Hurricane Nate forces port in Mobile, Alabama, to close

ABC News' Victor Oquendo reports on how the storm has led some cruise ships to adjust their itineraries.
1:08 | 10/07/17

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Transcript for Hurricane Nate forces port in Mobile, Alabama, to close
He impending storm is forcing the port of mobile to close this morning some cruise ships adjusting their itineraries as wow. ABC's Victor okay that was in mobile with the latest good morning Victor. John and Paula good morning the port is closed there was one cruise ship that was supposed to come in this morning but the plans of no change for the carnival fantasy which usually returns and departs from here. But it will now stay out. At sea the major concern here for the serious hurricane heads this way this storm surge we could be looking at anywhere from five to eight feet that means this entire area that were standing part of would be underwater. Things already worse for dolphin island the barrier island here where there are reports of flooding already that's really due to the high tides. It only area of doing what they can't prepare the last few days alone store literally threaten mobile looking thinking twice twelve immediately ample Louisiana but it brought a lot of rain in coastal flooding. Two mobile could see tornadoes here though depending on which for the store makes landfall. We're expecting the worst of it overnight and into tomorrow morning expect a lot of places to close up we've already gotten word. A lot of churches already canceled their Sunday services ahead of hurricane gates' arrival which could come again anywhere. Late tonight with its more morning.

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{"id":50341840,"title":"Hurricane Nate forces port in Mobile, Alabama, to close","duration":"1:08","description":"ABC News' Victor Oquendo reports on how the storm has led some cruise ships to adjust their itineraries.","url":"/GMA/video/hurricane-nate-forces-port-mobile-alabama-close-50341840","section":"GMA","mediaType":"default"}