Clockwise from left: A campus protest against bigotry in Minnesota; Richard Spencer; Stephen Bannon

What to do if the alt-right comes to your campus

Students are being welcomed back this fall with the news that bigots like Bannon and Milo have been invited to speak. What should you do about it?

A society built on violence

Despite constant media coverage, the wider questions about a society where horrors like Las Vegas can take place go unanswered.

Showing they won't back down

Last month's strike by Burlington teachers won modest salary gains and strengthened the union for the struggles to come.

Fueling the fires of the far right

The mainstream political forces that manage the European Union are responsible for setting the stage for the rise of the far right.

Their "freedom" to bust unions

Hundreds of union members and activists protested a meeting of the right-wing, anti-union Evergreen Freedom Foundation.

The Russian Revolution of 1917
Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization
International Socialist Review |

The current issue of the ISR features a set of short articles by Mike Haynes on "Workers' Democracy in Revolutionary Petrograd." For that and more articles on socialist theory and practice, go to the International Socialist Review website.

Greedy eyes on a tax-cut prize

You knew it was coming, but the scale of Trump's planned tax-cut heist and the shamelessness of the lies to justify it still come as a shock.

Next steps on Medicare for All

Sanders' bill for single-payer health care is a crack in the political edifice--and a chance to organize pressure at the grassroots.

Will Hillary ever forgive us?

Hillary Clinton does take responsibility in her memoir--for being smarter than anyone else, but the damn-fool voters didn't listen.

Trump spurs athletes to action

More NFL players than ever took a knee during the National Anthem on Sunday after Donald Trump's bigoted remarks.

St. Louis refuses to be silenced

Protesters pour into the streets of St. Louis to demand justice for Anthony Lamar Smith

St. Louis streets surged with daily protests after a not-guilty verdict for a cop who killed in cold blood--but police doubled down with more repression.

Taking on the right

Behind the boycott at Berkeley

A math professor explains why UC Berkeley faculty called for a boycott during the far right's "Free Speech Week" provocation.

Nazis defile anti-fascist tribute

When someone painted Nazi graffiti on a memorial in Madison honoring anti-fascists, activists turned out to oppose them.

Alt-reich fiasco in Berkeley

This week's far-right festival of hate at the University of California at Berkeley flamed out before it started--leaving the university holding the bill.

UT goes after an activist

As right-wing hate groups swarm campuses, the University of Texas is painting an immigrant rights organizer as a violent threat.

A Seattle walkout for DACA

Seattle high school students from across the city walked out of classes to demand better treatment of their immigrant peers.

They put Pelosi on notice

Read the speech delivered by immigrant youth who interrupted Nancy Pelosi's press conference about her DACA deal.

Solidarity with a UT organizer

Socialists and immigrant rights activists at the University of Texas are mobilizing to defend Eric Nava-Perez from a campus ban.

Solidarity with the Red Nation

Protesters in Chicago take to the streets against the Dakota Access Pipeline

The ISO sent greetings to a meeting of several hundred Indigenous organizers and supporters organized by the Red Nation.

Forty ways to oppose 40 Days

A reproductive rights organization provides a day-by-day counter for the 40 days of bigotry by anti-abortion fanatics at women's clinics across the U.S.

Why is Scout dead?

The shooting of a Georgia Tech student by campus police raises questions about the lack of mental health care and other support.

Why Goodwill goes bad

David Goudie saw a co-worker crushed to death because of unsafe conditions he had previously warned about--and then was fired from his job.

Seattle takes on the "40 Days"

Seattle pro-choice activists kicked off their protests against the "40 Days for Life" by vastly outnumbering the anti-abortion side.

Jail becomes a death sentence

Protesters in Binghamton, New York, gathered at the county jail to call for an end to brutal conditions and mass incarceration.

Comrades of the sea

Sailors at the Kronstadt base during the Russian Revolution

A journalist in revolutionary Russia in 1917 describes his encounters sailors who were part of the struggle to make the world anew.

Read SW's series on the Russian Revolution, which began 100 years ago today.

How Kornilov was defeated

In August of 1917, the Russian Revolution faced the threat of a coup. Defeating it depended on a mass popular mobilization.

The final act of the revolution

By October 1917, the unstable situation of dual power--the workers' councils versus the Provisional Government--came to a head.

Find a list of articles from the full Socialist Worker series on Russia 1917.

They need aid, not occupation

As most Puerto Ricans go without relief following Hurricane Maria, calls for the U.S. military to step up relief efforts could make matters worse.

Historic crisis for Puerto Rico

Families line up for water in Puerto Rico

Two Puerto Rican artists and activists based in the U.S. describe the harrowing conditions for friends and family back home.

Trump adds insult to injury

On top of powerful hurricanes and a society degraded by austerity, Puerto Ricans shouldn't have to endure the racist rants of the Twitterer-in-Chief.

Answers to capitalist disasters

The left-wing author makes the case for a vision of what we're fighting for that isn't just a list of policies, but is really an alternative worldview.

The debt before the storm

Puerto Rico is reeling after two devastating hurricanes, but the disaster has been exacerbated by decades of colonial domination by the U.S.

Shooting bullets at a hurricane

The problem isn't just Republicans who deny climate science, but self-appointed leaders of the "resistance" among the Democrats.

Ruling the world for good?

Bernie Sanders outlined a different foreign policy in his Westminster speech, but it fell well short of a genuine internationalism.

Pushing Korea to the brink

Donald Trump  (Joyce N. Boghosian)

The cycle of escalation between North Korea and the U.S. is fanning fears of a horrific war--but we shouldn't lose sight of who the real provocateur is.

Quakes shake Mexican politics

After the earthquakes, Mexico witnessed both the savage consequences of capitalism and the potential for a radical alternative.

Polarization at the polls

Germany's elections show that the country is not insulated from a crisis-prone Europe, but part and parcel of it.

Decisive days in Catalonia

With both popular mobilization and Spanish state repression growing, this weekend's referendum will bring the moment of truth.

Aftershocks of opportunism

The responses of Mexico’s oppressors and oppressed to the country’s earthquakes couldn’t have been more different.

Catalonia's right to decide

The Spanish state's attempts to repress a referendum on Catalonian independence is producing even greater resistance.

An epic with an Achilles' heel

PBS's series on Vietnam has shortcomings, but it reveals a lot of truth about the war and returns it to its proper place in U.S. history.

From champs to chumps

The champion Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team dishonored their fans and their city by accepting Trump's White House invitation.

Capital's never-ending robbery

Left: title page from the 1867 edition of Capital; right: Karl Marx

Karl Marx's Capital was first published 150 years ago this month--and its analysis and insight have only gained in power since.

What we need instead of police

We need problem solvers who treat the people they help as equals, not police who see a populace to pacify with "law and order."

For Catalan independence

Marxists should defend self-determination and independence for Catalunya--and condemn the repression of the Spanish state.

Building for Medicare for All

We are in an exciting time in which the possibilities and challenges for Medicare for All have taken a qualitative step forward.

Not just a "Southern problem"

The legacy of slavery and the ongoing fact of racism aren’t confined to former slave states with Civil War monuments.

Missing from Sanders' bill

Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All bill would leave people requiring long-term care in a lower tier, punishing those with disabilities.

Understanding what's typical

The neurodiversity movement wants to change the public discourse from one of "tragedy" to acceptance and inclusion.

Views in brief

What can end homelessness? | We'll defend access to clinics | The right to take a knee | A crackdown that harms people in pain

What you won't see on PBS

The Ken Burns documentary series on the U.S. war in Vietnam is off and running, but what's missing is the larger historical context.

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