We are People For the American Way

For more than three decades, we’ve been working with over one million members and activists to fight right-wing extremism and defend constitutional values under attack. Today, our mission is more critical than ever.

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“Blue Slips” and Their Power to Shape Our Courts

Judges are often the final word on issues we care about. Our courts answer questions like who can get married, what kind of restrictions can be put on voting, or who can be fired for what reasons. Blue slips are one of the most important tools that Democratic senators have right now for preventing extreme judges from being confirmed. Without Democratic senators standing strong on blue slips, that critical check on the president’s power is in jeopardy.

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Fighting for Justice at the Justice Department

The Trump-Sessions DOJ has already made all too clear its intent to walk away from its mission and take our country in reverse.

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Building the Bench

People For the American Way’s Next Up Victory Fund helps young progressive candidates win races for state and local offices across the country.

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Right Wing Watch

Right Wing Watch is a project of People For the American Way dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities and rhetoric of right-wing activists and organizations. By shedding light on the activities of the Right Wing, we help expose the risks of its extreme and intolerant agenda.

Visit Right Wing Watch

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