Beyond Strategy: Building Visions for a Free Society

2015 ISE Summer Intensive Seminar:

August 15th- 20th, The Watershed Center, Millerton, NY. Cost: $400.

The past year has been one of tremendous hope for liberation against a backdrop of violence. From the unprecedentedly decentralized new movements to end State sanctioned killing of Black people -to the hundreds of Kurdish cities and villages practicing a social ecology-inspired model of stateless self-governance in spite of an ongoing genocidal assault from the ISIL- people around the world are sounding the call for freedom and justice against all odds. We invite you to join us for a 6-day Intensive Seminar bringing together activists, students, academics and community leaders for an intensive week of theory and praxis on building strategic visions for a liberated society.

For forty year, the ISE has offered educational programs on radical social and ecological transformation. Social ecology views the pen­etration of systems of domination and the homogenization of culture as impedi­ments to human freedom and as the root causes of the ecological crisis. It is the ISE’s core belief that humans have the potential to build vibrant, self-governing communities free from hierarchy, social inequity, and eco­logical degradation.

Topics will include:

  • Theory and Praxis of Social Ecology
  • Movement Building
  • Contemporary Social Justice Movements (Climate Justice, Black Liberation)
  • The Utopian Tradition
  • Kurdish Democratic Confederalism

This intensive course series will take place from Saturday, August 15 to Thursday, August 20th at the Watershed Center in Millerton, NY. Classes will begin at around 9 in the morning and end at 9 in the evening, with breaks in the day for swimming, hiking and enjoying the summer sun. The cost of the seminar is $400. Farm fresh meals and accommodations are included.

To register or learn more, please email us at Click here to apply.