Authors Posts by CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective
Crimethink is everything that evades control: the daydream in the classroom, the renegade breaking ranks, the spray-painted walls that continue to speak even under martial law. It is the persistent sense that things could be otherwise, that there is nothing natural or inevitable about the prevailing social order. In a world optimized for administration, everything that cannot be classified or displayed on a screen is crimethink. It is the spirit of rebellion without which freedom is literally unthinkable.

CrimethInc. Ex-Worker Podcast #58: Where to Go From Here

In episode #56, we covered the repercussions of the violent showdown that took place between fascists and counter-demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12. The month since then has seen massive anti-fascist demonstrations around the...

Anti-Fascism Is Self-Defense: A General-Purpose Flier

In response to an epidemic of fascist rallies and recruitment drives around the US, we have prepared this general-purpose flier. You can mass-produce this to distribute at anti-fascist mobilizations and everywhere else it is...

The Hotwire #4: Irma Relief & DREAMer Resistance

This week we speak with Dezeray, an anarchist involved in Mutual Aid Disaster Relief organizing in the wake of Hurricane Irma. Next, we interview Sam, an anarchist DACA recipient, about undocumented youth resistance. A number of political...

CrimethInc. Ex-Worker Podcast #57: Reports from the G20 in Hamburg

Welcome back to the Ex-Worker! Our topic this time is a look at the recent G20 protests in Hamburg, Germany. This summer’s G20 saw some of the most pitched clashes to occur in Northern...

Hotwire #3: Hurricane Harvey Relief & DACA

Summary This episode we bring you an overview, and an interview, about the anarchist and autonomously organized relief efforts in response to Hurricane Harvey. Look back on media attacks on anarchists and antifascists, and a...

Seven Years of Student Struggles in Atlanta

As students head back to school for the fall, it’s a great time for young anarchists to form student organizations. But what if you’re not a student? Many young people can’t afford to go to...

Critical Reflections from the Front Lines of Charlottesville

In the three weeks since anarchists helped shut down the largest fascist rally the US has seen in decades, the pendulum has swung back and forth between new public support for anti-fascist organizing and a dishonest, fearmongering reaction...

The Hotwire: Autonomous Flood Relief & Bay Area Mobilizations

Summary Welcome to the first episode of The Hotwire! Our feature for this episode covers the upswing in antifascist action post-Charlottesville. We also bring you an interview from Hurricane Harvey, The Hotwire horoscope, and news...

Anti-Fascism Has Arrived: Here’s Where It Needs to Go

Following the clashes in Charlottesville and the massive anti-fascist demonstrations afterwards in Durham, Boston, and the Bay Area, the struggle against fascism has arrived in the consciousness of the general public. Tens of thousands of people are realizing that the...

German Government Shuts Down Indymedia: What It Means

The German government has shut down the German Indymedia site, the most widely used German-language platform for radical politics and organizing. They have also conducted raids in Freiburg to seize computers and harass those they accuse of maintaining...