«L'évangile selon Matthieu» avec texte | Le Nouveau Testament / La Sainte Bible, audio VF Complète
«L'évangile selon Matthieu» avec texte | Le Nouveau Testament / La Sainte Bible, audio VF Complète
◼ L'Ancien Testament complet
◼ Le Nouveau Testament complet
◼ Source: http://www.tresorsonore.com/
🟢 Procurez-vous un T-shirt "J'APPARTIENS À JÉSUS" ou "JÉSUS REVIENT BIENTÔT" disponible en vente via ce lien 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/kabodGstore
🔴 𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝘂𝗻 𝗱𝗼𝗻 (𝒗𝒊𝒂 𝑷𝒂𝒚𝑷𝒂𝒍) : paypal.me/kabodgroup
---------- Références ---------
00:00:00 « Chapitre 1 : Généalogie et naissance de Jésus-Christ / Le roi David eut Salomon de la femme d'Urie; »
00:03:27 « Chapitre 2 : Les mages et Hérode »
00:07:03 « Chapitre 3 : Ministère de Jean-Baptiste »
00:09:26 « Chapitre 4 : Tentation de Jésus-Christ / Début du ministère de Jésus »
00:12:40 « Chapit...
published: 09 Apr 2020
Mireille Mathieu - Une femme amoureuse (1981)
Eddy Marnay a signé les paroles de cette adaptation française de "Woman in love" écrite par les frères Barry et Robin Gibb pour Barbra Streisand. Un tube également pour Mireille Mathieu, interprété dans La Grande Roue, le 26 mai 1981.
#mireillemathieu #variétéfrançaise #womaninlove
Abonnez-vous aux archives de la Radio Télévision Suisse:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/rtsarchives
Site: http://rtsarchives.ch
Facebook: https://facebook.com/lesarchivesdelaRTS
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rtsarchives
Les archives RTS sont disponibles à la vente pour les professionnels de l’audiovisuel, des médias et des institutions. Contact: b2b@rts.ch
Retrouvez la Radio Télévision Suisse:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/RTS
Site: http://rts.ch
published: 29 Nov 2019
Mireille Mathieu - Non, Je Ne Regrette Pas Rien
Mireille Mathieu - Non, Je Ne Regrette Pas Rien
published: 23 Jun 2015
La Marseillaise, sung by Mireille Mathieu. American English subtitles.
Performance at the foot of the Eiffel Tower in 1989 for its 100th anniversary. Mireille Mathieu sings La Marseillaise, the French national anthem. According to reports at the time, "Mathieu sang the anthem of France so grandly and shrewdly that tears welled up across the country, many patriotic citizens even needed medical treatment." Ten years later, she was awarded the Medal of the French Legion of Honor.
My translation to American English, weighing literal accuracy, lyrical style, and contemporary US context.
published: 17 Nov 2016
Jeremy Mathieu ● Thanks for Everything - ALL 4 GOALS in Barcelona
Watch my latest video: Ter Stegen ALL penalty saves in Barcelona:
published: 07 Jul 2017
Mathieu Van der Poel's Top 7 Most ICONIC Attacks
This video covers Mathieu van der poels best attacks including tour of flanders 2024
Le meilleur attacks de Mathieu van der poel. Tour des flandres et Paris roubaix
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Mathieu Van der Poel, Mathieu Van der Poel attacks, Mathieu Van der Poel highlights, Van der Poel cycling, Mathieu Van der Poel best moments, Tour
published: 31 Mar 2024
Tiako ianao (Vetson'Androy) MATHIEU la voix d'or 2023, 8 taona
8 taona ny lehilahy
Iombom-pitia amonao aho raha toa sitrakao
Hisedra sy hamakivaky izao fiainana izao
published: 31 Jul 2023
Mattyeux - Break up diaries (clip officiel)
Mon premier single "Break-up diaries" est disponible sur toutes les plateformes : https://Mattyeux.lnk.to/breakupdiaries
Chanson écrite et composée par Matthieu Reynaud (@9mattyeux)
Clip réalisé par Julie Reynaud (@rose.denoaptea)
Acteurs : Matthieu Reynaud, Louna Drouin (@lounatiqueuh), Emeric Gautier (@emeric_gtier) , Emma Chevi (@hemataume) & Alix Rivière (@roussignole)
FX : Antonin Rebic (@antoninmotion)
Chœurs : Lisa Hartmann
Production : Cathodic Prod (Régis Reynaud - @regis.reynaud)
Paroles :
Le passé, c’est passé
Dommage, c’était bien
Allez viens, on s’en fout
De toutes façons c’était rien
Écoute, c’est promis
C’était toi, c'était nous
Dans le doute, le mépris
Dans la joie, dans le flou
La passion sommeille au creux des habitudes
Le temps figé, sans espoir de ton reto...
published: 17 Mar 2022
ARRESTATION DE MATHIEU GNASSINGBÉ AU BÉNIN TOUT CE QUE VOUS DEVEZ SAVOIR_KanJedis#togoshowbizz #togo #aklaa #kagoule #kanjedis #ghetto #gmg
published: 04 Dec 2024
Available on tiktok :
Facebook :
Instagram :
Thank for watching ❤️❤️
Ey mathieu sa ton
published: 20 Jul 2024
«L'évangile selon Matthieu» avec texte | Le Nouveau Testament / La Sainte Bible, audio VF Complète
«L'évangile selon Matthieu» avec texte | Le Nouveau Testament / La Sainte Bible, audio VF Complète
◼ L'Ancien Testament complet
◼ L...
«L'évangile selon Matthieu» avec texte | Le Nouveau Testament / La Sainte Bible, audio VF Complète
◼ L'Ancien Testament complet
◼ Le Nouveau Testament complet
◼ Source: http://www.tresorsonore.com/
🟢 Procurez-vous un T-shirt "J'APPARTIENS À JÉSUS" ou "JÉSUS REVIENT BIENTÔT" disponible en vente via ce lien 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/kabodGstore
🔴 𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝘂𝗻 𝗱𝗼𝗻 (𝒗𝒊𝒂 𝑷𝒂𝒚𝑷𝒂𝒍) : paypal.me/kabodgroup
---------- Références ---------
00:00:00 « Chapitre 1 : Généalogie et naissance de Jésus-Christ / Le roi David eut Salomon de la femme d'Urie; »
00:03:27 « Chapitre 2 : Les mages et Hérode »
00:07:03 « Chapitre 3 : Ministère de Jean-Baptiste »
00:09:26 « Chapitre 4 : Tentation de Jésus-Christ / Début du ministère de Jésus »
00:12:40 « Chapitre 5 : Les béatitudes / Christ et la loi »
00:19:06 « Chapitre 6 : Les pratiques religieuses / Les biens matériels »
00:23:59 « Chapitre 7 : Les relations humaines / L'entrée dans le royaume »
00:27:40 « Chapitre 8 : Guérison d'un lépreux / Guérisons à Capernaüm / Jésus, plus fort que la nature et les démons »
00:32:13 « Chapitre 9 : Guérison d'un paralysé / Réactions face à Jésus / Guérison d'une femme et résurrection d'une fillette / Guérison de deux aveugles et d'un démoniaque / Mission des douze apôtres »
00:37:28 « Chapitre 10 : Mission des douze apôtres »
00:43:11 « Chapitre 11 : Mission des douze apôtres (suite et fin...) / Jean-Baptiste vu par Jésus »
00:47:23 « Chapitre 12 : Jésus et le sabbat / Jésus, le serviteur de l’Éternel contesté »
00:54:14 « Chapitre 13 : Le semeur et les terrains / La mauvaise herbe et le bon grain / La graine de moutarde et le levain / Explication de la parabole de la mauvaise herbe / Comparaisons diverses / Jésus rejeté à Nazareth »
01:02:22 « Chapitre 14 : Exécution de Jean-Baptiste / Multiplication des pains pour 5000 hommes »
01:06:32 « Chapitre 15 : Le cœur humain / Jésus et la femme non juive / Multiplication des pains pour 4000 hommes »
01:11:25 « Chapitre 16 : Pierre reconnaît Jésus comme le Messie »
01:15:26 « Chapitre 17 : La transfiguration / Guérison d'un épileptique »
01:19:23 « Chapitre 18 : Petits et grands dans le royaume des cieux / Le pardon »
01:24:19 « Chapitre 19 : Divorce et célibat / Les premiers et les derniers »
01:28:46 « Chapitre 20 : Demande de la mère de Jacques et de Jean / Guérison de deux aveugles »
01:33:05 « Chapitre 21 : Entrée triomphale de Jésus à Jérusalem / Jésus dans le temple / Parabole des deux fils / Parabole des vignerons »
01:39:49 « Chapitre 22 : Parabole du festin des noces / Tentatives de piéger Jésus / Reproches de Jésus aux chefs religieux »
01:45:09 « Chapitre 23 : Reproches de Jésus aux chefs religieux (suite...)»
01:50:35 « Chapitre 24 : Destruction de Jérusalem et retour du Fils de l'homme / Appel à la vigilance »
01:56:59 « Chapitre 25 : Parabole des dix jeunes filles / Parabole des serviteurs et des récompenses / Jugement des nations »
02:02:47 « Chapitre 26 : Complot contre Jésus / Une femme verse du parfum sur Jésus / Institution de la cène / Arrestation de Jésus / Jésus devant le conseil juif »
02:12:53 « Chapitre 27 : Jésus devant le gouverneur romain / Crucifixion et mort de Jésus / Mise au tombeau du corps de Jésus »
02:21:32 « Chapitre 28 : Résurrection de Jésus / Mission confiée aux disciples »
#Matthieu #LaBible #KabodWord #Francais #Bible #VF #ParoledeDieu #Dieu #AT #NT #OT #Vie #SainteBible #Saint #Kabod #Word #Audio
«L'évangile selon Matthieu» avec texte | Le Nouveau Testament / La Sainte Bible, audio VF Complète
◼ L'Ancien Testament complet
◼ Le Nouveau Testament complet
◼ Source: http://www.tresorsonore.com/
🟢 Procurez-vous un T-shirt "J'APPARTIENS À JÉSUS" ou "JÉSUS REVIENT BIENTÔT" disponible en vente via ce lien 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/kabodGstore
🔴 𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝘂𝗻 𝗱𝗼𝗻 (𝒗𝒊𝒂 𝑷𝒂𝒚𝑷𝒂𝒍) : paypal.me/kabodgroup
---------- Références ---------
00:00:00 « Chapitre 1 : Généalogie et naissance de Jésus-Christ / Le roi David eut Salomon de la femme d'Urie; »
00:03:27 « Chapitre 2 : Les mages et Hérode »
00:07:03 « Chapitre 3 : Ministère de Jean-Baptiste »
00:09:26 « Chapitre 4 : Tentation de Jésus-Christ / Début du ministère de Jésus »
00:12:40 « Chapitre 5 : Les béatitudes / Christ et la loi »
00:19:06 « Chapitre 6 : Les pratiques religieuses / Les biens matériels »
00:23:59 « Chapitre 7 : Les relations humaines / L'entrée dans le royaume »
00:27:40 « Chapitre 8 : Guérison d'un lépreux / Guérisons à Capernaüm / Jésus, plus fort que la nature et les démons »
00:32:13 « Chapitre 9 : Guérison d'un paralysé / Réactions face à Jésus / Guérison d'une femme et résurrection d'une fillette / Guérison de deux aveugles et d'un démoniaque / Mission des douze apôtres »
00:37:28 « Chapitre 10 : Mission des douze apôtres »
00:43:11 « Chapitre 11 : Mission des douze apôtres (suite et fin...) / Jean-Baptiste vu par Jésus »
00:47:23 « Chapitre 12 : Jésus et le sabbat / Jésus, le serviteur de l’Éternel contesté »
00:54:14 « Chapitre 13 : Le semeur et les terrains / La mauvaise herbe et le bon grain / La graine de moutarde et le levain / Explication de la parabole de la mauvaise herbe / Comparaisons diverses / Jésus rejeté à Nazareth »
01:02:22 « Chapitre 14 : Exécution de Jean-Baptiste / Multiplication des pains pour 5000 hommes »
01:06:32 « Chapitre 15 : Le cœur humain / Jésus et la femme non juive / Multiplication des pains pour 4000 hommes »
01:11:25 « Chapitre 16 : Pierre reconnaît Jésus comme le Messie »
01:15:26 « Chapitre 17 : La transfiguration / Guérison d'un épileptique »
01:19:23 « Chapitre 18 : Petits et grands dans le royaume des cieux / Le pardon »
01:24:19 « Chapitre 19 : Divorce et célibat / Les premiers et les derniers »
01:28:46 « Chapitre 20 : Demande de la mère de Jacques et de Jean / Guérison de deux aveugles »
01:33:05 « Chapitre 21 : Entrée triomphale de Jésus à Jérusalem / Jésus dans le temple / Parabole des deux fils / Parabole des vignerons »
01:39:49 « Chapitre 22 : Parabole du festin des noces / Tentatives de piéger Jésus / Reproches de Jésus aux chefs religieux »
01:45:09 « Chapitre 23 : Reproches de Jésus aux chefs religieux (suite...)»
01:50:35 « Chapitre 24 : Destruction de Jérusalem et retour du Fils de l'homme / Appel à la vigilance »
01:56:59 « Chapitre 25 : Parabole des dix jeunes filles / Parabole des serviteurs et des récompenses / Jugement des nations »
02:02:47 « Chapitre 26 : Complot contre Jésus / Une femme verse du parfum sur Jésus / Institution de la cène / Arrestation de Jésus / Jésus devant le conseil juif »
02:12:53 « Chapitre 27 : Jésus devant le gouverneur romain / Crucifixion et mort de Jésus / Mise au tombeau du corps de Jésus »
02:21:32 « Chapitre 28 : Résurrection de Jésus / Mission confiée aux disciples »
#Matthieu #LaBible #KabodWord #Francais #Bible #VF #ParoledeDieu #Dieu #AT #NT #OT #Vie #SainteBible #Saint #Kabod #Word #Audio
- published: 09 Apr 2020
- views: 390399
Mireille Mathieu - Une femme amoureuse (1981)
Eddy Marnay a signé les paroles de cette adaptation française de "Woman in love" écrite par les frères Barry et Robin Gibb pour Barbra Streisand. Un tube égalem...
Eddy Marnay a signé les paroles de cette adaptation française de "Woman in love" écrite par les frères Barry et Robin Gibb pour Barbra Streisand. Un tube également pour Mireille Mathieu, interprété dans La Grande Roue, le 26 mai 1981.
#mireillemathieu #variétéfrançaise #womaninlove
Abonnez-vous aux archives de la Radio Télévision Suisse:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/rtsarchives
Site: http://rtsarchives.ch
Facebook: https://facebook.com/lesarchivesdelaRTS
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rtsarchives
Les archives RTS sont disponibles à la vente pour les professionnels de l’audiovisuel, des médias et des institutions. Contact: b2b@rts.ch
Retrouvez la Radio Télévision Suisse:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/RTS
Site: http://rts.ch
Eddy Marnay a signé les paroles de cette adaptation française de "Woman in love" écrite par les frères Barry et Robin Gibb pour Barbra Streisand. Un tube également pour Mireille Mathieu, interprété dans La Grande Roue, le 26 mai 1981.
#mireillemathieu #variétéfrançaise #womaninlove
Abonnez-vous aux archives de la Radio Télévision Suisse:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/rtsarchives
Site: http://rtsarchives.ch
Facebook: https://facebook.com/lesarchivesdelaRTS
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rtsarchives
Les archives RTS sont disponibles à la vente pour les professionnels de l’audiovisuel, des médias et des institutions. Contact: b2b@rts.ch
Retrouvez la Radio Télévision Suisse:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/RTS
Site: http://rts.ch
- published: 29 Nov 2019
- views: 14934367
La Marseillaise, sung by Mireille Mathieu. American English subtitles.
Performance at the foot of the Eiffel Tower in 1989 for its 100th anniversary. Mireille Mathieu sings La Marseillaise, the French national anthem. According to ...
Performance at the foot of the Eiffel Tower in 1989 for its 100th anniversary. Mireille Mathieu sings La Marseillaise, the French national anthem. According to reports at the time, "Mathieu sang the anthem of France so grandly and shrewdly that tears welled up across the country, many patriotic citizens even needed medical treatment." Ten years later, she was awarded the Medal of the French Legion of Honor.
My translation to American English, weighing literal accuracy, lyrical style, and contemporary US context.
Performance at the foot of the Eiffel Tower in 1989 for its 100th anniversary. Mireille Mathieu sings La Marseillaise, the French national anthem. According to reports at the time, "Mathieu sang the anthem of France so grandly and shrewdly that tears welled up across the country, many patriotic citizens even needed medical treatment." Ten years later, she was awarded the Medal of the French Legion of Honor.
My translation to American English, weighing literal accuracy, lyrical style, and contemporary US context.
- published: 17 Nov 2016
- views: 6861497
Jeremy Mathieu ● Thanks for Everything - ALL 4 GOALS in Barcelona
Watch my latest video: Ter Stegen ALL penalty saves in Barcelona:
Watch my latest video: Ter Stegen ALL penalty saves in Barcelona:
Watch my latest video: Ter Stegen ALL penalty saves in Barcelona:
- published: 07 Jul 2017
- views: 57409
Mathieu Van der Poel's Top 7 Most ICONIC Attacks
This video covers Mathieu van der poels best attacks including tour of flanders 2024
Le meilleur attacks de Mathieu van der poel. Tour des flandres et Paris ro...
This video covers Mathieu van der poels best attacks including tour of flanders 2024
Le meilleur attacks de Mathieu van der poel. Tour des flandres et Paris roubaix
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Mathieu Van der Poel, Mathieu Van der Poel attacks, Mathieu Van der Poel highlights, Van der Poel cycling, Mathieu Van der Poel best moments, Tour
This video covers Mathieu van der poels best attacks including tour of flanders 2024
Le meilleur attacks de Mathieu van der poel. Tour des flandres et Paris roubaix
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Mathieu Van der Poel, Mathieu Van der Poel attacks, Mathieu Van der Poel highlights, Van der Poel cycling, Mathieu Van der Poel best moments, Tour
- published: 31 Mar 2024
- views: 191111
Tiako ianao (Vetson'Androy) MATHIEU la voix d'or 2023, 8 taona
8 taona ny lehilahy
Iombom-pitia amonao aho raha toa sitrakao
Hisedra sy hamakivaky izao fiainana izao
8 taona ny lehilahy
Iombom-pitia amonao aho raha toa sitrakao
Hisedra sy hamakivaky izao fiainana izao
8 taona ny lehilahy
Iombom-pitia amonao aho raha toa sitrakao
Hisedra sy hamakivaky izao fiainana izao
- published: 31 Jul 2023
- views: 68586
Mattyeux - Break up diaries (clip officiel)
Mon premier single "Break-up diaries" est disponible sur toutes les plateformes : https://Mattyeux.lnk.to/breakupdiaries
Chanson écrite et composée par Matthie...
Mon premier single "Break-up diaries" est disponible sur toutes les plateformes : https://Mattyeux.lnk.to/breakupdiaries
Chanson écrite et composée par Matthieu Reynaud (@9mattyeux)
Clip réalisé par Julie Reynaud (@rose.denoaptea)
Acteurs : Matthieu Reynaud, Louna Drouin (@lounatiqueuh), Emeric Gautier (@emeric_gtier) , Emma Chevi (@hemataume) & Alix Rivière (@roussignole)
FX : Antonin Rebic (@antoninmotion)
Chœurs : Lisa Hartmann
Production : Cathodic Prod (Régis Reynaud - @regis.reynaud)
Paroles :
Le passé, c’est passé
Dommage, c’était bien
Allez viens, on s’en fout
De toutes façons c’était rien
Écoute, c’est promis
C’était toi, c'était nous
Dans le doute, le mépris
Dans la joie, dans le flou
La passion sommeille au creux des habitudes
Le temps figé, sans espoir de ton retour
J’ai senti monter en moi l’incertitude
Mais je n’ai pas voulu te connaître d’amour
Le passé, c’est passé
Dommage c’était bien
Allez viens, on s’en fout
De toutes façons, c’était rien
Écoute, c’est promis
C’était toi, c'était nous
Dans le doute, le mépris
Dans la joie, dans le flou
Le passé s’est brisé
Et ton rire, je m'en souviens
Qui naît devant la jetée ?
L’amour, le mien.
Je veux plus y penser
Des larmes mortes sur tes joues
Je t’assure pour une fois
C’était fort, c’était doux
Le passé, c’est passé
Dommage, c’était bien
Allez viens, on s’en fout
De toutes façons c’était rien
Écoute, c’est promis
C’était toi, c'était nous
Dans le doute, le mépris
Dans la joie, dans le flou
Dans le reflet d'un miroir brisé,
Je nous revois tous les deux,
Le songe d'un mois de février
Où l'on a dû se dire adieu
Je ne sais pas pourquoi je t'ai laissée,
Tu étais pourtant plein de charme,
Je te revois essayer de m'embrasser,
Je nous retrouve assis, en larmes
J'écris toujours sur toi,
Tu auras toujours tes poèmes,
De cette passion d'autrefois,
Je pourrai encore te dire je t'aime
Et on se répète qu'on s'attendra,
Qu'on sera un jour tous les deux,
Je sais plus trop si j'y crois,
ça commence à être vieux.
Retrouvez Mattyeux sur les réseaux :
👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/9mattyeux/
👉 Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@mattyeux9?lang=fr
👉 Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7P3LnlBXkTP24EJS6-lnYg
Contact management : Reynaud.r@gmail.com
Edité par Warner Chapell Music France & Cathodic prod
Mon premier single "Break-up diaries" est disponible sur toutes les plateformes : https://Mattyeux.lnk.to/breakupdiaries
Chanson écrite et composée par Matthieu Reynaud (@9mattyeux)
Clip réalisé par Julie Reynaud (@rose.denoaptea)
Acteurs : Matthieu Reynaud, Louna Drouin (@lounatiqueuh), Emeric Gautier (@emeric_gtier) , Emma Chevi (@hemataume) & Alix Rivière (@roussignole)
FX : Antonin Rebic (@antoninmotion)
Chœurs : Lisa Hartmann
Production : Cathodic Prod (Régis Reynaud - @regis.reynaud)
Paroles :
Le passé, c’est passé
Dommage, c’était bien
Allez viens, on s’en fout
De toutes façons c’était rien
Écoute, c’est promis
C’était toi, c'était nous
Dans le doute, le mépris
Dans la joie, dans le flou
La passion sommeille au creux des habitudes
Le temps figé, sans espoir de ton retour
J’ai senti monter en moi l’incertitude
Mais je n’ai pas voulu te connaître d’amour
Le passé, c’est passé
Dommage c’était bien
Allez viens, on s’en fout
De toutes façons, c’était rien
Écoute, c’est promis
C’était toi, c'était nous
Dans le doute, le mépris
Dans la joie, dans le flou
Le passé s’est brisé
Et ton rire, je m'en souviens
Qui naît devant la jetée ?
L’amour, le mien.
Je veux plus y penser
Des larmes mortes sur tes joues
Je t’assure pour une fois
C’était fort, c’était doux
Le passé, c’est passé
Dommage, c’était bien
Allez viens, on s’en fout
De toutes façons c’était rien
Écoute, c’est promis
C’était toi, c'était nous
Dans le doute, le mépris
Dans la joie, dans le flou
Dans le reflet d'un miroir brisé,
Je nous revois tous les deux,
Le songe d'un mois de février
Où l'on a dû se dire adieu
Je ne sais pas pourquoi je t'ai laissée,
Tu étais pourtant plein de charme,
Je te revois essayer de m'embrasser,
Je nous retrouve assis, en larmes
J'écris toujours sur toi,
Tu auras toujours tes poèmes,
De cette passion d'autrefois,
Je pourrai encore te dire je t'aime
Et on se répète qu'on s'attendra,
Qu'on sera un jour tous les deux,
Je sais plus trop si j'y crois,
ça commence à être vieux.
Retrouvez Mattyeux sur les réseaux :
👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/9mattyeux/
👉 Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@mattyeux9?lang=fr
👉 Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7P3LnlBXkTP24EJS6-lnYg
Contact management : Reynaud.r@gmail.com
Edité par Warner Chapell Music France & Cathodic prod
- published: 17 Mar 2022
- views: 1305486
ARRESTATION DE MATHIEU GNASSINGBÉ AU BÉNIN TOUT CE QUE VOUS DEVEZ SAVOIR_KanJedis#togoshowbizz #togo #aklaa #kagoule #kanjedis #ghetto #gmg
ARRESTATION DE MATHIEU GNASSINGBÉ AU BÉNIN TOUT CE QUE VOUS DEVEZ SAVOIR_KanJedis#togoshowbizz #togo #aklaa #kagoule #kanjedis #ghetto #gmg
ARRESTATION DE MATHIEU GNASSINGBÉ AU BÉNIN TOUT CE QUE VOUS DEVEZ SAVOIR_KanJedis#togoshowbizz #togo #aklaa #kagoule #kanjedis #ghetto #gmg
- published: 04 Dec 2024
- views: 559
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Available on tiktok :
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Thank for watching ❤️❤️
Ey mathieu sa ton
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Ey mathieu sa ton
- published: 20 Jul 2024
- views: 33997
Evolution of colonized planets! (2000 - 3000)
The following is only a prediction, and may not be fully accurate. This is just a short video I made predicting human population and human colony for the next 1000 years. Sorry for the lag, and I hope u like it. :)
First Song: Piano Heaven Dupstep
Second Song: Altered Moment
published: 28 Oct 2021
List of minor planets named after people | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:07 1 Science
00:00:16 1.1 Astronomers
00:00:25 1.1.1 Amateur
00:03:28 1.1.2 Professional
00:25:55 1.1.3 Planetarium directors
00:26:40 1.1.4 Relatives of astronomers
00:28:01 1.2 Biologists
00:29:07 1.3 Cartographers
00:29:27 1.4 Chemists
00:31:12 1.5 Computer scientists and programmers
00:32:13 1.6 Mathematicians
00:36:28 1.7 Physicists
00:43:23 1.8 Physiologists
00:43:49 1.9 Psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychoanalysts
00:44:53 1.10 Space exploration
00:50:14 1.11 Other scientists, engineers and inventors
00:54:32 2 Monarchs and royalty
01:00:50 3 Nobility
01:01:04 4 Politicians and statespeople
01:02:49 5 Teachers
01:02:58 5.1 High school/technical sc...
published: 02 Jun 2019
Scientists Discovered A Lost Civilization Inside A Hollow Mountain That You Never Knew Existed
Scientists Discovered A Lost Civilization Inside A Hollow Mountain That You Never Knew
Subscribe To Life's Biggest Questions: http://bit.ly/2evqECe
Journey with us to the heart of Turkey, where archaeologists have unearthed an astonishing discovery - a lost civilization hidden within a hollow mountain. This mysterious Lycian civilization, nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Turkey, challenges everything we thought we knew about ancient societies.
Join us as we explore the secrets of this mysterious civilization. We'll delve into their unique architecture, intricate tombs, and baffling rituals. with added insights from Graham Hancock.
#lycian #turkey #mountains #ancientcivilizations #ancient #ancienthistory #discovery #science #secret #lbq #lifesbiggestquestions
For business...
published: 11 Aug 2024
Rudra | रुद्र | Season 2 | Episode 1 Part-1 | Rudra Vs MagnaMan
Rudra Vs MagnaMan
A 9-year-old magician lives in the magical city of Sun City with his grandfather. The child learns new magic every day from his grandfather and uses it to defeat the evil magician and his minions who are always stirring up trouble in town.
To watch more videos click here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2XOPpYaVR4-KGjiEYPDP_NRE5HfgEATR
Stay connected with us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sonicgang/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonicGang
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nickindiaofficial/
Website: https://www.sonicgang.com/
Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nG9utuUtB_fxoMSx7j4sQ?sub_confirmation=1
published: 20 Feb 2023
My awakened mage system, one attribute point per second, but I became a warrior- Manhwa Recap
p2: https://youtu.be/Is5sSSuAMVc
#mangacollection #manhwaedit #manhwareccomendation
#animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangacollection #webtoon #manhwarecap
If You Need Subtitles, Please Turn on the CC Subtitles in the Lower Right Corner, Enjoy :)
published: 26 Dec 2024
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➥ Advertising, cooperation - kosmo.pdt@gmail.com
0:46 Voyagers
09:56 Saturn
20:24 Uranus
29:34 Neptune
38:30 Beyond our system
47:14 Sirius
56:41 Unobservable expanses
#SolarSystem #Space #Kosmo
published: 03 Jul 2020
In This World, All Items Dropped in Games Can Be Brought Back to The Real World
In This World, All Items Dropped in Games Can Be Brought Back to The Real World, Yet This Man Obtained the Ability to Specify the Items Dropped by Monsters
published: 14 May 2024
🪐【吞噬星空】EP01-EP110, Full Version |MULTI SUB |Swallowed Star |Chinese Animation
😎HAVE A GOOD LUCK ON WeTV APP➡ https://lihi.cc/vkG7H
欢迎订阅【燃动漫】❤🔥 @hotanime-ri9zc
【吞噬星空 Swallowed Star】
published: 23 Mar 2024
How to Gain power fast [ Best Guide ] in Infinite Galaxy
In this sponsored video we give you tips and Guide, advice for infinite galaxy to increase your power fast , sometimes you need to boost your power to join an alliance or to maintaint your status in the alliance these few tips that we have will make sure that you stay strong and be relevant in the game .
What is Power in Infinite Galaxy?
- Total Power
- Building Power
- Tech Power
- Flagship Power
00:00 What is Power ?
02:40 Gather Reources Fast tips
05:00 Create Farm Account
06:30 Use Energy Daily
07:45 Complete Daily Missions
08:37 Perform Campaign early
09:45 Save items or haording
10:17 Fleet warship building
11:00 Building Upgrades
12:23 Technology Research
12:57 Crew Benefits strategy
15:28 Flagship
18:17 Core module
Discord - https://discord.gg/5edMp9Q
published: 23 Apr 2021
Dream System: Become a Professional Rebel - FULL
Lin Yaozu traveled through a parallel high-level martial arts world and opened the destiny star Sha Po Lang, but was stuck on the star into destiny.
Fortunately, the dream system was opened, and the only level talent Zhuang Zhou Mengdie was opened, which allowed him to enter the dream world to stir up the wind and cloud, kill people everywhere, and infinitely feed himself.
Dream - Dafeng Dynasty.
Rising from humble beginnings, loyal to the emperor and patriotic, guarding the border, and about to lead the army to wipe out the alien race.
His achievements were greater than his master, and the treacherous and corrupt were in power. The empress issued twelve golden medals in a row, ordering him to return to Beijing alone for an audience.
Lin Yaozu: "Rebellion! Rebellion! All the soldiers, foll...
published: 14 Jan 2025
🌎《吞噬星空》Swallowed Star EP01-135 | 🌊MUTI SUB | Donghua
下载WeTV APP可以看更多精彩动漫最新节目: https://lihi.cc/vkG7H
【吞噬星空 Swallowed Star】
🌟【Synopsis】One day, ...
published: 03 Sep 2024
Webinar: Metagenomics and Base Modifications From Long, Short, and Linked Reads | Zymo Research
Infectious disease surveillance and monitoring is critical in settings where disease outbreaks and antibiotic resistance can dramatically impact human health. This webinar will demonstrate cross-kingdom species detection by simultaneously sequencing DNA from 8 bacteria and 2 fungi in the ZymoBIOMICS Community Standard.
Keep up with us on social:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zymoresearch/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zymoresearch/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZymoResearch
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/zymo-res...
Zymo Research is a biotechnology company based in Irvine, California. We strive to provide the most reliable, innovative, and valuable biomedical tools and services to our customers through research and strategic development. Our vision: to have a positive...
published: 09 Apr 2020
What is Earth's History?
Get 68% off the 2-year NordVPN plan + 4 additional month for free at: https://nordvpn.org/sciencephile by using the coupon code: sciencephile
What's the history of our home Earth, What does it hide?
Science has been through a lot since the long history of the planet Earth. And people have philosophized and thought about it for a long time. I didn't use the help of Vsauce or Veritasium or anything crazy. Yet I was able to create something that gives an accurate explanation of the matter.
Sciencephile Merch: https://crowdmade.com/collections/sciencephiletheai
Support me at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sciencephiletheai
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sciencephile/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Sciencephile_
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SciencephileTheAI/
Website: https:...
published: 30 Dec 2020
Astell&Kern; SP2000 A&ultima; comprehensive review
The updated version of A&K; absolute flagship
Official site: https://www.astellnkern.com/eng/content/shop/features.asp?mcg=CG110000&mpos;=0&scg;=CG210180&spos;=0&tcg;=&tpos;=0&gcode;=SC35590
Text version of the review https://porta.fi/astellkern-sp2000-dap-review-how-to-make-a-reference-device-even-better/
Astell&Kern; A&ultima; SP1000 review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUnqFoVIMYA
3:16 — package and accessories set
6:17 — design, build quality and controls
13:24 — firmware
20:46 — sound
33:47 — comparisons
Tracks, mentioned in the review
Massive Attack — Teardrop (Remastered)
Hoff Ensemble — Polarity
Echoes of Ellington Jazz Orchestra — Mars (from Jazz Planets)
Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
published: 17 Nov 2019
Evolution of colonized planets! (2000 - 3000)
The following is only a prediction, and may not be fully accurate. This is just a short video I made predicting human population and human colony for the next 1...
The following is only a prediction, and may not be fully accurate. This is just a short video I made predicting human population and human colony for the next 1000 years. Sorry for the lag, and I hope u like it. :)
First Song: Piano Heaven Dupstep
Second Song: Altered Moment
The following is only a prediction, and may not be fully accurate. This is just a short video I made predicting human population and human colony for the next 1000 years. Sorry for the lag, and I hope u like it. :)
First Song: Piano Heaven Dupstep
Second Song: Altered Moment
- published: 28 Oct 2021
- views: 15119
List of minor planets named after people | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:07 1 Science
00:00:16 1.1 ...
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:07 1 Science
00:00:16 1.1 Astronomers
00:00:25 1.1.1 Amateur
00:03:28 1.1.2 Professional
00:25:55 1.1.3 Planetarium directors
00:26:40 1.1.4 Relatives of astronomers
00:28:01 1.2 Biologists
00:29:07 1.3 Cartographers
00:29:27 1.4 Chemists
00:31:12 1.5 Computer scientists and programmers
00:32:13 1.6 Mathematicians
00:36:28 1.7 Physicists
00:43:23 1.8 Physiologists
00:43:49 1.9 Psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychoanalysts
00:44:53 1.10 Space exploration
00:50:14 1.11 Other scientists, engineers and inventors
00:54:32 2 Monarchs and royalty
01:00:50 3 Nobility
01:01:04 4 Politicians and statespeople
01:02:49 5 Teachers
01:02:58 5.1 High school/technical school teachers
01:06:17 5.2 College/University professors
01:07:14 6 War heroes and veterans
01:07:24 6.1 World War II heroes and veterans
01:08:30 6.2 Other war heroes
01:08:59 6.3 Children died in war
01:09:27 7 Religion
01:10:39 8 Explorers
01:12:21 9 Historians
01:13:13 10 Other social scientists
01:13:48 11 Philosophers
01:16:41 12 The arts
01:16:50 12.1 Literature
01:16:59 12.1.1 General authors
01:19:18 12.1.2 Novelists
01:23:23 12.1.3 Poets
01:25:06 12.1.4 Playwrights
01:25:59 12.1.5 Satirists
01:26:27 12.1.6 Other
01:26:45 12.2 Visual arts
01:32:12 12.3 Architects
01:33:02 12.4 Classical music
01:33:11 12.4.1 Composers
01:41:28 12.4.2 Conductors
01:42:08 12.4.3 Opera Singers
01:42:52 12.4.4 Others
01:44:02 13 Entertainment
01:44:12 13.1 Popular music
01:52:55 13.2 Film, TV and Theatre
02:01:32 13.3 Sports
02:01:40 13.3.1 Olympic medalists
02:02:49 13.3.2 Other sports
02:05:04 13.4 Other entertainers
02:05:20 14 Contest winners
02:05:29 14.1 Broadcom MASTERS
02:05:52 14.2 Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge
02:08:05 14.3 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
02:17:02 14.4 Intel Science Talent Search
02:20:05 15 Editors and publishers
02:20:45 16 Discoverers' relatives
02:21:41 17 Others
02:24:20 18 Fictional characters
02:24:30 18.1 Characters in classic fiction
02:27:44 18.2 Characters in modern fiction
02:32:22 19 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
Listen on Google Assistant through Extra Audio:
Other Wikipedia audio articles at:
Upload your own Wikipedia articles through:
Speaking Rate: 0.7856361955711405
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-B
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
This is a list of minor planets named after people, both real and fictional.
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:07 1 Science
00:00:16 1.1 Astronomers
00:00:25 1.1.1 Amateur
00:03:28 1.1.2 Professional
00:25:55 1.1.3 Planetarium directors
00:26:40 1.1.4 Relatives of astronomers
00:28:01 1.2 Biologists
00:29:07 1.3 Cartographers
00:29:27 1.4 Chemists
00:31:12 1.5 Computer scientists and programmers
00:32:13 1.6 Mathematicians
00:36:28 1.7 Physicists
00:43:23 1.8 Physiologists
00:43:49 1.9 Psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychoanalysts
00:44:53 1.10 Space exploration
00:50:14 1.11 Other scientists, engineers and inventors
00:54:32 2 Monarchs and royalty
01:00:50 3 Nobility
01:01:04 4 Politicians and statespeople
01:02:49 5 Teachers
01:02:58 5.1 High school/technical school teachers
01:06:17 5.2 College/University professors
01:07:14 6 War heroes and veterans
01:07:24 6.1 World War II heroes and veterans
01:08:30 6.2 Other war heroes
01:08:59 6.3 Children died in war
01:09:27 7 Religion
01:10:39 8 Explorers
01:12:21 9 Historians
01:13:13 10 Other social scientists
01:13:48 11 Philosophers
01:16:41 12 The arts
01:16:50 12.1 Literature
01:16:59 12.1.1 General authors
01:19:18 12.1.2 Novelists
01:23:23 12.1.3 Poets
01:25:06 12.1.4 Playwrights
01:25:59 12.1.5 Satirists
01:26:27 12.1.6 Other
01:26:45 12.2 Visual arts
01:32:12 12.3 Architects
01:33:02 12.4 Classical music
01:33:11 12.4.1 Composers
01:41:28 12.4.2 Conductors
01:42:08 12.4.3 Opera Singers
01:42:52 12.4.4 Others
01:44:02 13 Entertainment
01:44:12 13.1 Popular music
01:52:55 13.2 Film, TV and Theatre
02:01:32 13.3 Sports
02:01:40 13.3.1 Olympic medalists
02:02:49 13.3.2 Other sports
02:05:04 13.4 Other entertainers
02:05:20 14 Contest winners
02:05:29 14.1 Broadcom MASTERS
02:05:52 14.2 Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge
02:08:05 14.3 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
02:17:02 14.4 Intel Science Talent Search
02:20:05 15 Editors and publishers
02:20:45 16 Discoverers' relatives
02:21:41 17 Others
02:24:20 18 Fictional characters
02:24:30 18.1 Characters in classic fiction
02:27:44 18.2 Characters in modern fiction
02:32:22 19 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
Listen on Google Assistant through Extra Audio:
Other Wikipedia audio articles at:
Upload your own Wikipedia articles through:
Speaking Rate: 0.7856361955711405
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-B
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
This is a list of minor planets named after people, both real and fictional.
- published: 02 Jun 2019
- views: 849
Scientists Discovered A Lost Civilization Inside A Hollow Mountain That You Never Knew Existed
Scientists Discovered A Lost Civilization Inside A Hollow Mountain That You Never Knew
Subscribe To Life's Biggest Questions: http://bit.ly/2evqECe
Journey wit...
Scientists Discovered A Lost Civilization Inside A Hollow Mountain That You Never Knew
Subscribe To Life's Biggest Questions: http://bit.ly/2evqECe
Journey with us to the heart of Turkey, where archaeologists have unearthed an astonishing discovery - a lost civilization hidden within a hollow mountain. This mysterious Lycian civilization, nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Turkey, challenges everything we thought we knew about ancient societies.
Join us as we explore the secrets of this mysterious civilization. We'll delve into their unique architecture, intricate tombs, and baffling rituals. with added insights from Graham Hancock.
#lycian #turkey #mountains #ancientcivilizations #ancient #ancienthistory #discovery #science #secret #lbq #lifesbiggestquestions
For business inquiries, please contact lifesbiggestquestion@gmail.com
Scientists Discovered A Lost Civilization Inside A Hollow Mountain That You Never Knew
Subscribe To Life's Biggest Questions: http://bit.ly/2evqECe
Journey with us to the heart of Turkey, where archaeologists have unearthed an astonishing discovery - a lost civilization hidden within a hollow mountain. This mysterious Lycian civilization, nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Turkey, challenges everything we thought we knew about ancient societies.
Join us as we explore the secrets of this mysterious civilization. We'll delve into their unique architecture, intricate tombs, and baffling rituals. with added insights from Graham Hancock.
#lycian #turkey #mountains #ancientcivilizations #ancient #ancienthistory #discovery #science #secret #lbq #lifesbiggestquestions
For business inquiries, please contact lifesbiggestquestion@gmail.com
- published: 11 Aug 2024
- views: 780859
Rudra | रुद्र | Season 2 | Episode 1 Part-1 | Rudra Vs MagnaMan
Rudra Vs MagnaMan
A 9-year-old magician lives in the magical city of Sun City with his grandfather. The child learns new magic every day from his grandfather a...
Rudra Vs MagnaMan
A 9-year-old magician lives in the magical city of Sun City with his grandfather. The child learns new magic every day from his grandfather and uses it to defeat the evil magician and his minions who are always stirring up trouble in town.
To watch more videos click here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2XOPpYaVR4-KGjiEYPDP_NRE5HfgEATR
Stay connected with us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sonicgang/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonicGang
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nickindiaofficial/
Website: https://www.sonicgang.com/
Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nG9utuUtB_fxoMSx7j4sQ?sub_confirmation=1
Rudra Vs MagnaMan
A 9-year-old magician lives in the magical city of Sun City with his grandfather. The child learns new magic every day from his grandfather and uses it to defeat the evil magician and his minions who are always stirring up trouble in town.
To watch more videos click here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2XOPpYaVR4-KGjiEYPDP_NRE5HfgEATR
Stay connected with us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sonicgang/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonicGang
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nickindiaofficial/
Website: https://www.sonicgang.com/
Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nG9utuUtB_fxoMSx7j4sQ?sub_confirmation=1
- published: 20 Feb 2023
- views: 1280342
My awakened mage system, one attribute point per second, but I became a warrior- Manhwa Recap
p2: https://youtu.be/Is5sSSuAMVc
#mangacollection #manhwaedit #manhwareccomendation
#animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations ...
p2: https://youtu.be/Is5sSSuAMVc
#mangacollection #manhwaedit #manhwareccomendation
#animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangacollection #webtoon #manhwarecap
If You Need Subtitles, Please Turn on the CC Subtitles in the Lower Right Corner, Enjoy :)
p2: https://youtu.be/Is5sSSuAMVc
#mangacollection #manhwaedit #manhwareccomendation
#animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangacollection #webtoon #manhwarecap
If You Need Subtitles, Please Turn on the CC Subtitles in the Lower Right Corner, Enjoy :)
- published: 26 Dec 2024
- views: 16564
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➥ Advertising, cooperation - kosmo.pdt@gmail.com
0:46 Voyagers
09:56 Saturn
20:24 Uranus
29:34 Neptune
38:30 Beyond our system
47:14 Sirius
56:41 Unobservable expanses
#SolarSystem #Space #Kosmo
➥ Telegram - https://t.me/kosmo_eng
➥ Subscribe - http://bit.ly/SubbKosmo
➥ Support us on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@kosmo_off/join
➥ Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/kosmo_off
➥ Kosmo DOC - youtube.com/@KosmoDOC
➥ TikTok - http://tiktok.com/@kosmo_eng
➥ Advertising, cooperation - kosmo.pdt@gmail.com
0:46 Voyagers
09:56 Saturn
20:24 Uranus
29:34 Neptune
38:30 Beyond our system
47:14 Sirius
56:41 Unobservable expanses
#SolarSystem #Space #Kosmo
- published: 03 Jul 2020
- views: 849405
In This World, All Items Dropped in Games Can Be Brought Back to The Real World
In This World, All Items Dropped in Games Can Be Brought Back to The Real World, Yet This Man Obtained the Ability to Specify the Items Dropped by Monsters
In This World, All Items Dropped in Games Can Be Brought Back to The Real World, Yet This Man Obtained the Ability to Specify the Items Dropped by Monsters
In This World, All Items Dropped in Games Can Be Brought Back to The Real World, Yet This Man Obtained the Ability to Specify the Items Dropped by Monsters
- published: 14 May 2024
- views: 47157
🪐【吞噬星空】EP01-EP110, Full Version |MULTI SUB |Swallowed Star |Chinese Animation
😎HAVE A GOOD LUCK ON WeTV APP➡ https://lihi.cc/vkG7H
欢迎订阅【燃动漫】❤🔥 @hotanime-ri9zc
😎HAVE A GOOD LUCK ON WeTV APP➡ https://lihi.cc/vkG7H
欢迎订阅【燃动漫】❤🔥 @hotanime-ri9zc
【吞噬星空 Swallowed Star】
#吞噬星空 #SwallowedStar #腾讯视频动漫 #anime #热血漫 #热血漫 #逆袭 #打脸 #小说改编
😎HAVE A GOOD LUCK ON WeTV APP➡ https://lihi.cc/vkG7H
欢迎订阅【燃动漫】❤🔥 @hotanime-ri9zc
【吞噬星空 Swallowed Star】
#吞噬星空 #SwallowedStar #腾讯视频动漫 #anime #热血漫 #热血漫 #逆袭 #打脸 #小说改编
- published: 23 Mar 2024
- views: 315427
How to Gain power fast [ Best Guide ] in Infinite Galaxy
In this sponsored video we give you tips and Guide, advice for infinite galaxy to increase your power fast , sometimes you need to boost your power to join an a...
In this sponsored video we give you tips and Guide, advice for infinite galaxy to increase your power fast , sometimes you need to boost your power to join an alliance or to maintaint your status in the alliance these few tips that we have will make sure that you stay strong and be relevant in the game .
What is Power in Infinite Galaxy?
- Total Power
- Building Power
- Tech Power
- Flagship Power
00:00 What is Power ?
02:40 Gather Reources Fast tips
05:00 Create Farm Account
06:30 Use Energy Daily
07:45 Complete Daily Missions
08:37 Perform Campaign early
09:45 Save items or haording
10:17 Fleet warship building
11:00 Building Upgrades
12:23 Technology Research
12:57 Crew Benefits strategy
15:28 Flagship
18:17 Core module
Discord - https://discord.gg/5edMp9Q
This supports the Channel
Download now Play Infinite Galaxy on PC
Download Infinite Galaxy
Redeem Code: shinchi
► Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/5edMp9Q
#InfiniteGalaxy #Guide #PowerUp
In this sponsored video we give you tips and Guide, advice for infinite galaxy to increase your power fast , sometimes you need to boost your power to join an alliance or to maintaint your status in the alliance these few tips that we have will make sure that you stay strong and be relevant in the game .
What is Power in Infinite Galaxy?
- Total Power
- Building Power
- Tech Power
- Flagship Power
00:00 What is Power ?
02:40 Gather Reources Fast tips
05:00 Create Farm Account
06:30 Use Energy Daily
07:45 Complete Daily Missions
08:37 Perform Campaign early
09:45 Save items or haording
10:17 Fleet warship building
11:00 Building Upgrades
12:23 Technology Research
12:57 Crew Benefits strategy
15:28 Flagship
18:17 Core module
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#InfiniteGalaxy #Guide #PowerUp
- published: 23 Apr 2021
- views: 9455
Dream System: Become a Professional Rebel - FULL
Lin Yaozu traveled through a parallel high-level martial arts world and opened the destiny star Sha Po Lang, but was stuck on the star into destiny.
Lin Yaozu traveled through a parallel high-level martial arts world and opened the destiny star Sha Po Lang, but was stuck on the star into destiny.
Fortunately, the dream system was opened, and the only level talent Zhuang Zhou Mengdie was opened, which allowed him to enter the dream world to stir up the wind and cloud, kill people everywhere, and infinitely feed himself.
Dream - Dafeng Dynasty.
Rising from humble beginnings, loyal to the emperor and patriotic, guarding the border, and about to lead the army to wipe out the alien race.
His achievements were greater than his master, and the treacherous and corrupt were in power. The empress issued twelve golden medals in a row, ordering him to return to Beijing alone for an audience.
Lin Yaozu: "Rebellion! Rebellion! All the soldiers, follow me to clear the emperor's side."
Dream - Han Dynasty.
The rich are drunk and stinking, and there are frozen bones on the road.
He practiced Taoism and medicine, had a strange encounter, saw the heavenly book, cast talismans, saved the world, recruited disciples, and sheltered the poor people in the world.
The conspiracy was exposed, he was accused of treason, and bought the hearts of the people. Lin Yaozu: "Rebellion! Rebellion! I am Lin Yaozu, I beg you to die."
Weighing 100 kilograms, 99 kilograms of rebellious bones.
In the real world, he is submissive, but in the dream, he strikes hard.
I will make the next part for the popular video, if you need next part, please leave a message in the comment area and let me know you need it.
But not all stories are finished, they are still being serialized, so we can only wait.
If You Need Subtitles, Please Turn on the CC Subtitles in the Lower Right Corner.
The graphics don't matter, the voice is the real story.
Ps:I'm glad you enjoyed this story!
#animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #manhwa #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangacollection #webtoon #manhwarecap #webtoonrecommendation #webtoons #manhua
Lin Yaozu traveled through a parallel high-level martial arts world and opened the destiny star Sha Po Lang, but was stuck on the star into destiny.
Fortunately, the dream system was opened, and the only level talent Zhuang Zhou Mengdie was opened, which allowed him to enter the dream world to stir up the wind and cloud, kill people everywhere, and infinitely feed himself.
Dream - Dafeng Dynasty.
Rising from humble beginnings, loyal to the emperor and patriotic, guarding the border, and about to lead the army to wipe out the alien race.
His achievements were greater than his master, and the treacherous and corrupt were in power. The empress issued twelve golden medals in a row, ordering him to return to Beijing alone for an audience.
Lin Yaozu: "Rebellion! Rebellion! All the soldiers, follow me to clear the emperor's side."
Dream - Han Dynasty.
The rich are drunk and stinking, and there are frozen bones on the road.
He practiced Taoism and medicine, had a strange encounter, saw the heavenly book, cast talismans, saved the world, recruited disciples, and sheltered the poor people in the world.
The conspiracy was exposed, he was accused of treason, and bought the hearts of the people. Lin Yaozu: "Rebellion! Rebellion! I am Lin Yaozu, I beg you to die."
Weighing 100 kilograms, 99 kilograms of rebellious bones.
In the real world, he is submissive, but in the dream, he strikes hard.
I will make the next part for the popular video, if you need next part, please leave a message in the comment area and let me know you need it.
But not all stories are finished, they are still being serialized, so we can only wait.
If You Need Subtitles, Please Turn on the CC Subtitles in the Lower Right Corner.
The graphics don't matter, the voice is the real story.
Ps:I'm glad you enjoyed this story!
#animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #manhwa #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangacollection #webtoon #manhwarecap #webtoonrecommendation #webtoons #manhua
- published: 14 Jan 2025
- views: 1805
🌎《吞噬星空》Swallowed Star EP01-135 | 🌊MUTI SUB | Donghua
下载WeTV APP可以看更多精彩动漫最新节目: https://lihi.cc/vkG7H
下载WeTV APP可以看更多精彩动漫最新节目: https://lihi.cc/vkG7H
【吞噬星空 Swallowed Star】
🌟【Synopsis】One day, an unexplained virus appeared on Earth, plunging the world into disaster. Infected animals mutated into horrible monsters, and when mankind was facing destruction, they built a wall and set up a base city as the last bastion of mankind. In the extreme survival environment, human physical ability is also gradually progressing and development, the physical quality of human beings compared to the previous quality has soared. The best of them are called "martial artists".
At the age of 18, Luo Feng aspired to become a martial artist, but the road ahead was not smooth. In the end, under the constant grueling grind, Luo Feng continued to explore his potential, and was recognized for his ability to improve and his self-worth. Will Luo Feng and other martial artists be able to repel the monsters and successfully protect the human world under the desperate situation of doomsday?
#吞噬星空 #SwallowedStar #腾讯视频动漫 #anime #热血漫 #热血漫 #逆袭 #打脸 #小说改编
下载WeTV APP可以看更多精彩动漫最新节目: https://lihi.cc/vkG7H
【吞噬星空 Swallowed Star】
🌟【Synopsis】One day, an unexplained virus appeared on Earth, plunging the world into disaster. Infected animals mutated into horrible monsters, and when mankind was facing destruction, they built a wall and set up a base city as the last bastion of mankind. In the extreme survival environment, human physical ability is also gradually progressing and development, the physical quality of human beings compared to the previous quality has soared. The best of them are called "martial artists".
At the age of 18, Luo Feng aspired to become a martial artist, but the road ahead was not smooth. In the end, under the constant grueling grind, Luo Feng continued to explore his potential, and was recognized for his ability to improve and his self-worth. Will Luo Feng and other martial artists be able to repel the monsters and successfully protect the human world under the desperate situation of doomsday?
#吞噬星空 #SwallowedStar #腾讯视频动漫 #anime #热血漫 #热血漫 #逆袭 #打脸 #小说改编
- published: 03 Sep 2024
- views: 341524
Webinar: Metagenomics and Base Modifications From Long, Short, and Linked Reads | Zymo Research
Infectious disease surveillance and monitoring is critical in settings where disease outbreaks and antibiotic resistance can dramatically impact human health. T...
Infectious disease surveillance and monitoring is critical in settings where disease outbreaks and antibiotic resistance can dramatically impact human health. This webinar will demonstrate cross-kingdom species detection by simultaneously sequencing DNA from 8 bacteria and 2 fungi in the ZymoBIOMICS Community Standard.
Keep up with us on social:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zymoresearch/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zymoresearch/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZymoResearch
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/zymo-res...
Zymo Research is a biotechnology company based in Irvine, California. We strive to provide the most reliable, innovative, and valuable biomedical tools and services to our customers through research and strategic development. Our vision: to have a positive impact in the biomedical field and to contribute to the greater good of humanity.
Infectious disease surveillance and monitoring is critical in settings where disease outbreaks and antibiotic resistance can dramatically impact human health. This webinar will demonstrate cross-kingdom species detection by simultaneously sequencing DNA from 8 bacteria and 2 fungi in the ZymoBIOMICS Community Standard.
Keep up with us on social:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zymoresearch/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zymoresearch/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZymoResearch
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/zymo-res...
Zymo Research is a biotechnology company based in Irvine, California. We strive to provide the most reliable, innovative, and valuable biomedical tools and services to our customers through research and strategic development. Our vision: to have a positive impact in the biomedical field and to contribute to the greater good of humanity.
- published: 09 Apr 2020
- views: 194
What is Earth's History?
Get 68% off the 2-year NordVPN plan + 4 additional month for free at: https://nordvpn.org/sciencephile by using the coupon code: sciencephile
What's the histor...
Get 68% off the 2-year NordVPN plan + 4 additional month for free at: https://nordvpn.org/sciencephile by using the coupon code: sciencephile
What's the history of our home Earth, What does it hide?
Science has been through a lot since the long history of the planet Earth. And people have philosophized and thought about it for a long time. I didn't use the help of Vsauce or Veritasium or anything crazy. Yet I was able to create something that gives an accurate explanation of the matter.
Sciencephile Merch: https://crowdmade.com/collections/sciencephiletheai
Support me at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sciencephiletheai
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sciencephile/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Sciencephile_
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SciencephileTheAI/
Website: https://www.sciencephiletheai.com
- Mozart - Requiem
- Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Mozart
Supporters: Tovi Sonnenberg, H H, Jonas Lee, Joshua Titus, Brian Shaner, Parker Rosenbauer, iNF3Rnus, Pavel Kočarian, Ishin Hazue, John N, Danh Le, Stealer of Fresh stolen Content, Brandon Ledyard, Ephellon and everyone else!
Get 68% off the 2-year NordVPN plan + 4 additional month for free at: https://nordvpn.org/sciencephile by using the coupon code: sciencephile
What's the history of our home Earth, What does it hide?
Science has been through a lot since the long history of the planet Earth. And people have philosophized and thought about it for a long time. I didn't use the help of Vsauce or Veritasium or anything crazy. Yet I was able to create something that gives an accurate explanation of the matter.
Sciencephile Merch: https://crowdmade.com/collections/sciencephiletheai
Support me at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sciencephiletheai
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sciencephile/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Sciencephile_
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SciencephileTheAI/
Website: https://www.sciencephiletheai.com
- Mozart - Requiem
- Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Mozart
Supporters: Tovi Sonnenberg, H H, Jonas Lee, Joshua Titus, Brian Shaner, Parker Rosenbauer, iNF3Rnus, Pavel Kočarian, Ishin Hazue, John N, Danh Le, Stealer of Fresh stolen Content, Brandon Ledyard, Ephellon and everyone else!
- published: 30 Dec 2020
- views: 313633
Astell&Kern; SP2000 A&ultima; comprehensive review
The updated version of A&K; absolute flagship
Official site: https://www.astellnkern.com/eng/content/shop/features.asp?mcg=CG110000&mpos;=0&scg;=CG210180&spos;=0&t...;
The updated version of A&K; absolute flagship
Official site: https://www.astellnkern.com/eng/content/shop/features.asp?mcg=CG110000&mpos;=0&scg;=CG210180&spos;=0&tcg;=&tpos;=0&gcode;=SC35590
Text version of the review https://porta.fi/astellkern-sp2000-dap-review-how-to-make-a-reference-device-even-better/
Astell&Kern; A&ultima; SP1000 review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUnqFoVIMYA
3:16 — package and accessories set
6:17 — design, build quality and controls
13:24 — firmware
20:46 — sound
33:47 — comparisons
Tracks, mentioned in the review
Massive Attack — Teardrop (Remastered)
Hoff Ensemble — Polarity
Echoes of Ellington Jazz Orchestra — Mars (from Jazz Planets)
Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
The updated version of A&K; absolute flagship
Official site: https://www.astellnkern.com/eng/content/shop/features.asp?mcg=CG110000&mpos;=0&scg;=CG210180&spos;=0&tcg;=&tpos;=0&gcode;=SC35590
Text version of the review https://porta.fi/astellkern-sp2000-dap-review-how-to-make-a-reference-device-even-better/
Astell&Kern; A&ultima; SP1000 review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUnqFoVIMYA
3:16 — package and accessories set
6:17 — design, build quality and controls
13:24 — firmware
20:46 — sound
33:47 — comparisons
Tracks, mentioned in the review
Massive Attack — Teardrop (Remastered)
Hoff Ensemble — Polarity
Echoes of Ellington Jazz Orchestra — Mars (from Jazz Planets)
Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
- published: 17 Nov 2019
- views: 22802