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The International Youth and Students for Social Equality is an organization dedicated to mobilizing young people in a fight against the capitalist system and for the socialist transformation of society.  »LEARN MORE

NYU’s corporate leadership bars socialist student group from campus

On November 29, student supporters of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) at New York University (NYU) received a letter from the university’s Student Activities Board (SAB) reaffirming their earlier decision denying the application for club status.

The SAB letter is in reply to the IYSSE’s November 19 open letter “Reverse the rejection of club status for the International Youth and Students for Social Equality,” which was published on the World Socialist Web Site and distributed at NYU. The IYSSE’s open letter called the decision “an attack on the democratic rights of students and the entire campus community” and demanded that it be reversed.

The IYSSE rejects the lies put forward by the SAB to justify its anti-democratic decision barring the IYSSE club status. We oppose the political discrimination against socialists and assert our right to participate in the cultural, political, and intellectual life of one of the most important universities in the largest urban center in the Western Hemisphere. The IYSSE will not be bullied by a school administration made up of corporate raiders and war mongers, and we call on all NYU students to support the IYSSE’s petition for club status. » READ MORE



Humanity has entered the second decade of the 21st century beset by unemployment, wars, inequality and poverty.

Despite great advances in technology and communications, 23 million people in the United States are unemployed or underemployed, while half the population is either poor or near-poor. Worldwide, billions live in hunger and want.

After giving trillions of dollars to the banks, the US government is slashing public education and other social programs. Meanwhile the financial aristocracy has exploited the crisis of its own making to vastly enrich itself at the expense of working people. Wages are falling and workloads rising, to the direct benefit of the rich… » READ MORE

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