Latest Issue

Fall 2017, FE #399

Cover, Issue 399, Fall, 2017 - Fifth Estate Magazine
(follows Summer 2017 issue)

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Opposing the Rise of the Far-right
Rui Preti

Defending Ourselves
Jeff Shantz

Antifa Under Attack from “Many Sides” & Doxxing
Fifth Estate staff

In Defense of Self-Defense
Paul Walker

Mainers Against the Klan!

The Anarchist Alternative in Cuba
Bill Weinberg

X-Files: Subversive Ideas
Jason Rodgers

The Museum of Capitalism
Bernard Marszalek

Dancing on Capitalism’s Grave
Paul Dalton

Right Wingers Charged in Seattle Shooting
Fifth Estate Staff

The Game of Not Seeing
Mars Zaineb Goetia

Basque Country Squat
Errekaleor Bizirik Collective

The Golden Age of Barbarians
James C. Scott

Anti-Toxic-Prisons Conference
FTP Campaign

Marius Mason Update
Cindy Crabb

Project FANG – Prison visits
Pepper Kincade

J20 Protesters Answer State Repression with Resistance

Tramp Printers – review
Steve Izma

Punk & Anarchy – review

Anarchist Filmmakers – review
Franklin Lopez

CIRA at 60
Sylvie Kashdan

“Detroit” – film review
William R. Boyer

Reality Wars – Notes on the homicidal state
Jack Bratich

Life is Not a Machine
Peter Lamborn Wilson

The hurricane – Poetry
Voltarine de Cleyre

Anarchism & Geography – review
John Clark



Check out these SPECIAL OFFERS when you subscribe to our print edition now…

50 years ago—we were there
Cover image - Issue 35, August 1-15, 1967 - Fifth Estate Magazine
Read historic Fifth Estate coverage of the 1967 Detroit rebellion, Issue 35, August 1-15, 1967

Compendio Poético

by Federico Arcos
Drawing by Alfredo Monrós, Cover
A Bilingual Spanish/English version is online in the FE Archive HERE.

Fifth Estate “Fuck Authority” poster featured in Make Art; Not War.
Fuck Authority

 Learn more about the Spanish Revolution of 1936 and the important role of the anarchists….
at Fifth Estate’s Spanish Revolution Resource Page

Enduring Voices: 50 years of the Fifth Estate in 3 minutes–view video here.

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