Our audience
The Guardian attracts a unique group of people. People curious about the world around them, who travel, who embrace change and new technology. Progressive people, valuable people.

they are connected

Our audience are hyper-mobile. They're always on. They are infinitely connected, contactable consumers of content.

they are influential

Our readers talk about more brands, more often than the average person, across a range of categories.

Talk to our audience and they'll do the talking for you.

they are consumers 2.0

Our readers' curiosity about the world around them and their openness to innovation extends to their consumer behaviour, making them the consumers you want to reach.

they are valuable

From our ROI effectiveness tracking we know our readers are more responsive than the average audiences to your brand messages. Put yourself in front of our readers and we know they react. And here's the value of that reaction.

there's quite a few of them

Our audience come to us from around the world, across multiple devices and platforms, right around the clock. And with 25% digital growth from 2015, we are seeing more and more of them every day.
monthly global unique visitors
avergage daily unique visitors
uk monthly cross-platform reach

Sources: comScore May 2017 (global figures are Desktop only), NRS PADD June 2017 release

and they know what they like

They come to us for fierce debate, to be challenged, entertained, and to have fun. Understand them in a little more depth with our monthly audience cheatsheet.