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Find your dream house using LxViewer. Scan a building and get all the information you need. In a simple, intuitive and beautiful interface.

The LxViewer is the first application on the market to use the azimuth and location as a search tool to recognize exactly what is in front of us. Is a companion app to get access to real estate information provided by the major real estate companies in Portugal.
Is the most intuitive way to get the information; just point the iPhone towards the building and the app will show you the information of the houses for sale.

Introducing LxViewer

Searching for a new home in Lisbon? LxViewer is your best shot! Find your dream home in Lisbon in a simple and intuitive way with LxViewer Scan mode. LxViewer is a new, interactive and intuitive way to search houses in Lisbon just by pointing your smartphone at them. Using geo-location (latitude and longitude) and the Azimuth […]

Vodafone BIG Apps Lisboa Finalists Announced

After more than 180 submitions the Vodafone BIG Apps Lisboa jury chose only 20 to go further into the Development Phase. The LxViewer was one of the few selected! You can vote for our app here. Here is the full list of the 20 Apps selected, divided by CITY and TOURISM TOURISM APPS: Crash&Play OutXperience […]

João Miguel Dordio

João Miguel Dordio

Portuguese younger, Computer Science Student, photographer, technology addicted and music lover. iOS Developer & COO @shifterpt

Rita Seabra

Rita Seabra

Luís Medeiros

Luís Medeiros

David Esteves

David Esteves