Global Goals Week in Albania mobilized people across the country on issues that affect their lives. Find out who was involved
UNDP Albania has supported young disadvantaged women and men to gain access to the labor market. With funding from the Swiss Government, UNDP is working with the Government of Albania to build a labor-market focused skills development system that is suited to enhance the employment and entrepreneurship aspects of the unemployed in urban and rural areas.
If you want to know how a woman feels when she is being abused, ask Tone. Her story is painful but also inspiring for many.
"ROMA STORIES" is a chain of video stories featuring Roma and Egyptians who managed to find employment thanks to the support provided by UNDP and the EU.
Albanian authorities are increasing their efforts to find the missing, with support from UNDP and its partners.
A gay friend of mine recently told me that he is finding it difficult to find a job and he says this might be due to his “gay looks.”
Today Eni, 12 year old, is excited: He is able to read independently and even for his parents.

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