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Before Maria, Forcing Puerto Rico to Pay Its Debt Was Odious. Now It’s Pure Cruelty.

Donald Trump’s sadistic attacks on the people of Puerto Rico got most of the headlines, but it is colonial exploitation that created the unnatural disaster that continues to play out in America’s Caribbean territories. Many, including Trump, predict that the debt burden will make it extremely difficult for Puerto Rico to rebuild after Hurricane Maria. That much is true, but we should be drawing from that the only logical conclusion: Maria has revealed that forgiveness of Puerto Rico’s debt is a moral necessity. More

Mass Shootings: the Military-Entertainment Complex’s Culture of Violence Turns Deadly

This latest mass shooting in Las Vegas that left more than 50 people dead and more than 500 injured is as obscure as they come: a 64-year-old retiree with no apparent criminal history, no military training, and no obvious axe to grind opens fire on a country music concert crowd from a hotel room 32 floors up using a semi-automatic gun that may have been rigged to fire up to 700 rounds a minute, then kills himself.

We’re left with more questions than answers, none of them a flattering reflection of the nation’s values, political priorities, or the manner in which the military-industrial complex continues to dominate, dictate and shape almost every aspect of our lives. More

How to Fund a Universal Basic Income Without Increasing Taxes or Inflation

In May 2017, a team of researchers at the University of Oxford published the results of a survey of the world’s best artificial intelligence experts, who predicted that there was a 50 percent chance of AI outperforming humans in all tasks within 45 years. All human jobs were expected to be automated in 120 years, with Asian respondents expecting these dates much sooner than North Americans. In theory, that means we could all retire and enjoy the promised age of universal leisure. But the immediate concern for most people is that they will be losing their jobs to machines. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Hidden War

In this Issue:The Hidden War: Edward Hunt on the moral outrages in Yemen; Department of Injustice: Stanley Cohen on Racism as Policy under Jeff Sessions; Cold War Illusions: Patrick Lawrence on the mentality that will not die; Killing Grizzlies in Yellowstone by Louisa Willcox and David Mattson; The Real Heroes of Mexico City by Laura Carlsen; Barcelona is Not Afraid by Julie Wark and Daniel Raventos; PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair on climate change and forest fires; Mike Whitney on Syria; Chris Floyd and Lee Ballinger on Bob Dylan; Yvette Carnell on why liberals ruin everything. And much more.

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Abby Martin
  • TOPICS: The situation in Venezuela
