donald Trump Won and Almost All of Us Missed It

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PBS Anchor Gwen Ifill Dies at 61. President Obama Remembers Gwen Ifill as 'Extraordinary Journalist'

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Delta First Airline to Launch Baggage-Tracking App
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