The philosophical foundations of property rights - Alan Carter

A philosophical critique of property rights from an anarchist perspective. Written in 1989, it is to some degree a response to the "economic libertarianism" of Robert Nozic.

Interhelpo, kiel faktoro de la evoluo- Petro Kropotkin

Interhelpo estas verko de Petro Kropotkin, originale verkita en la angla kaj eldonita en 1902, esperantlingve eldonita de SAT kaj Impeto en 1996, en kiu li respondas al la tezoj de la sociaj darvinistoj, emfazante la gravecon de la interhelpa meĥanismo, apud la natura selektado, kadre de la teorio pri evoluismo.

Tradukis J. Lépeix kaj Valo.

Towards the Final Jubilee: Midnight Notes at Thirty Years Craig Hughes (Ed.)

Midnight Notes at Thirty Years.

A pamphlet published on the occasion of an anniversary meeting
between Midnight Notes Collective and Friends (2009)
commemorating 30 years of Midnight Notes.

The pink triangle: the Nazi war against homosexuals

Pink triangles

A detailed account of the treatment of homosexuals by the Nazi party.

The century of revolution, 1603-1714

Revelry at an inn

Christopher Hill's grassroots history of 17th-century England, as the modern state began to take shape.

Cotters and squatters: housing's hidden history

Diggers illustration

Colin Ward's Cotters and Squatters explores the story of squatter settlement in England and Wales: from our cave-dwelling recent ancestors to the Diggers and on the industrial revolution; and from twentieth-century mass squatting to modern claims that The Land is Ours.

Anarchism in Korea: independence, transnationalism, and the question of national development, 1919-1984

Korean anarchists, early 20th century

A regional and transnational history of anarchism in Korea by Dongyoun Hwang. This book provides a history of anarchism in Korea and challenges conventional views of Korean anarchism as merely part of nationalist ideology, situating the study within a wider East Asian regional context.

Revolutionary organisation

Pamphlet published by Solidarity containing two texts: Revolutionary Organisation, and "Open letter to IS" (the International Socialists, now the Socialist Workers Party), on how we as revolutionaries should organise ourselves.

The Dublin McDonald's strike, 1979

Dublin McDonald's strikers

A post-mortem of the 6 month strike by ITGWU members at Ireland's first two branches of McDonald's in Dublin by the Anarchist Workers Association.


Organise banner header

An incomplete archive of back issues of Organise! - the theoretical and historical publication of the Anarchist Federation of the UK.