The 20 Finalists Announced

BIG Finalists

Following on from last year’s experience, we knew that choosing the winning finalists was always going to be a difficult task. This year, the quality of applications was even higher, which probably results from a more mature ecosystem and a great work from many of our partners in communicating and evangelizing the best talents and ideas for this great cause. Thank you all.

A BIG thank you also to all the judges that were kind enough to put their lives on hold in order to wade through the different applications – we thoroughly appreciate it.

And now the moment we all been waiting for…  the lucky 20 Vodafone BIG Apps 2014 finalists, that will go through to the development phase (alphabetical order):


  1. Crash&Play
  2. OutXperience
  3. RaLF: Ring a Local Friend
  4. Secret Lisbon
  5. Story Trail
  6. Through My Eyes
  7. Tourism Achievement
  8. Tourist Near Us
  9. Urban Notes
  10. UrbanSherpa


  1. Déjà Vu
  2. Eat n’ Out
  3. Ephemera
  4. Ervila
  5. LxViewer
  6. MapitOff
  7. My Creative Experience
  8. Streetpreneurs
  9. Tgo
  10. Theatral Guide

If you are one of these teams, start by SAVING-THE-DATES for the Kick-off (re-scheduled for the 30th of May – NEXT FRIDAY) and also for the 2 open days, Appathon and BIG Conf, that act as major milestones, whereby the different teams will be getting expert help, one-on-one. Watch out for more news on this in the events section.

If you were not chosen by the jury, don’t give up on your ideas, since it was really a tough call. Stay tuned because BIG Apps will soon have more opportunities for you in another cities.

As there is a honorable prize for the most voted by the public, make sure you support the team(s) you think are most likely to succeed – you are now part of the jury. The 20 participants will be given an app page within the site so that they can provide us with more information on their idea, keeping us, and you, informed on their development as they work through to the final pitch at the BIG conference on the 14th of July 2014.

Stay tuned for the next episode of the Vodafone BIG Apps Lisboa.

As always, you can find us at and

8 thoughts on “The 20 Finalists Announced

  1. firefountain says:

    Any change of having access to the criterium that was used to pick the teams/app’s

    Just to make things a lot clearer :)

    • Nuno Lopes says:

      Thanks for the enquiry – we do not publish the individual information from the judging – the judges followed the criteria as per on the site. Stay tuned as there are more opportunities as BIG Apps will be launched in Porto too.

  2. firefountain says:

    All good Nuno.
    Could you please supply us privately the evaluation made to our proposal? It’s always good to know where are our weak points and where we can improve on our proposal.

  3. Nuno Lopes says:

    Sorry – when I said publish, I actually meant share. Also, I am pretty confident that the information we collect would not help that much in giving you the guidance or insight you are looking for. My suggestion is to reach out to the organization (me or one of the other members of the team) and go for a coffee and we can go through the application with you.
    Do bare in mind that we will be giving you an opinion based on our experience and not based on the judging.
    Hope that helps. You can reach to me on
    Keep going and watch out for other cities as they come on board – Porto is up next.

  4. Pingback: My Creative Experience » Vodafone BIG Apps Lisboa

  5. Pingback: Vodafone BIG Apps Lisboa Finalists Announced | LxViewer

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