Last updated: October 5, 2017

Thursday 5th October 2017

Shun Shooters over gun laws

Shun Shooters over gun laws

In upcoming NSW by-elections, Nationals are under threat from the Shooters Party, whose main focus is to weaken gun laws.

Rules mean banks risk huge fines

Rules mean banks risk huge fines

Global reporting rules threaten massive penalties for our banks and could have implications for Chinese property investors.

Gun massacre, gratuitous tweets

Waleed Aly speaks about gun control on Network Ten's The Project.

America, take note: not all Aussies see the need to tell you how to fix your domestic problems ... even if our ‘commentators’ love to kick you when you’re down.

Korea peace deal is possible

Korea peace deal is possible

What is the chance of a more coherent approach to North Korea emerging from Donald Trump’s tour of Asia next month?

The quiet suburban armoury

The Australian editorials dinkus new

Donald Trump and congress must tackle gun control.

Naive borrowers pose risks

The Australian editorials dinkus new

The tax system has encouraged excessive borrowing.

Gun laws show the way on reform

Gun laws show the way on reform

And Turnbull is proving that you can win agreement on even the most delicate issues.

Warships needed closer to home


The time has come to shift our main maritime effort to our area of direct strategic interest in the western Pacific.

Memory like a Hawke

oz web dinkus for web

And Victoria’s Jeff Kennett makes the comeback he swore he’d never make.

Our low-inflation world

Our low-inflation world

Their failure to achieve inflation targets is frustrating the central banks of most leading economies.

Thursday 5th October 2017

Subs vital for our defence

The Australian editorials dinkus new

But government must consider when to bring the navy home.

The malice in man

Eric Lobbecke 20171004

We are taught rules and norms for good reason, for our instincts are variable and dangerously unreliable.

Wednesday 4th October 2017

Investing in multiple defences

The Australian editorials dinkus new

Boondoggles aside, the Coalition makes security a top priority.

Labor legend leaves out tryst

oz web dinkus for web

Evans couldn’t face parliament about his feelings for Cheryl and he can’t face readers.

Caged in the ‘kill box’

Caged in the ‘kill box’

They were caged in, and therefore sitting ducks for a mass shooter with a machine gun on a tripod, sitting at his hotel window.

Queenslanders front and centre

Queenslanders front and centre

Polling suggests preferences between LNP and One Nation could make Labor marginals vulnerable.

Right Said, Ned

this is a dinkus for the ocv

Pauline Hanson, Ned Kelly and a burka-clad woman walk on to a Melbourne community stage...

Frigate combat-system top choice

Frigate combat-system top choice

The Turnbull government has made the right decision in opting for the AEGIS combat system for the future frigates.

Time for politicians to listen

Time for politicians to listen

The parliament must get this painful dispute settled by Christmas.

Catalyst for US gun control

The Australian editorials dinkus new

America should look to Australia for guidance on the issue.

Obesity: a disease, not a choice


Enough with ‘eat less and walk more’: it’s ignorant.

PM’s team staking welfare claim

PM’s team staking welfare claim

Despite opposition, trials based on cashless cards, drug testing and ‘no jab, no pay’ are producing results.

Australia is far from immune

Australia is far from immune

The Las Vegas shootings get close to the worst nightmares of Australian counter-terrorism authorities.

We lose as Pearson leaves

We lose as Pearson leaves

Thanks to Brendan Pearson, more people understand that coal-fired baseload power is the key to our living standards.

Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Can’t they see past the NRA?

graham richardson dinkus the australian

I do not understand Americans. Whether it is a high school or a music festival, gun massacres just keep happening.

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