Win Tickets to Startup The Fusion Event in Madrid


TudoMudou and Vodafone BIG Apps are committed to finding the best resources and events for Startups to attend, those that bring added value and don’t strain the very little cash startups have. We have found a gem and it’s just around the corner.

Startup The Fusion is the event in Madrid on the 26th and 27th of June that will bring the most fascinating components of European startup culture to Madrid. This is your opportunity to get a leg into an important market and vibrant ecosystem.

We are offering 5 people, 2 tickets each for the event. Just send an email to (send all your contact details and startup information) and the 5 winners will be contacted via email. Make sure you only apply if you are actually going.

What makes this very different from other events is the team that’s behind it, led by Kayvan Nikjou, and the way that they have structured the event. The prize is not cash but instead the 5 most impressive startups, will be selected by Mind The Bridge Group and the European Investment Fund, for the purposes of acquiring startups or investing in them.

The partners selected for the event are also all committed to helping you get the most out of the 2 days at the very lowest cost possible. Moo will be offering 50 business cards free, AirBnB is offering a 15% discount and MyTaxi is handling transportation. Make sure you check out all the offers and opportunities. Be ready to mingle.

We are thrilled to be a partner and to also have Inês Santos Silva and Alex Barrera involved. It is a relatively small conference allowing you to truly gain great insights and connections from the 350 attendees, 15% of which are investors.

Some of the talent at the event: Peter Vesterback, CMO of Rovio: Miki Kuusi, Main organiser of Slush: Romain Huet, Twitter: Jeroen Merchiers, Managing Director of Airbnb Spain: Samu Konttinen, Executive Vice President of FSecure: Francois Nuyts, Managing Director of Amazon Spain: Board Member and Head of Digital Media of Football Club Barcelona, Didac Lee: Head of Digital Media of Real Madrid Football Club, Rafael de los Santos, and Co-Founder of Grand Cru, Celine Pasula. The event is not closed and is constantly evolving with new speakers and new partners.

Hope to see you there.

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