The ISE’s popular online seminar Ecology, Democracy, Utopia will start again on October 30th, meeting Mondays at 1 pm EST until December 18th.

Through a combination of video lectures, readings, interactive forums, and weekly online discussion sessions with ISE faculty, the course explores a broad range of interconnected themes including nature philosophy, hierarchy and domination, capitalism and the state, technology and agriculture, direct democracy, movement history and strategy, and reconstructive vision. Participants learn the foundations of social ecology and apply these insights to a variety of contemporary political and ecological problems, sharpening their understanding of the world while developing visionary ideas to change it.

The course costs $100 and is open to everyone, but space is limited. To enroll, write us at Through our partnership with Goddard College, students who enroll in their low-residency BA program are able to earn college credit for the course; some students from other institutions have been able to take the course for credit via their home university as an independent study.

We look forward to learning and changing the world together!