Western Europe

Is the working class revolutionary?

The article below is a very short opinion about the Working class whether as a whole is a revolutionary class in term of leading us to a classless and none-hierarchical society or not. It explains that the world has been changed and so the working class, it refers to reality and real life rather than relying on the texts in the old and 'sacred' books.

Pannekoek and Gorter's Marxism

A lengthy introduction to the marxism of Pannekoek and Gorter, followed by five translated texts from these two authors.

2017: how we got here and how liberalism failed us

Counter-inaugural protests, 19 January 2016

An overview of how the events of the past 25 years have lead us to the situation we now find ourselves in.

Leftists and Communists have damaged the Socialist movement as much as the right-wing did

There are many people from leftists, communists , socialists and some of the anarchists believe that Marxism and Leninism are two different things . They think that Lenin has distorted Marxism. My article here explains with evidence that whatever Lenin said and did have been originated from Marx . It tells you that Marxism has contributed greatly in damaging the socialist/ anarchist movement as much as the rightwing did.
The article analysis the role of technology, Proletariate , political party, bourgeoisie, nature and environment , revolution and nation question in view of Marx and connecting Lenin to him.

Neither your war, nor your peace - Argelaga

A July 2016 editorial on contemporary Islamic terrorism, its origins as an ally of the West in the anti-Soviet war, and its effects on Western society, which, with its “frightened consumers” becoming “racist and xenophobic nationalists”, is “rapidly heading for fascism (a fascism without a führer, anonymous and bureaucratic, like our times)”, published in the Barcelona journal, Argelaga.

Migration, refugees and labour

In depth analysis of EU migration and the 'refugee crisis' in relation to labour market restructuring and working class composition

Is Terrorism actually a threat to the State?

This article arguing that State and the terrorism completes one another's action and make each other stronger and the movement of people weaker. It tells the readers about the motive of killing innocent people by terrorism is not just ideological factor, in fact there are other reasons for this terrible act. Meanwhile the article urges us not to listen to Media, State and terrorist propaganda that they want to divide us. We should not be deceived and our demos and protests should be against both of them in the same time.

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Border controls continue to kill

Some thoughts on the recent tragedy off the coast of Libya and how it ties into political rhetoric on immigration and the received wisdom of border controls as a social necessity.

Charlie Hebdo

A  candle light vigil at the Place de la République, in Paris

Earlier this week, gunmen attacked the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and murdered several of its cartoonists. Some thoughts on the various issues that have arisen out of this event.

L'enragé no. 1

L'Enragé No. 1

A reprint (in both French and in English translation) of no. 1 of L'Enrage, a satirical journal founded by Jean-Jacques Pauvert and produced in France during the May 68 events. Translated by Ruth Porter.