- published: 31 Oct 2014
- views: 13997
Braunschweig (German pronunciation: [ˈbʁaʊ̯nʃvaɪ̯k]; Low German: Brunswiek [ˈbrɔˑnsviːk]), also called Brunswick in English, is a city of 250,556 people, located in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany. It is located north of the Harz mountains at the farthest navigable point of the Oker river, which connects to the North Sea via the rivers Aller and Weser. A powerful and influential centre of commerce in medieval Germany, Braunschweig was a member of the Hanseatic League from the 13th until the 17th century, and the capital of the state of Brunswick until its disestablishment in 1946. Today, Braunschweig is the second largest city in Lower Saxony and a major centre of scientific research and development.
The date and circumstances of the town's foundation are unknown. Tradition maintains that Braunschweig was created through the merger of two settlements, one founded by Brun(o), a Saxon count who died in 880, on one side of the river Oker – the legend gives the year 861 for the foundation – and the other the settlement of a legendary Count Dankward, after whom Dankwarderode Castle (Dankward's clearing), which was reconstructed in the 19th century, is named. The town's original name of Brunswik is a combination of the name Bruno and Low German wik, a place where merchants rested and stored their goods. The town's name therefore indicates an ideal resting-place, as it lay by a ford across the Oker River. Another explanation of the city's name is that it comes from Brand, or burning, indicating a place which developed after the landscape was cleared through burning. The city was first mentioned in documents from the St. Magni Church from 1031, which give the city's name as Brunesguik.
UTF-8 is a character encoding capable of encoding all possible characters, or code points, in Unicode.
The encoding is variable-length and uses 8-bit code units. It was designed for backward compatibility with ASCII, and to avoid the complications of endianness and byte order marks in the alternative UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings. The name is derived from: Universal Coded Character Set + Transformation Format – 8-bit.
UTF-8 is the dominant character encoding for the World Wide Web, accounting for 86.2% of all Web pages in January 2016 (with the most popular East Asian encoding, GB 2312, at 0.9% and Shift JIS at 1.1%). The Internet Mail Consortium (IMC) recommends that all e-mail programs be able to display and create mail using UTF-8, and the W3C recommends UTF-8 as the default encoding in XML and HTML.
UTF-8 encodes each of the 1,112,064 valid code points in the Unicode code space (1,114,112 code points minus 2,048 surrogate code points) using one to four 8-bit bytes (a group of 8 bits is known as an octet in the Unicode Standard). Code points with lower numerical values (i.e., earlier code positions in the Unicode character set, which tend to occur more frequently) are encoded using fewer bytes. The first 128 characters of Unicode, which correspond one-to-one with ASCII, are encoded using a single octet with the same binary value as ASCII, making valid ASCII text valid UTF-8-encoded Unicode as well. And ASCII bytes do not occur when encoding non-ASCII code points into UTF-8, making UTF-8 safe to use within most programming and document languages that interpret certain ASCII characters in a special way, e.g. as end of string.
Visiting TU Braunschweig
Braunschweig - Unterwegs in Niedersachsen (Folge 15)
Braunschweig - Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Braunschweig "früher"
Was zur Hölle geht in Braunschweig ab
Braunschweig - 1 Tag nach der Katastrophe
ffn - Der Norden von oben: Braunschweig
Braunschweig 1945
Braunschweig 1945 (in color and HD)
Staying in Braunschweig
Braunschweig -- Die Löwenstadt
Polizei-Streife in Braunschweig
Linie1 in Braunschweig (1990)
Das Shopping-Schloss - Schloss Braunschweig
Eintracht Braunschweig Fans gehen zum Stadion(Samstag den 21.10.17)
Wolfsburg Braunschweig Relegation 25.5.17 Wasserwerfer Einsatz.
Braunschweig fans vs. cops 16.04.2017
Nachrichten - Braunschweig bereitet sich auf Flutwelle vor
Betriebsbeginn bei der Straßenbahn Braunschweig
مدينة براونشفايغ الالمانيه braunschweig germany
Souvenirs aus Braunschweig: http://bit.ly/Braunschwg ====================================================== In dieser Folge zeige ich die Stadt Braunschweig mit ihren Sehenswürdigkeiten. Ausserdem zeige ich in zwei gesonderten Beiträgen den Braunschweiger Dom St. Blasii sowie den Flughafen Braunschweig-Wolfsburg.
Photographer Nina Stiller has three tips for visitors to her home town: Nussberg hill, the Municipal Museum, and the narrow street called the Handelsweg. For more information go to: www.dw.de/english
Das Bildmaterial stammt unter anderem von der Seite/ Facebook-Gruppe "Bohlweg-Zeiten - Die 80er in Braunschweig". https://www.facebook.com/groups/bohlwegzeiten/?fref=ts Dieses Video entstand im Februar 2017 und zeigt die wohl bekanntesten Straßen und Plätze unserer Löwenstadt. Die meisten Aufnahmen stammen aus den 70er und 80er Jahren.
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► 📸 FleshPwner auf Instagram: 📸 https://www.instagram.com/fleshpwner_z800/ ► 🎬 FleshPwner auf Twitch: 🎬 https://www.twitch.tv/fleshpwner ►👻 FleshPwner auf Snapchat: 👻 https://www.snapchat.com/add/fleshpwner ► 🎮 FleshPwner's Steam Gruppe: 🎮 http://steamcommunity.com/groups/FleshPwners_Army ► 📧 FleshPwner per Email kontaktieren: 📧 FleshPwner@gmail.com ► 🏍 Mein Equipment: * 🏍 GoPro - Kamera: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01LYTQY22/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag;=flesh08-21&camp;=1638&creative;=6742&linkCode;=as2&creativeASIN;=B01LYTQY22&linkId;=4092548b21109b65444432a6b58e319d GoPro - Mikrofonadapter: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01L2CPPH2/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag;=flesh08-21&camp;=1638&creative;=6742&linkCode;=as2&creativeASIN;=B01L2CPPH2&linkId;=a01f54a8911686b80ad8b8b4c7259a29 GoPro - Mikrofo...
25 Orte haben bei radio ffn ein Drohnen-Video gewonnen. Auch Braunschweig ist dabei. Schaut euch hier die Löwenstadt mit Dom, Schloß und Andreaskirche von oben an.
Dokumentation über das Schicksal der Stadt Braunschweig während und am Ende des 2. Weltkrieges. Während des Krieges war Braunschweig ein bedeutendes Rüstungszentrum. 50 Luftangriffe gingen auf die Stadt und ihre Bevölkerung nieder wobei 90 % der Innenstadt zerstört wurden. Der Gesamtzerstörungsgrad der Stadt betrug 42%. Der verheerendste Bombenangriff fand am 15. Oktober 1944 statt, bei dem 233 Lancaster-Bomber der No. 5 Bomber Group Royal Air Force (RAF) durch den Abwurf von etwa 200.000 Phosphor-, Brand- und Sprengbomben einen 2½ Tage wütenden Feuersturm entfachten. Über 1.000 Menschen kamen bei diesem Angriff ums Leben. Während des gesamten Krieges fanden etwa 3.500 Menschen durch Bombenangriffe den Tod, wobei fast die Hälfte der Toten Kriegsgefangene, Zwangsarbeiter und KZ-Häftlinge w...
Interesting footage from the city center of Braunschweig just after the end of the Second World War in June 1945. Who knows what we see in this video? Write us your knowledge in the comments, describe the pictures by adding the timecode. Find more impressive videos in our playlist "Spirit of Liberation": https://goo.gl/Gzeto2 Subscribe to chronoshistory: http://goo.gl/IVGjVB Footage in original color and HD before restoring for the documentary “Spirit of Liberation" (Kronos Media, 2016) Watch here the new restored pictures in our film trailer: https://goo.gl/CU0hUP
Produced by kitchen tv Filmproduktion, http://kitchen-tv.com and Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH. More info at http://braunschweig.de/cityfilm or http://braunschweig-film.de. The “Lion City” welcomes you with the open arms of a major city that has a lot to offer: historic sights and authentic old districts, post-modern architecture, a rich cultural heritage, varying sport and leisure activities, urban charm and expansive parks and natural landscapes. Braunschweig unites the past and the future, history and vision, tradition and innovation. Music: TIBURSKY, from "Elaine"
http://kitchen-tv.com, Leben in Braunschweig heißt leben in großstädtischem Flair mit kurzen Wegen und grünen Rückzugsmöglichkeiten, in einer familienfreundlichen Stadt mit umfangreichem Kultur- und Freizeitangebot und ebenso vielen Einkaufsmöglichkeiten. Leben in Braunschweig heißt ... am besten sehen Sie selbst, was die Braunschweiger über ihre Stadt zu sagen haben. In kurzen Episoden geben sie individuelle Einblicke und Perspektiven, persönliche Geschichten und Ansichten. Selbstbewusst und ehrlich. Produziert von kitchen tv Filmproduktion (http://kitchen-tv.com ) und der Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH, mehr auf http://braunschweig.de/stadtfilm und http://braunschweig-film.de.
Straßenbahnrundfahrt 8158 am 28.02.1990 der Linie 1 Hauptbahnhof - Daimlerstraße - Hauptbahnhof D.R.
In der Relegation zwischen den Städte Rivalen, nutzt die Polizei die Wasserwerfer gegen die Braunschweiger Fans, weil diese die Polizisten angegriffen haben, wie man dem Polizei Sprecher entnehmen kann.
Facebook page "Hooligans TV" https://www.facebook.com/HooligansTVi/timeline/?ref=hl More info http://hooliganstv.com/hannover-96-eintracht-braunschweig-15-04-2017/
In vielen Orten in Niedersachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt wird bereits aufgeräumt. In Braunschweig steht den Menschen das Schlimmste aber noch bevor: Eine Flutwelle droht. Weitere Themen der Sendung: Gondel löst sich aus Achterbahn in den USA und VW verteidigt sich im Skandal um mögliche Absprachen. Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/8wT3/
مدينة براونشفايغ الالمانيه braunschweig germany
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Braunschweig: Travel Guide Germany Arche Noah Zoo Braunschweig-Stöckheim, Braunschweiger Dom, Burgplatz Braunschweig, Dankwarderode Castle, Happy Rizzi House, Rathaus Braunschweig, Schloss Arkaden, Schloss Richmond, St. Pauli Kirche, Städtisches Museum Braunschweig
Photographer Nina Stiller has three tips for visitors to her home town: Nussberg hill, the Municipal Museum, and the narrow street called the Handelsweg. For more information go to: www.dw.de/english
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Braunschweig around 1900. Dankwarderode Castle. Brunswick Cathedral, with Lion statue. Happy Rizzi House. Saint Andrew. Richmond Palace. Theatre. Car-free zone in downtown. Coal Market.
Mike Corey from http://www.kickthegrind.tv/ was on tour in Erfurt. The video will provide all backpackers all information they would need to know prior to arriving. Topics include: - The cheapest way to get downtown from the airport/train terminal - A good area to find a hostel - The best street for a night out - Local foods to try - Top 3 attractions in the city - Best way to get around town We hope you will enjoy it! A big thanks to our partners: http://www.hostelworld.com/; http://www.germanrailpasses.com/ and http://www.erfurt-tourismus.de/en/all-about-erfurt/
Miriam Matthey from Maturin spent three weeks touring Germany. We met up with her in the city of Braunschweig. For more information and videos go to: http://www.dw.de/english http://www.dw.de/program/discover-germany/s-7856-9798
The city has an inexpensive and extensive 35 km electric tram system. First opened in 1897, it has been modernized, including a 3.2 km extension in 2007. The system is unique as the only European railway or tram system to use the 1100 mm gauge, this being supplemented with in stages with a 1435 mm third rail, to allow future connections to the main railway network.
Places to see in ( Braunschweig - Germany ) Braunschweig, also called Brunswick in English, in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany. Braunschweig is a city of around 250,000 people, located in the federal-state of Lower Saxony, Germany. It is located north of the Harz mountains at the farthest navigable point of the Oker river, which connects to the North Sea via the rivers Aller and Weser. The date and circumstances of the town's foundation are unknown. Tradition maintains that Braunschweig was created through the merger of two settlements, one founded by Bruno II, a Saxon count who died before 1017 on one side of the river Oker - the legend gives the year 861 for the foundation - and the other the settlement of a legendary Count Dankward, after whom Castle Dankwarderode (Dankward's clea...
University student Jennifer Blome recommends Heimatdesign, a concept store in Dortmund, the Kieztörtchen Café in the Kreuzviertel district and the Dortmunder U arts center. More Discover ermany: http://www.dw.com/en/program/discover-germany/s-7856-9798
Produced by kitchen tv Filmproduktion, http://kitchen-tv.com and Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH. More info at http://braunschweig.de/cityfilm or http://braunschweig-film.de. The “Lion City” welcomes you with the open arms of a major city that has a lot to offer: historic sights and authentic old districts, post-modern architecture, a rich cultural heritage, varying sport and leisure activities, urban charm and expansive parks and natural landscapes. Braunschweig unites the past and the future, history and vision, tradition and innovation. Music: TIBURSKY, from "Elaine"
buses in this german town called: Braunschweig in Germany
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The symbol of the city is Braunschweig lion. If the purpose of your trip is sightseeing and shopping, then Braunschweig Germany is what you need. If you ever have a chance to travel to Lower Saxony in Germany, visit Braunschweig. For more information, go to http://my-woman-secrets.com/travelling/8463-braunschweig-germany.html
Enjoy the new Hannover timelapse image film - one day in the vibrant city of Hannover in just 5 minutes! Including all tourist highlights such as the Old Town, the Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen or the New Town Hall as well as events like Maschsee lake Festival or the International Firework Competition. Get a free, updated Hannover Travel Guide: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Germany/HANNOVER Book your tickets: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Germany/HANNOVER/buytickets
Cabaret artist Katrin Hart’s tips for Leipzig include an allotment garden museum, the monument to the 1813 Battle of Leipzig, and a boat trip.
Hey travellers ! ______________ Erhalte hier 35€ Reiseguthaben für deine erste Buchung über Airbnb: https://www.airbnb.de/c/sebastianp1521 ______________ Meine Reiseausrüstung: • Meine GoPro: http://amzn.to/2oEjcbu • Meine Kamera: http://amzn.to/2nN69jM Die angegebenen Links sind "Affiliate"-Links. ______________ Folgt mir auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/___traveller___/
Discover Germany loves to meet up with our viewers and get them to show us what they like about Germany and the places they find special. Today we spend some time with Rodella Razafitsotra from Madagascar. Shes come here to work as an Au Pair in Lower Saxony and plans to use this stay to see as much as she can of the country. We got together with her on her first excursion, which was to Braunschweig. You can see more of it on 'video on demand'.
http://www.africa-24.com Braunschweig Augsburg - Come and visit the old German church and experience a small bit of history.
You made it all so wrong
When all the time it was right
Accuse, abuse, brain shake!
Who'll lose, we do, brain shake!
You ate my world broken heart
We're now a world apart
Accuse, abuse brain shake!
Who'll lose, we do brain shake!
Combust, no trust, brain shake!
We try, then die, brain shake!
Trapped within my rage
Lights out my mental cage
A deadly bribe, cerebral bribe
Cannot, will not describe
Accuse, abuse, brain shake!
Who'll lose, we do brain shake!
Combust, no trust, brain shake!
We try, then die, brain shake!
Trapped within my rage
Lights out my mental cage
A deadly bribe, cerebral bribe
Cannot, will not describe
Accuse, abuse, brain shake!
Who'll lose, we do brain shake!
Combust, no trust, brain shake!