TOTW: What is Anarchism in 2017?

  • Posted on: 2 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

This week we ask a perennial question. What is anarchism today? Is it the activity of anarchists? Is it an ideology of negatives (no state, no capitalism)? How about an ideology of positives (mutual aid, solidarity, and sharing)?

How do modern anarchistic activities map to our definition of anarchism? How do you describe anarchism to your grandmother in such a way as she understands and agrees with your choice to be an anarchist? Have you convinced her to join you (us)?

Iran: Sohail Arabi thirst strike briefly suspended after seizure (disputed)

  • Posted on: 8 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

it has been brought to the collective's attention that the source of this article may not be accurate and Sohail Arabi may not be an anarchist. Please consider the first comment on this post for more details

via Freedom News

Long-term anarchist political prisoner Sohail Arabi briefly started drinking water again on Thursday having experienced a seizure, one week into his total hunger and thirst strike.

Sohail, who has been imprisoned for writing “sacrilegious” essays on Facebook and for “insulting the supreme leader” of Iran, had already been on a lengthy hunger strike over torture in the notorious Evin prison where he is being held.

G20 protest and state repression. Solidarity with Peike and other prisoners!

  • Posted on: 8 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Act for Freedom!

The G20 in Hamburg and the protests against it took place around two months ago already, but its aftermath is still in full course. Duringthe G20, political and economic leaders of the world gathered in orderto plan the continuation of their wars, exploitation of people and animals, and the destruction of the environment. To revolt against this is necessary and gives hope. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in Hamburg to obstruct these festivities for the elite. The German state, in an attempt to criminalise a few individuals, has now rapidly changed the topic to bottles and fireworks which were thrown (or not) during the riots. Not very convincing as a distraction for the real problems in this world.

White Nationalists Terrorize Houston Book Fair in Largest Show of Force Since Charlottesville

  • Posted on: 8 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Alternet by Alexander Reid Ross (September 28, 2017)

Witnesses recall smoke bombs, Nazi salutes and chants of "blood and soil."

Together, they raised their arms in a salute of "Sieg hiel." On Sunday, September 24, about 25 men in masks and balaclavas descended on an anarchist book fair in Houston. The group call itself Patriot Front and is loosely affiliated with Vanguard Front, a fascist organization that includes Heather Heyer's murderer, James Alex Fields, as one of its members. They rushed the door of a multicultural community center, igniting a pair of smoke bombs. Witnesses say the assault was led by construction worker and area neo-Nazi, William Fears.

Hamburg [Germany] / Italy: Anarchist comrade Riccardo released from prison (05/10/2017)

  • Posted on: 6 October 2017
  • By: thecollective


The anarchist comrade Riccardo, arrested and imprisoned since 7 July 2017 for the days of riots against G20 in Hamburg, was released today (5 October), following the court decision that sentenced him to 1 year and 9 months, but with the benefit of suspended sentence.

Solidarity with the rebells of G20!

Freedom for all!

Red Rosa: a book review

  • Posted on: 6 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

In an interview, Kate Evans, the author and artist of Red Rosa, admitted that when she was initially approached about it, she did not know who Rosa Luxemburg was. Evans did, however, do meticulous research that informed how her pictures were drawn, and she also used Luxemburg’s own political writings to convey her inner and political life. The book is lively and characterful, its main goal attempting to draw Luxemburg as a whole person. By this, we mean that Evans includes a lot about Luxemburg’s friendships, and her romantic and sexual life, as well as trying to convey her political ideas.

Greece , Athens: Taking responsibility for Kerameikos metro station on 11 June 2017 by Anarchists

  • Posted on: 6 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

Taking responsibility for Kerameikos metro station
The city’s transport system is being restructured. Already all Metro and ISAP stations have had entrance and exit bars installed, new machines have been fitted on buses, ticket offices of the notorious e-ticket have been opened in stations and at various points in Athens.
In an environment of the State and the bosses’ total assault, to their attack on the world of work with wage cuts, dissolution of social security and funding cuts in social services, has been added the restructuring of the mass transit system. OASA claims it cannot cover expenses – at the same time executives are plundering its funds and giving millions of euros for the implementation of these measures (many thousands of euros will be given just for the advertising campaign of this restructuring to convince of its necessity).

Italy , Lecce : Idea and action: fair of anarchist publishing 7-8 October 2017

  • Posted on: 6 October 2017
  • By: thecollective


Anarchist Publishing Fair
Two days of dissemination and propaganda of anarchist ideas.
Two days of books, meetings, presentations and discussions to speak of the history and actuality of anarchist ideas and action, of the indissoluble link that unites them and their ability to engage in world in the perspective of changing it.
