Terms & Legal 2017-06-02T03:00:04+00:00

Our disclaimer/terms of service notification is subject to change without notice. All other product and/or brand or company names mentioned within this site are the trademarks of their respective owners. All messages made available as part of this web site (including any forum information and uploaded documents) and any opinions, advice, statements or other information contained in any messages posted or transmitted by any third party are the responsibility of the author of that message and not of CERES Community Environment Park.

The fact that a particular message is posted on or transmitted using this web site does not mean that CERES Community Environment Park has endorsed that message in any way or verified the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message. We encourage visitors to the web site to report any objectionable message to CERES Community Environment Park. The web site is not monitored 24/7. We advise parental supervision as deemed appropriate.

CERES Community Environment Park strongly urges teachers and parents to monitor children’s usage of the Web at all times, including this web site.

We reserve the right to remove any messages we deem to be inappropriate, for example, racist, discriminatory, sexist or threatening. Messages using inappropriate language will also be removed. We do not wish to be censors, but our forums must remain civilized and respect the rights of others.

CERES Community Environment Park gives no warranty and makes no representation whether expressed or implied, that the information contained in this site is error free. The material contained in this site is made available on the understanding that CERES Community Environment Park is not thereby engaged in rendering professional advice for a particular purpose. Before relying on the material, users should independently verify its relevance for their purposes, and should obtain any appropriate professional advice.

In some cases, the material may include views or recommendations of third parties. Such material does not necessarily reflect the views of CERES Community Environment Park or indicate a commitment to a particular course of action. Links to other web sites are inserted for convenience and does not constitute endorsement of material at those sites, or any associated organization, product or service.

CERES Community Environment Park is not responsible for the accuracy or legitimacy of information found elsewhere on the Internet and there is no guarantee that any of the sites listed will be available at any particular time. CERES Community Environment Park does not guarantee any services which might be announced via the web site.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this web site, we recommend you review our terms of service or you can contact sustainabilityhub@ceres.org.au


Created July 2010 by CERES Community Environment Park