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Secret Lisbon

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Insiders’ historical secrets about Lisbon, revealed at the city’s most interesting places

Our app will be unique, because it will tell interesting insiders' stories about places, not the usual travel guides and textbook descriptions.
It will be original, because it will provide a curated selection of points of interest/secrets, not an extensive list of the usual tourist stops.
We intend to develop the app in such a way that secrets will only be revealed upon the physical presence of the user at the relevant point of interest, and that presence will be registered in the app, giving the user a sense of fulfillment after visiting several different interesting places. We think that's a creative way to involve the user.
Innovative because it will join for the first time stories that have passed through generations, that you would usually only have access to if you were a local, with state of the art mobile technology.

Open Day #1 at Vodafone

Following on from the Kick Off, the 20 teams set off to work on their startups and even though some are at a more advanced stage than others, one thing is for sure, the competition is wide open with every team equipped and… Read the whole thing

Vodafone BIG Apps Kick Off

The 30th of May was the very first day of the development phase where the 20 finalist teams got together to get briefed on what was to come, what was expected of them and the short roadmap to the BIG Conf on the 14th of July. Continue reading

Applications Closed. Let The Judging Begin

Registration ended Tuesday at 23:59:59 GMT, having been extended for 48 hours to compensate for some minor technical problems (translation someone screwed up…). Such is life… We will publish the results online on the 26th of May @ 15:00. Continue reading

Jorge O'Neill

Jorge O’Neill

Graduated in Marketing, Jorge O’Neill has been a financier for most of his career. Having started at the british investment bank Schroders, he afterwards became the exclusive representative in Portugal for S&P Fund Services (currently Morningstar) – the worldwide mutual fund information leader – having been responsible for its business development during 8 years. He currently works at the Portuguese bank Banif, where he’s involved in funding the bank’s activity. Simultaneously, Jorge started learning iOS programming as a hobby, and has since then become a registered Apple developer, having created the App “Namer – The Origin of Names”, available for purchase on the App Store (TM) since March 2013 at https://

Lourenco Bandeira

Lourenco Bandeira

Lourenço Bandeira graduated in Mechanical Engineering (2003), has a MSc in the applications of visual control to robotics (2005) and a PhD in the applications of pattern recognition techniques to the study of geomorphological features in planetary images (2011), all from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon. Presently he is a research fellow at the Centre for Natural Resources and the Environment (CERENA) at IST. He has participated in 10 research projects as a team member; he is a regular reviewer at 2 international scientific journals; participated in the organization of 3 international conferences; was in 2 MSc committees; and publishes regularly in scientific journals (14), chapters of books (5) and proceedings of international conferences (+90). He has participated in 3 scientific polar campaigns (1 in the Arctic and 2 in Antarctica). His major interests of research are related to automated pattern recognition methodologies for remotely sensed image analysis and the study of Martian analogues. He is an avid explorer that has travelled throughout 6/7 continents.