

Patrick J. Buchanan: The Dead Soul of Stephen Paddock

What was his motive? Why did he do it?

Why did Stephen Paddock, 64, rent rooms at the Mandalay Bay hotel, sneak in an arsenal of guns, a dozen of them converted to fully automatic, and rain down death on a country music concert?

"We will never know," writes columnist

The Fulford File: MARKETWATCH “Ten Deadliest” Shootings Include Four Immigrant Mass Murders—In “Zones” Where...


See also Ann Coulter: Media Find Las Vegas Shooter’s Motive–He’s White! and Of The “Thirty Deadliest” Shooters, At Least A Dozen Are Not White Males

MARKETWATCH’s Ciara Linnane has compiled a list of the ten deadliest shootings in the US to date: These are the 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern U.S. history , October 4, 2017. Not noted in this list, needless to say: the Immigrant Mass Murder factor. This interest appears to be unique to And, of course, to Americans who actually want to see fewer killings, as opposed to banning guns.

In the top ten mass individual shootings listed, no less than four (involving five shooters) are a result of mass immigration, done by either immigrants or their “absimilated” sons. (Hillary Clinton thought she was scoring a point in a debate when she said in the Third Presidential Debate that Omar Mateen “was born in Queens, the same place Donald was born.” The ballot box proved her wrong. )

Three were Islamic attacks—by which I mean not just committed by Muslims, but motivated by Islam. Four were caused by some form of insanity. The motive of the Las Vegas shooter is listed as “unknown” and the Edmond Okla. shooter as “revenge after a workplace supervisory reprimand.” (This is the incident that inspired the phrase “going postal”)

One, and only one, of the white shooters is even alleged to have been motivated by ethnic animosity-- George Hennard, the 1991 Luby’s killer. And in fact, his victims were mostly white women—the hatred of “ethnic minorities” attributed to him by MarketWatch really had nothing to do with his crime.

MarketWatch’s list is rather peculiar in that it doesn’t lead with either the standard names for the incidents (Orlando Pulse, Virginia Tech) or the names of the shooters (Omar Mateen, Seung-Hui Cho) but give the city names instead. Also, no photographs—added by me.

The four immigration-related shootings:

  1. Orlando, Fla.: June 12, 2016.

49 people killed and more than 58 wounded.

Shooter: 29-year-old Omar Mateen.

Motive: Terror, hate crime. [VDARE: “ Terror” means “because he’s a Muslim”, hate crime means “because Muslims hate gays.”]

  1. Blacksburg, Va.: April 16, 2007.

33 killed (including the shooter) and 17 wounded on the campus of Virginia Tech.

Shooter: 23-year-old Seung-Hui Cho.

Motive: Mental-health issues. [VDARE: “Mental-health issues” means schizophrenic —the language is used to avoid complaints from mental health groups i.e. the organized insane. ]

  1. San Bernardino, Calif.: Dec. 2, 2015.


Ann Coulter: Media Find Las Vegas Shooter’s Motive–He’s White!

If the media are going to keep wailing about how vital a free press is, could they start reporting stuff?

There's a remarkable number of dangling facts about Stephen Paddock's mass murder in Las Vegas, which the media have shown little inclination to investigate. It's almost as if they're worried that too much investigation will ruin it.

For example:

Who was the woman shouting, "YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" right before the concert? Is any reporter interested in finding out? Probably a random crazy lady, but that's not typical pre-concert behavior.

Why is it taking so long to find out if anyone else went into Paddock's hotel room since he checked in last Thursday? I'm perfectly prepared to accept that he was the only one who entered that room, but can we see the surveillance video?

The sum-total of the information we know about Marilou Danley, the woman who's been living with Paddock for years is the following: She was out of the country at the time of the attack. She's not involved.

Paddock had apparently assembled an enormous arsenal of weapons. Did she know about it? Did he tell her why? Had his behavior changed recently? Why wasn't he with her on her trip? Had they broken up? And why did Paddock recently wire $100,000 to the Philippines?

Within hours of the first indictments in the Duke lacrosse case -- later, all thrown out -- the media was bristling with information about the players' parents, the homes they grew up in, the ritziness of their neighborhoods, and the tuition at their Catholic high schools. Doesn't any reporter want to ask Danley anything?

Do we know yet why Paddock broke two windows? What were his recent winnings or losses at gambling?

I don't know if any of this would change the basic narrative. But the media don't know, either, and they seem strangely reluctant to ask. As Sherlock Holmes said: First, you exclude the impossible, and whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Our media isn't doing the reporting that would allow us to exclude anything. And then they wonder why conspiracy theories develop. Read more >>

Michelle Malkin: We Need Fallacy Control Now!

Previous Jimmy Kimmel Crying Jags on Cecil The Lion, Socialist Medicine

Enough is enough. It's epidemic. It's dangerous. And the time has come to demand its end.

In the aftermath of the horrific massacre in Las Vegas, America needs fallacy control. Yes, we must declare war on Read more >>

“DIE!”: The Unlimited Radicalism Of Antifa—Enforcer For Democrats (And, Tacitly, Conservatism Inc.)

In the alien invasion movie Independence Day, the beleaguered President of the United States, hoping he can forge some kind of a peace which will at least allow the survival of the human race, pleads, “What is it you want us to do?” The alien’s response is simple. “Die.”

The mind of a rational person rebels at the suggestion of such an unlimited, existential conflict. After all, reasonable people should always be able to come to some kind of a compromise, some settlement which will avoid violence and chaos. But there are some people who cannot be reasoned with, whose objectives are so unlimited and irrational that not only compromise, but co-existence with them is impossible.

Americans face such an existential threat in the form of the Leftist vigilante group that calls itself AntiFa. And now American have the first examination of the so-called “anti-fascists” from a patriot perspective in a new book Antifa: What Americans Need To Know About The Alt-Left . (Published by the eccentric but basically orthodox conservative website WND, the book oddly lists no author).

Antifa have been plaguing immigration patriots for many years. But it’s only recently that the average American has become aware of their existence. The attacks on Trump supporters during and after the presidential campaign has made Americans aware of what the president eventually termed the “Alt-Left.

Of course, most Establishment conservatives were using the term “Alt” as simply a synonym for “bad.” And their typical criticism of the black-clad thugs was that they were “the real fascists.” The huckster Dinesh D’Souza has built an entire career in presenting this alternate history to the gullible and well-meaning [ America: Imagine A World Without Her, by Gregory Hood, CounterCurrents, July 17, 2017]. Read more >>

Said In Spanish: Kaeperknick-Style Protest Spreads To High School Girls’ JV Volleyball, Another Mexican Politician...

Hispanic Girls On Volleyball Team “Take A Knee” Colin Kaepernick’s #TakeAKnee movement has spread from the NFL to high school girls’ Junior Varsity volleyball. And from blacks to Latinos.

La Opinión, the biggest Spanish-language paper in the United States, gloats about how “two young people of Latino ancestry at the Taft High School in Woodland Hills, California opted to kneel during the national anthem before the beginning of a volleyball game [ Alumnas hispanas se arrodillan durante el himno de EEUU, “Hispanic Students Kneel During the American National Anthem,” September 29, 2017].

Significantly, the girls said the protest was “who we are.” And they said they first felt the impulse to protest when Donald Trump was elected.

“With Trump in charge, I don’t feel secure of being Latina. I don’t feel any affection on the part of our President, so why should I show love?”, said Chacon-Salgado, whose parents are from Honduras and Costa Rica, to the Daily News. She added that she feels worried that members of her family can be threatened due to the anti-immigrant rhetoric of the current president.

Why would people be worried about “anti-immigrant rhetoric” unless the person worrying or being worried about was an illegal alien? It’s also worth noting this child of a Honduran/Costa Rican marriage appears to identify with a pan-Hispanic identity rather than an American identity. Sosa also thought her family is a target, as she is “considered Salvadoran and African-American.”

Apparently the audience’s reaction to these junior Kaepernicks were “diverse,” but some parents “supported them and praised their courage.” As did their coach. Read more >>

Patrick J. Buchanan: Atrocity In Las Vegas–Moment Of Unity In A Disintegrating World

"An act of pure evil," said President Trump of the atrocity in Las Vegas, invoking our ancient faith: "Scripture teaches us the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

"Our unity cannot be shattered by evil. Our bonds cannot be broken by violence," Trump went on in his most presidential moment, "and though we feel such great anger at the senseless murder of our fellow citizens, it is love that defines us today and always will. Forever." [ Statement by President Trump on the Shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada]

Uplifting words. But are they true?

Or will this massacre be like the Sandy Hook Elementary School slaughter of 20 children in Newtown, Connecticut, or Charleston massacre of black churchgoers by Dylann Roof--uniting us briefly in "sadness, shock and grief" only to divide us again and, more deeply, in our endless war over guns.

"In memory of the fallen, I have directed that our great flag be flown at half-staff," said the president. As he spoke, the mind went back to yesterday afternoon where the NFL was roiled anew by athletes earning seven-figure salaries "taking a knee" in disrespect of that flag. Read more >>
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