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Director General

WIPO Mission statement: The World Intellectual Property Organization promotes innovation and creativity for the economic, social and cultural development of all countries, through a balanced and effective international intellectual property system.

IP services Services home

We provide IP services that encourage individuals and businesses to innovate and create.


The International Patent System


The International Trademark System

Industrial Designs

The International Design System

Appellations of Origin

The International System of Appellations of Origin

Dispute Resolution

Arbitration and Mediation Center

Domain Names

Arbitration and Mediation Center

Policy Policy home

We bring stakeholders together to develop global IP agreements.

WIPO meetings

Follow policy discussions and negotiations on the future development of IP in our standing committees and meetings.

WIPO treaties

We administer 26 treaties at the international level, touching on a wide range of IP-related subjects. These treaties are the bedrock of the IP system.

Cooperation Cooperation home

We help countries, businesses and individuals collaborate on using IP to improve lives.

WIPO Academy

Sign up for WIPO Academy distance learning or face-to-face courses all year round, taught by people who know intellectual property.


Assistance for inventors

The Inventor Assistance Program (IAP) matches developing-country inventors with patent attorneys who give them free legal advice on patenting.


WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCS) provide access to high quality technology information and related services.


The Accessible Books Consortium (ABC) aims to increase the number of books worldwide in accessible formats and to make them available to people who are blind or visually impaired.



WIPO GREEN promotes innovation and diffusion of green technologies by connecting technology and service providers with those seeking innovative, environmental solutions.

WIPO Re:Search

WIPO Re:Search is an international consortium through which public and private sector organizations share intellectual property and expertise with the global health research community.

Knowledge Knowledge home

We provide the data and economic intelligence that enable strategic decisions.

Global IP infrastructure


international and national patent documents.

Global Brand Database

records of trademarks, appellations of origin and emblems from multiple national and international sources.

Global Design Database

industrial design registrations from the Hague System and participating national collections.


records of national IP laws and treaties of some countries.

Market intelligence

(Photo:© NicoElNino)

Services yearly reviews

Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis.

World IP Report

Breakthrough Innovation and Economic Growth.

WIPO IP Facts and Figures

An overview of intellectual property activity using the latest available year of complete statistics.

Global Innovation Index

Innovation Feeding the World.