Santiago, Chile: Sobre as Operações Policiais Contra Mapuche em Resistência


Há alguns dias, foi executada uma operação contra peñis* em Ngulumapu** por parte do Estado $hileno, promotores e com o apoio da imprensa burguesa. Na qual com seus noticiários se posicionam do lado dos poderosos. Desta vez, o Poder atacou 7 conhecidos mapuche que lutam pela recuperação da sua cultura, pela sua terra usurpada e pela liberdade. Entre eles estão Hector Llaitul e seu filho, Jaime Huenchullán Cayul, Hector Huencullán, Martin Curiche, Claudio Leiva Rivera, Fidel Tranamil Curiqueo e o companheiro libertário David Cid Aedo***.

Esta operação foi nomeada pela polícia como “Operación Huracán”, em cumplicidade com a imprensa e guiada pela torpe Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia (ANI) e, claro, financiada pelo Estado chileno.

As provas apresentadas são SUPOSTAS conversas periciadas pela polícia onde as pessoas nomeadas anteriormente fizeram uso do bate-papo eletrônico “whatsapp” para organizar atentados incendiários em Wallmapu**** contra máquinas florestais, etc. Claramente após as imagens expostas pela televisão e as mídias de imprensa. Tomando assim força a tese de uma nova montagem (como foram expostos os presos do caso) orquestrado para “deter” as forças Mapuche em guerra.

Anos atrás foi com a “Operación Paciencia” perto do ano de 2002 e 2004, e a “Operación Salamandra” em 14 de agosto de 2010 contra companheirxs Anarquistas (Caso Bombas), todos em cumplicidade: Estado, Imprensa, Promotores e Polícia em Pikun Mapu*****.

Desta vez, as acusações contra os peñis por parte do Estado $hileno são de Associação Ilícita e delitos de caráter terrorista (Lei Antiterrorista), sendo que não existem provas reais que vinculem os 8 detidos aos fatos que eles tentam implicar.

O Estado $hileno, capitalista e usurpador, diz que com estas detenções desmantelaram e pararam a Weichan Auka Mapu (WAM) e a Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM). Grupos ativos que se posicionam na guerra contra o Estado $hileno, as empresas florestais, os empresárioxs que usurpam suas terras sagradas e são protegidos pelas leis burguesas. Grupos que querem dar continuidade à cultura Mapuche, recuperar suas terras que sempre lhes pertenceram e seguem um caminho autônomo para a Liberdade com seu

A intenção dessa declaração pública é enviar saudações e apoio aos que estão enfrentando hoje, a prisão política por seguirem consequentes na luta pela recuperação de seus territórios. O Estado $hileno pode realizar, mais uma vez, operações contra aqueles que lutam pela terra, os rios, sua cultura e seu povo; podem jurar que pararam a luta, mas se enganaram novamente, a luta continua e mais forte, isso foi demonstrado
nos últimos dias. A guerra não acabou.

O único terrorista é o Estado!
Solidariedade ativa e combativa pelos detidos nesta nova operação!
Weowaiñ pu lamuen weiwaiñ pu peñi!

Algumxs anarquistas do Pikun Mapu.
Outubro, 2017.

(via Contra Info)

*Irmãs/Irmãos em mapudungún
**Território Mapuche, hoje dominada pelo Estado $hileno
***Companheiro libertário foi detido pela polícia em Junín de los Andes, Argentina em 2008 junto aos subversivos Marcelo Villarroel e Freddy Fuentevilla quando estes se mantinham clandestinos depois de serem acusados como responsáveis pelo assalto ao Banco Security e pela do gambé Luís Moyano em 2007. Ele foi expulso para o Chile, acusado e processado por cruzar ilegalmente o território argentino, como encubridor e ajudar os companheiros. Em poucos meses o caso foi encerrado e ele ficou em liberdade. Alguns anos mais tarde, a imprensa o vinculou com a morte do gambé argentino José Aigo em um incidente-enfrentamento em Junín de los Andes, Argentina com membros da FPMR (Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez) e a MIR-EGP (Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria-Ejército Guerrillero de los Pobres) em 2012.
****Nação Mapuche
*****Terras do Norte


Posted in Chile, Claudio Leiva Rivera, Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM), David Cid Aedo, Fidel Tranamil Curiqueo, Freddy Fuentevilla, Hector Huencullán, Hector Llaitul, Izquierdo Movement of Revolution-Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR-EGP), Jaime Huenchullán Cayul, Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front (FPMR), Mapuche Struggle, Marcelo Villarroel, Martin Curiche, MPPs (Mapuche Political Prisoners), Operation Hurricane, Operation Patience, Operation Salamander, Repression, Santiago, Wallmapu, Weichan Auka Mapu (WAM)

Valparaíso, Chile: Barricadas e Enfrentamentos na FARQ (UV) (Faculdade de Arquitetura na Universidade de Valparaíso)


Comunicado recebido junto com as fotos em 06/10/2017:

05.10.17: Rompemos com a passiva cotidianidade universitária para exigir a libertação imediata dxs presxs mapuche e subversivxs sequestradxs pelo estado $hileno.

Abraçamos solidariamente pu peñi* e pu lamngen* encarceiradxs sob as montagens do caso iglesias, operação huracán, caso luchsinger-mackay e todxs xs presxs na guerra contra o estado, o patriarcado e o capital, com sua nova arremetida colonizadora do fétido plano IIRSA-COSIPLA**, onde busca continuar o devastador avanço da podre civilização extrativista.

Saudamos pu weichafe*** que mantém na clandestinidade a dignidade intacta sem dar trégua ao inimigo!!

Além disso, fazemos um chamado para manter viva a tensão pela aparição com vida do compa anarquista Santiago Maldonado.

Enquanto exista miséria, haverá rebelião!!

*Irmãs/Irmãos em mapudungün
** Integração da Infraestrutura Regional Sul-americana/Conselho Sul-Americano de Infraestrutura e Planejamento
*** Guerreirx em mapudungün

(via Contra Info)

Posted in Barricades, Chile, Direct Action, Fuck the IIRSA Project, Mapuche Struggle, MPPs (Mapuche Political Prisoners), Riots, Santiago Maldonado, Street Clashes, Valparaíso

Santiago, Chile: Report on the Police Operations Against the Mapuche Resistance


08.10.17: A few days ago an operation against the peñis (Mapuche brothers) in the ngulumapu (West Wallmapu) was executed by the Chilean State prosecutors with the support of the bourgeois media who with their news cameras are postioned on the side of the powerful. This time, the Power attacked 7 Mapuche comrades who fight against the loss of their culture, for their stolen land and freedom. Among them are Hector Llaitul and his son, Jaime Huenchullán Cayul, Hector Huencullán, Martin Curiche, Claudio Leiva Rivera, Fidel Tranamil Curiqueo and a libertarian comrade David Cid Aedo (1).

This operation was named “Operation Hurricane” by the police, in complicity with the media, guided by the bumbling National Intelligence Agency (ANI) and of course financed by the Chilean State.

The evidence presented is ALLEGED conversations intercepted by the police where the persons named above supposedly communicated using the electronic chat application “WhatsApp” to organize incendiary attacks in the Wallmapu against forestry machinery etc. It is clear to see from the images spread by television and the press the crudeness of these supposed conversations. This gives more strength to the theory that a new frame-up (that the prisoners of the case have exposed) is being orchestrated to “halt” the Mapuche forces at war.

Years ago it was “Operation Patience” from 2002 to 2004 and “Operation Salamander” on August 14, 2010 against anarchist comrades (Bombs Case) with the State, media, prosecutors and police in the Pikun Mapu (northern lands of the Mapuche) all acting in complicity.

This time the accusations against the peñis by the Chilean State are of illegal association and crimes of a terrorist character (Antiterrorist Law), given that there is no real evidence that links the 8 detainees to the facts that they are trying to imply.

The capitalist and usurper Chilean State say that these detentions have dismantled and stopped Weichan Auka Mapu (WAM) and the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM) – active groups that are at war against the Chilean State, the foresters and the entrepreneurs that usurp their sacred lands and are protected by bourgeois laws. Groups that seek the continuity of Mapuche culture, to reclaim their lands that have always belonged to them and to follow an autonomous path towards the freedom of their people.

The intention of this public statement is to send greetings and support to those who today are facing political imprisonment for remaining consistent in their struggle to reclaim their territories. The Chilean State can once again carry out operations against those who struggle for land, rivers, their culture and their people; they can swear that they have stopped the fight, but they are again mistaken, the struggle continues even stronger, this has been demonstrated in recent days. The war is not over.

The State is the only terrorist!
Active and combative solidarity with the detainees from this new operation!
¡Weowaiñ pu lamuen weiwaiñ pu peñi!

Some anarchists from the Pikun Mapu.
October, 2017.

(1) David Cid Aedo, libertarian comrade. He was arrested by police in Junín de los Andes, Argentina in 2008 along with the subversives Marcelo Villarroel and Freddy Fuentevilla, who were in clandestinity after being accused of being responsible for a bank robbery and the death of Luís Moyano in 2007. Comrade David was expelled to Chile and arrested and prosecuted for illegally crossing the Argentine territory as a covert operative of the comrades. Within months the case was dropped and he was released. A few years later, the press linked him to the death of the Argentine paco (Argentine-American) José Aigo during a confrontation in Junín de los Andes, Argentina with members of the FPMR (Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front, a Chilean Marxist-Leninist armed group) and the MIR-EGP (Izquierdo Movement of Revolution-Revolutionary Left Movement, another Chilean Marxist-Leninist armed group) in 2012.

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Chile, Claudio Leiva Rivera, Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM), David Cid Aedo, Fidel Tranamil Curiqueo, Freddy Fuentevilla, Hector Huencullán, Hector Llaitul, Izquierdo Movement of Revolution-Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR-EGP), Jaime Huenchullán Cayul, Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front (FPMR), Mapuche Struggle, Marcelo Villarroel, Martin Curiche, MPPs (Mapuche Political Prisoners), Operation Hurricane, Operation Patience, Operation Salamander, Pikun Mapu, Repression, Santiago, Wallmapu, Weichan Auka Mapu (WAM)

USA: Free Kara and Krem! Two Walls Painted in Chicago


After being held for the past seventeen months in the largest prison in Europe, without so much as a trial date to give her solace, Kara Wild is now back in grueling prison purgatory waiting for her verdict to be announced on October 11th.

Kara is an anarchist from Chicago currently on trial in Paris facing three years in prison for allegedly burning a cop car (with the cop still inside!) during anti-labor law protests in 2016. So far the trial has been as one would expect; shoddy evidence and laughable statements from the state, including the argument that the police are a discriminated minority in society, a clear attempt at setting legal precedent to equate anti-police protests to Islamophobic or homophobic attacks.

In light of the state’s preposterous narrative, we set out to do some re-writing of our own. At twilight in Chicago, we painted FREE KARA WILD and FREE KREM twenty five feet high in the Wicker Park and Little Village neighborhoods, giving new life to depressing brick walls. Our hearts burn along with the 50 cop cars set ablaze by our comrades in Paris. We stand with comrades everywhere weaponizing their friendships to lash out against the apparatus which threatens to keep our friends in cages.

(via It’s Going Down)

Posted in ACAB, Anarchist Prisoners, Chicago, Direct Action, France, Graffiti, International Solidarity, Kara Wild, Krem, Paris, Transgender Prisoners, USA

Valparaíso, Chile: Barricades and Clashes in Solidarity with all Mapuche and Subversive Prisoners


Valparaíso, Chile: Barricades and Clashes at the FARQ (UV) (Faculty of Architecture at the University of Valparaíso)

05.10.17: We broke the passive routine of the university to demand the immediate release of the Mapuche and subversive prisoners kidnapped by the $hilean state.

We send an embrace of solidarity to the peñi (Mapuche brothers) imprisoned for the Church case and Luchsinger-Mackay frame-ups as well as all the prisoners at war against the state, patriarchy and capital with its new colonizing onslaught of the stinking IIRSA-COSIPLA* project where it seeks to continue the devastating advance of their rotten extractivist civilization.

We salute the weichafe (Mapuche warriors) in clandestinity who keep their dignity intact without making a truce with the enemy!!

Also, we call to keep alive the tension for the reappearance with life of the anarchist compa Santiago Maldonado.

As long as there is misery, there will be rebellion!!

*Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Barricades, Chile, Direct Action, Fuck the IIRSA Project, Mapuche Struggle, MPPs (Mapuche Political Prisoners), Riots, Santiago Maldonado, Street Clashes, Valparaíso

Alemania / Italia: Compañero Anarquista Riccardo Sale de la Prisión


[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras]

El compañero anarquista Riccardo, detenido y encarcelado desde el 7 de julio de 2017 durante los días de disturbios contra el G20 en Hamburgo, fue salió de la prisión hoy (5 de octubre), tras la sentencia judicial que lo condenó a 1 año y 9 meses, pero con el beneficio de sentencia suspendida.

 ¡Solidaridad con lxs rebeldes del G20!

(via Anarhija)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, Hamburg, Italy, Repression, Ricardo, Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras

Hamburg, Germany / Italy: Anarchist Comrade Ricardo Released from Prison


The anarchist comrade Ricardo, arrested and imprisoned since 7 July 2017 for the days of riots against G20 in Hamburg, was released today (5 October), following the court decision that sentenced him to 1 year and 9 months, but with the benefit of suspended sentence.

Solidarity with the rebels of G20!

Freedom for all!

(via Anarhija)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, Hamburg, Italy, Repression, Ricardo