

The tough climb to the top

Fearless: Idris Elba in The Mountain Between Us.

Idris Elba is famously tough and says he doesn't fear anything. So how did the man who made his name as a drug dealer in The Wire handle playing his first romantic lead?

Crime time

Robert Pattinson as Connie Nikas and Talia Webster as Crystal in a scene from <i>Good Time</i>.

Buckle up for the Safdie brothers' street level crime thriller Good Time.

Geoffrey Rush even makes watching paint dry fun

Impeccable casting: Geoffrey Rush with Armie Hammer

Turns out watching paint dry can be fun. In 1964, in Paris, the American writer James Lord sat for a portrait by Alberto Giacometti, the Swiss-Italian artist who was by then world famous, and two years away from his death.

Turning the tide

Coral clings to a rock in a scene from Blue.

Karina Holden's Blue delves deep into the growing risks facing the world's oceans.