White House 'welcomes' tiniest possible gun control measure

1 Trump and the NRA agree

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said “we certainly welcome” a discussion of banning bump stocks, an accessory used by the Las Vegas gunman. Separately, the NRA called for a federal review of laws covering the devices.

Bump stocks sold out

Bump stock device.
Bump stock device. Photograph: George Frey/Getty Images

'Looking for answers'

In the aftermath of the evil and senseless attack in Las Vegas, the American people are looking for answers as to how future tragedies can be prevented. Unfortunately, the first response from some politicians has been to call for more gun control. Banning guns from law-abiding Americans based on the criminal act of a madman will do nothing to prevent future attacks.

– From an NRA statement

How other countries do gun control

2 Public critic of abortion resigns

Representative Tim Murphy, a Republican from Pennsylvania, known as a staunch foe of abortion rights, resigned after a newspaper published a purported text allegedly from his lover discussing the congressman’s request “to abort our unborn child”.

The former congressman.
The former congressman. Photograph: J. Scott Applewhite/AP

'I support it'

It was Dr Murphy’s decision to move on to the next chapter of his life, and I support it.

– House speaker Paul Ryan

3 Transgender protections axed

A federal law banning sex discrimination in the workplace does not apply to transgender employees, under new justice department guidelines. The move could weaken legal protections for people already experiencing higher rates of bias.

Read our coverage

Justice man.
Justice man. Photograph: Aaron Bernstein/Reuters

4 Puerto Rico miffed at Trump trip

In the interior of Puerto Rico, where there is no cellular, television, internet or electricity service, residents don’t understand why Trump said “what a great job we’ve done”. “It was like he was making fun of us openly,” one said. “He showed complete disrespect.”

Read our coverage

Arrival. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

5 Immigration ‘deal’ sours

Top White House aide Stephen Miller, an immigration hysteric, was working on a deal to extend protection to Dreamers in exchange for cutting legal immigration in half, Politico reported. The deal was seen as a political non-starter.

Read the report

At the UN last month.
At the UN last month. Photograph: Peter Foley/EPA

... and another thing:

Vulture (@vulture)

Larry David was "very happy" to learn that Bernie Sanders is his distant cousin https://t.co/jJM70CEjRZ

October 4, 2017