German Revolution 1918

Czego chce Związek Spartakusa? - Róża Luksemburg


Projekt programu Komunistycznej Partii Niemiec (Związku Spartakusa) napisany przez Różę Luksemburg. Jednogłośnie przyjęty i opublikowany w „Die Rote Fahne” (14 grudnia 1918 r.).

Aus der Werkstatt der deutschen Revolution - Emil Barth

Emil Barth

From the Workshop of the Revolution (pp. 158, Berlin, 1919). A person of world-historical importance, Emil Barth (1879–1941) was the leader of the revolutionary shop stewards (revolutionäre Obleute) and the Council of the People's Deputies' most radical member. Barth recounts his bitter experience, providing an unflattering picture of the German Revolution's (mis)leadership.

Manifesto of proletarian art

“Manifest Proletkunst” (Manifesto of Proletarian Art), a text written by the Dutch artist Theo van Doesburg, published in Kurt Schwitters' periodical Merz #2 in April 1923 (Hannover, p.24-25), with signatures by leading artists of the international avant-garde (Schwitters, Hans Arp, Tristan Tzara and Christof Spengemann).

Manifest Proletkunst (1923)

“Manifest Proletkunst” (Manifesto of Proletarian Art), a text written by the Dutch artist Theo van Doesburg, published in Kurt Schwitters' periodical Merz #2 in April 1923 (Hannover, p.24-25), with signatures by leading artists of the international avant-garde (Schwitters, Hans Arp, Tristan Tzara and Christof Spengemann).

German revolution maps

A map of the German revolution.

Marxism in a lost century: a biography of Paul Mattick - Gary Roth

Retells the history of the radical left during the twentieth century through the words and deeds of Paul Mattick.

Correspondence between Bordiga and Trotsky

Letters between Bordiga and Trotsky, written during the VIth Plenum of the CI’s Executive. Bordiga asks Trotsky for some clarifications of his views on the German question.

Retort Vol. 3, No. 4 (Spring 1947)

The Vol. 3, No. 4 (Spring 1947) issue of Retort, an anarchist publication produced out of Bearsville, New York from 1942-1951.

When insurrections die - Gilles Dauvé

This is a reconceived version of 'Fascism and Anti-Fascism'. In this text, Dauvé shows how the wave of proletarian revolts in the first half of the twentieth century failed: either because they were crushed by the vicissitudes of war and ideology, or because their “victories” took the form of counter-revolutions themselves, setting up social systems which, in their reliance on monetary exchange and wage-labour, failed to transcend capitalism.

Plättner, Karl (1893-1945)

Karl Plättner

As important as Max Hoelz in the history of the German Revolution, Karl Plättner lacked Hoelz’s talent for self-publicity but was as much a rebel and intransigent revolutionary as Hoelz (1)