6 October 2017

Spain prepares military crackdown in Catalonia

By Alex Lantier, 6 October 2017

The European Union is supporting Madrid's plans for a bloody military-police intervention in Catalonia and to impose a state of emergency across Spain.

Amid Catalan crisis, Madrid prepares military rule across Spain

By Alejandro López, 6 October 2017

After Madrid’s violent crackdown:
An independent class strategy for the Spanish and Catalan working class!

Spanish government sends troops to Catalonia

Senate witch-hunters expand on their anti-Russia horror story

By Patrick Martin, 6 October 2017

The Senate Intelligence Committee claims of Russian subversion of American democracy are factually absurd and politically sinister.

For one in four US women: Nearest abortion facility over 30 miles away

By Zaida Green, 6 October 2017

In many counties, women must travel dozens or hundreds of miles to reach an abortion facility and are often forced to travel to another state.

As Detroit mayoral election approaches, water shutoffs continue amidst pervasive poverty

By Debra Watson, 6 October 2017

As the election approaches, persistent and shocking levels of poverty in Detroit and continuing residential water shutoffs belie claims that the city is making a comeback.

Burma’s anti-Rohingya pogrom fuels regional tensions

By John Roberts, 6 October 2017

Malaysia publicly dissociated itself from an ASEAN statement on the situation in Rakhine state that failed to mention the violence against Rohingya.

Japan’s Democrats found new party to posture as opponents of remilitarization

By Ben McGrath, 6 October 2017

The CDP is a regrouping of many of the same Democrats who imposed austerity measures and aligned with the US war drive against China while in office from 2009 to 2012.

Australian governments unveil sweeping new police powers

By Mike Head, 6 October 2017

The latest measures clearly extend far beyond combatting purported terrorist threats, and severely erode the civil liberties of the entire population.

Siemens and Alstom rail train units merge as corporations prepare for trade war

By Gustav Kemper, 6 October 2017

The merger of the two companies, with 62,000 employees and an annual turnover of around 15 billion euros, creates the world’s second-largest railway technology company.

Huge increase in UK firefighters with mental health problems

By Dennis Moore, 6 October 2017

Many of the firefighters who tackled the Grenfell fire suffered mental health problems following that terrible event.

New in Russian

Социальная патология бойни в Лас-Вегасе

Патрик Мартин, 6 октября 2017 г.

Самый массовый расстрел в американской истории унес жизни 59 человек; еще, по меньшей мере, 527 человек было ранено.

New in Norwegian

Forsvarere av imperialistiske «menneskerettigheter» hyller den spanske regjeringens brutale aksjon i Catalonia

Chris Marsden, 6. Oktober 2017

Den spanske statens brutale aksjon mot søndagens folkeavstemning om katalansk uavhengighet har dypt sjokkert millioner av mennesker over hele verden.

Hillary Clintons Hva Skjedde: En konspirasjonsteori om 2016-valget

Andre Damon, 6. Oktober 2017

Hillary Clintons nye bok handler overhodet ikke om hva som faktisk skjedde. Hun evner ikke, sammen med sine medforfattere, å gi en virkelig politisk redegjørelse for hvorfor hun tapte valget.

New in Spanish

Después de la violenta represión de Madrid:
¡Una estrategia independiente de clase para la clase obrera española y catalana!

Por Keith Jones, 6 octubre 2017

La lucha por movilizar a los trabajadores y jóvenes bajo una orientación internacionalista sólo es posible a partir de una oposición intransigente a la violencia desatada por Madrid.

Cientos de miles protestan contra la represión de Madrid en Cataluña

Por Alejandro López, 6 octubre 2017

Manifestaciones tuvieron lugar en ciudades de toda Cataluña en medio de un “paro de país” respaldado por grupos patronales catalanes, partidos independentistas, y sindicatos.

New in French

Après la répression violente de Madrid :
Une stratégie de classe indépendante pour la classe ouvrière espagnole et catalane !

Par Keith Jones, 6 octobre 2017

Une lutte pour rallier les travailleurs et les jeunes à une orientation internationaliste ne peut être menée que dans une opposition sans compromis à la violence déchaînée par le gouvernement madrilène.

Le vote de la loi antiterroriste prépare un régime autoritaire en France

Par Anthony Torres, 6 octobre 2017

La loi antiterroriste votée par le parlement entérine la pérennisation de l'état d'urgence dans le droit commun français.

Le gouvernement espagnol envoie des troupes en Catalogne

Par Paul Mitchell, 6 octobre 2017

Le ministère de la défense a expédié des unités de l’armée pour soutenir la Garde civile et la police nationale dans une éventuelle nouvelle répression contre la population catalane.

La crise du gouvernement Trump s’aggrave en parallèle de la marche vers la guerre contre la Corée du Nord

Par Peter Symonds, 6 octobre 2017

Malgré les efforts concertés pour minimiser toute fracture, Tillerson s’est opposé publiquement à Trump – le plus sévèrement au sujet du conflit américain avec la Corée du Nord.

Unifor, l'Autoworker Newsletter du WSWS, et la politique de la grève à CAMI

Par Jerry White, 6 octobre 2017

La lutte pour défendre les emplois et les conditions de vie doit être politique – mais pas n'importe quelle politique! Non pas la politique d'Unifor qui est un proche allié du gouvernement libéral fédéral et d'Ontario, mais plutôt une politique socialiste.

New in German

Nach dem brutalen Vorgehen der spanischen Regierung:
Eine unabhängige Klassenstrategie für die spanische und die katalanische Arbeiterklasse

Keith Jones, 6. Oktober 2017

Der Kampf zur Mobilisierung der Arbeiter und Jugendlichen für eine internationalistische Orientierung kann nur mit kompromisslosem Widerstand gegen das gewalttätige Vorgehen der Regierung in Madrid geführt werden.

Was bringt Jamaika?

Peter Schwarz, 6. Oktober 2017

Schon jetzt zeichnet sich ab, dass die neue Regierung die rechteste in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik sein wird.

Spanische Regierung entsendet Truppen nach Katalonien

Paul Mitchell, 6. Oktober 2017

Die spanische Regierung hat Soldaten nach Katalonien entsandt, um die Guardia Civil und die nationale Polizei bei möglichen weiteren Angriffen gegen die Bevölkerung zu unterstützen.

Hinterlassenschaft von Rot-Grün: Anstieg der Armut in NRW

Elisabeth Zimmermann, 6. Oktober 2017

In der Zeit der rot-grünen-Regierung unter Hannelore Kraft ist in Nordrhein-Westfalen die Zahl der Armen weiter angestiegen.

Other Languages


Inequality and the American oligarchy
The social and economic roots of the attack on democratic rights

6 October 2017

New figures on social inequality reveal the material basis for the campaign in ruling circles to block access to the WSWS and other left-wing sites.

Earlier Perspectives »

Google Censorship

The elites “have no credibility left:” An interview with journalist Chris Hedges

By David North, 6 October 2017

Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges talks with the WSWS about the anti-Russia campaign, the attack on democratic rights, and the role of the capitalist media.

The New York Times reports World Socialist Web Site charge of Google censorship and blacklisting

By Andre Damon, 2 October 2017

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

The new McCarthyism and the suppression of political dissent

Socialist Equality Party/International Youth and Students for Social Equality (UK) public meetings
Stop Internet Censorship! Stop Google’s political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site

More on Google Censorship »


Observation of gravitational waves wins Nobel Prize in physics

By Bryan Dyne, 6 October 2017

The announcement comes seven weeks after the detection of the fourth gravitational wave by the two Advanced LIGO detectors and the Advanced Virgo detector.

Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded for discoveries on the circadian rhythm

By Benjamin Mateus, 4 October 2017

FDA recommends approval of new leukemia treatment


Trump administration crisis worsens amid war drive against North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 5 October 2017

Wall Street demands Puerto Rico pay up

By Rafael Azul, 5 October 2017

Trump’s photo-op in Puerto Rico

More on Puerto Rico »

Germany’s Network Enforcement Act: Legal framework for censorship of the Internet

By Katerina Selin, 5 October 2017

Germany’s Social Democratic president calls for tougher refugee policy and adaptation to AfD

By Christoph Vandreier, 5 October 2017

The social pathology of the Las Vegas Massacre

By Patrick Martin, 3 October 2017

The Las Vegas massacre the day after

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa

6 October 2017

Workers gave overwhelming authorisation for a walkout that would be the first in the four years since the privatisation of Royal Mail.

As CAMI strike continues, Unifor sheds crocodile tears for Mexican workers

By Carl Bronski, 5 October 2017

Unifor, the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter and the politics of the CAMI strike

Unifor president at CAMI picket line: A declaration of bankruptcy

More on auto workers struggles »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

The ICFI is continuing its commemoration of the centenary of the 1917 October Revolution with a second series of four weekly online lectures, beginning on October 14 and concluding on November 4. Barry Grey, US national editor of the World Socialist Web Site, will give the first lecture, “Lenin’s The State and Revolution” The lecture will be streamed on YouTube on Saturday, October 14 at 5:00 pm Eastern (US). Three weekly lectures will follow.

Leaders of the Russian Revolution
Leon Trotsky on Yakov Sverdlov (March 1925)

By Leon Trotsky, 5 October 2017

As part of the commemoration of the centenary of the October Revolution in 1917, we are publishing here a portrait written by Leon Trotsky of Yakov Sverdlov, the chief organizer of the Bolshevik Party in 1917 and first president of the Soviet Republic.

This week in the Russian Revolution
October 2 - 8: Trotsky elected chairman of the Petrograd Soviet

2 October 2017

David North delivers address on Russian Revolution to large audience at Northern Virginia Community College

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Arts Review

On the loss of Tom Petty

By Hiram Lee, 5 October 2017

Tom Petty died suddenly October 2 at the age of 66. He was a genuine and unpretentious songwriter and performer.

Toronto International Film Festival: Part 5
African American playwright Lorraine Hansberry, a revolution betrayed in Portugal and other matters

By Joanne Laurier, 4 October 2017

Socialist Equality Party

SEP Australia verifies “registered party” status once again

By our reporters, 5 October 2017

The electoral registration of the SEP is an expression of the base of political support that exists for the internationalist and socialist perspective of the ICFI.

Socialist Equality Group holds public meeting following New Zealand election

By our reporters, 5 October 2017

The meeting discussed the socialist and internationalist program necessary to mobilise workers against the preparations for war and the anti-Chinese campaign initiated in the lead up to the election.

New Zealand workers and youth discuss the growing danger of global war

By our reporters, 5 October 2017

International Amazon Workers Voice

Is $12 an hour a fair wage for Amazon workers?

By Samuel Davidson, 4 October 2017

Workers denounce Amazon for speed-ups after two die on the job

By Christopher Davion, 2 October 2017

Price gouging at Amazon and the case for public ownership

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

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“Dad, mom, the police are here”
ICE rounds up farmworkers applying for work in Michigan

ICE arrests nearly 500 immigrants in raids on “sanctuary cities” across US

More on US immigration »


International Youth and Students for Social Equality wins club status at New York University

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 3 October 2017


The contradictions of Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s The Vietnam War

By Patrick Martin, 2 October 2017

The Grenfell Tower Fire

Grenfell Fire Forum: Wide-ranging discussion and resolution passed opposing Google censorship

By Paul Mitchell, 3 October 2017

Grenfell Tower fire eyewitnesses: “It’s because of our class—we are the lowest socioeconomic class on the food chain”

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry and the case for socialism

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Book Review

The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills
The “disease” of social inequality sends thousands to a premature death

By Benjamin Mateus and George Marlowe, 25 September 2017

A new book by Chicago doctor David Ansell reveals the profound ways in which social inequality in the US creates “death gaps” and disparities in life expectancies.

Hillary Clinton’s What Happened: A conspiracy theory of the 2016 election

By Andre Damon, 20 September 2017

Hillary Clinton’s memoir, released September 13, represents the Democratic Party’s semi-official narrative of its electoral defeat in 2016.

Why is Amazon deleting negative reviews of Hillary Clinton’s new book?

Maruti Suzuki

Legal appeals of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers expose travesty of justice

By Saman Gunadasa, 23 September 2017

Sri Lankan free trade workers express solidarity with framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

Aisin Automotive workers in India’s Haryana state face a new company-government witchhunt

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Mehring Books

New pamphlet: Fifty Years since the Detroit Rebellion

18 September 2017

This new pamphlet from Mehring Books examines the historical background and social roots of the events of the summer of 1967 and the outcome of the biggest and most violent urban uprising in US history.

New from Mehring Books
Why Study the Russian Revolution?
Volume I: The February Revolution and the Development of Bolshevik Strategy

28 August 2017

One hundred years after the Russian Revolution, the events of 1917, their consequences and their lessons retain a burning contemporary relevance.