My Blog

Name these apps!

The time has come to find a name for the nearly finished apps that I have been writing content for over the past several months. These apps will help families to lead healthier lives, and a competition has been launched to ask children and schools to use all their creativity to …

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A Google Cardboard family evening

Last night we visited the Eifle Tower, climbed hills and mountains (seriously, don’t look down while doing this), played with an artic fox (incredibly adorable), went fishing, planted flowers, visited a natural history museum and an air museum (geek love), went on a few rollercoasters (blurk), flew with a flock …

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Brain meanderings

I’ve been doing a lot of swimming lately because my knee is permanently inured so I can’t run as much as I used to, and I’ve signed up to swim 5k during the Swimathon this year.  The thing about swimming is that I find my mind drifts, and I end up …

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Name that tool!

The childhood obesity project that I was commissioned to write for Health Education England is nearing the end. One of the things that is outstanding is choosing the perfect name, and this is where you all come in. Both tools will be available for free on all the usual handheld devices so …

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