Organisation: Wormlovers
Program: School Curriculum & Incursion Program
This program helps schools to better understand the importance of worm farming and the ‘nutrient cycle’ to transform waste into valuable soil and plant food and assist with implementing a successful worm farming program in their school. The program comprises practical workshops and curriculum material. Wormlovers can also install innovative Hungry Bin worm farms in schools.
Click on the following links to see how this program connects to the following modules of ResourceSmart Schools:
Accessible to schools in the following Melbourne metropolitan regions: Eastern, Northern, Western and Southern
Appropriate for students in:
Early Childhood
Primary – Prep to Grade 2
Primary – Grade 3 to Grade 6
Secondary – Year 7 to Year 10
Secondary – Year 11 to Year 12
What is offered to schools:
Online teacher led curriculum packages complimenting our bespoke school incursions with classroom activities conducted by an experienced educator using the central concepts of worms and worm life to develop skills across all areas of the Australian Curriculum. Our educational content has been designed by an experienced primary years teacher, and includes content descriptors and elaboration for the curriculum area being explored, complete with links to the relevant detail on the Australian Curriculum website. Online content includes videos, classroom activity sheets, teachers notes and materials for printing and duplicating. Students will discover the many types of worms, the nutrient cycle, worm anatomy and reproduction and why turning your organic waste into beautiful plant food is important for the environment. Each pack includes listening and watching, hands on activities and written class work.
Click here to access our curriculum material