- published: 12 Apr 2017
- views: 701269
AI, A.I., Ai, or ai may refer to:
Clinton Richard Dawkins FRS FRSL (born 26 March 1941) is an Englishethologist, evolutionary biologist, and writer. He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, and was the University of Oxford's Professor for Public Understanding of Science from 1995 until 2008.
Dawkins first came to prominence with his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, which popularised the gene-centred view of evolution and introduced the term meme. In 1982, he introduced into evolutionary biology the influential concept that the phenotypic effects of a gene are not necessarily limited to an organism's body, but can stretch far into the environment. This concept is presented in his book The Extended Phenotype. In 2006, he founded the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science.
Dawkins is a noted atheist, and is well known for his criticism of creationism and intelligent design. In his 1986 book The Blind Watchmaker, he argues against the watchmaker analogy, an argument for the existence of a supernatural creator based upon the complexity of living organisms. Instead, he describes evolutionary processes as analogous to a blind watchmaker. In his most popular book, his 2006 book The God Delusion, Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion. He is an opponent of creationism being taught in schools. He makes regular television and radio appearances, predominantly discussing his books, his atheism and his ideas and opinions as a public intellectual.
A.I. is Progressing Faster Than You Think!
PETITE - AI [Official MV]
王力宏 《A.I. 愛》Official MV
The AI Race - Documentary ABC TV
Google's Deep Mind Explained! - Self Learning A.I.
Facebook A.I. Robots shut down after creating their own language |Artificial Intelligence |#facebook
Bravo, ai stil! (02.10.2017) - Alexandra s-a intors in platoul "Bravo"! Care e motivul?
Bravo, ai stil! (02.10.2017) - Roxana s-a enervat! Nu ai mai vazut-o asa! ? "M-a luat tremuratul!"
Bravo, ai stil! (02.10.2017) - Anca, inca o tinuta buna: "Din gala ai prins aripi!"
[ Lyric Video ] Ai ? - B-Ray (Prod. Gummy Beatz)
Bossing and Ai: Petite, gustong kumandong kay Bossing?
Richard Dawkins: A.I. Might Run the World Better Than Humans Do
Giọng ải giọng ai 2 | Trailer tập 1: Trấn Thành thích thú khi phát hiện bí mật của Trường Giang
THVL | Ai sẽ thành sao nhí - Tập 6[2]: Đèn khuya - Tiểu Bình, Tiến Long
THVL | Ai sẽ thành sao nhí - Tập 6[6]: Liên khúc ngọn lửa cao nguyên - Bảo Trân, Bảo Hân, Anh Thư
[이서니] 파라곤 AI 베테랑 난이도 원딜들 에임이 100%?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Anca Mihăila - Ce ai tu nu are nimeni
AI - Story
Elon Musk’s A.I. Destroys Champion Gamer!
Ai Sẽ Thành Sao Nhí 2017| Trailer tập 7
Actors: Robert Allaire (composer), Jade Brandais (producer), Daniela Flynn (actress), Corey Rieger (actor), Ami Goodheart (costume designer), Russell Dennis Lewis (actor), Cynthia Kirchner (actress), Aileen Xu (actress), Paul Lange (actor), Peer Gopfrich (writer), Peer Gopfrich (producer), Amir Reichart (director), Amir Reichart (editor), Luis Perozo (miscellaneous crew), Lotte Van Der Veer (miscellaneous crew),
Genres: Sci-Fi, Short,Actors: Peter Leon (writer), Peter Leon (director), J. Patrick Ohlde (actor), J. Patrick Ohlde (writer), Katie Mullaly (actress), Albert Varela (actor), Nick Fimbers (actor), Charles Lynch (actor), Mikal Mullaly (actor), Jeffrey Stephenson (actor), Jamie Eldredge (actor), Daniel Samson (actor), Zach Alfred (actor), Joe Montoya (actor), Chris Walrath (actor),
Plot: Heavy nova is a futuristic sci-fi comedy. The story revolves around a team of deep space miners who are systematically being killed one by one. Now it is up to Bentley, the ship's pilot, to figure out who the killer is before it is too late.
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Michael Ian Farrell (actor), Jordan Clark (producer), Jim Knox (miscellaneous crew), Art Messenger (producer), Denver Jackson (costume designer), Denver Jackson (actor), Denver Jackson (producer), Denver Jackson (director), Denver Jackson (editor), Marc Junker (producer), Marc Junker (composer), Marc Junker (miscellaneous crew), Marc Junker (actor), Simon Graham (actor), Melissa de Haan (costume designer),
Plot: A science fiction film about a young, space faring monk who is put to the test when he is attacked by a group of bandits bent on hijacking his ship. Forced to take defensive action, the monk must use the unique, world simulating abilities of his vessel, Somnius, as well as his mastery over the martial arts, to thwart his aggressors.
Genres: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Short,Actors: Ken Anthony II (actor), Bernie Ask (actor), Julie Anne (actress), Marco DiGeorge (actor), Mike Duffau (actor), Sidney Majurie (writer), Sidney Majurie (director), Sidney Majurie (producer), Sidney Majurie (editor), Sidney Majurie (writer), Sidney Majurie (producer), Matthew Strickland (actor), Janina Suero (editor), Janina Suero (producer), Samantha Angel (actress),
Plot: A doctor Norman Kenefick has designed and distributed a drug which many believed allowed people to see what they called 'the invisible truth.' The drug was Heiroglyphene, known on the streets as 'Glyph.' It is declared an illegal narcotic by the government; citing the side effects of the drug as causing it's user to be consumed with anti-government rhetoric, anti-socialism, and hallucinations, or as some called, 'visions.' Aaron Illias, reveals to a group of recovering addicts his experience with using the drug glyph, and what he reveals to them is initially unbelievable. But, he had to be wary 'the watchers,' for he knew their masters were coming to take us all. 'With measured tuition and eyesight keen, only through 'The Looking' can truth be seen.'
Genres: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Short, Thriller,Actors: Joe Hammerstone (actor), Jaxon Stanford (actor), Tyler Shaw (actor), Matt Davids (director), Matt Davids (writer), Justin Buchanan (actor), Justin Buchanan (producer), Justin Buchanan (editor), Andy Collins (miscellaneous crew), Andy Collins (actor), Kevin Andrew Guidorzi (actor), Lloyd Longsworth (actor), Alysha Menke (actress),
Plot: Wars raged. Plagues ravaged. Civilization fell. A new dark age took a hold of mankind. Small bands of survivors huddle together living off the remains of the old world. Yet, one man wanders the wild lands alone, shunned and feared. He calls himself Ezra Crane, but who he really is no one knows. One day a young girl interrupts his solitary existence. She calls herself Feather and says she's on a quest. Not wishing her to face the dangers of the wilderness alone Ezra agrees to aid her. The journey takes them deep into the forgotten lands filled with strange perils. Ezra is forced to reveal terrible secrets about his past and finally his true identity. Eventually, Ezra realizes the mysterious young Feather may hold the key to his long awaited redemption.
Keywords: character-name-in-title, independent-film, post-apocalypse, st.-louis-missouriWas hacked, I'll have to rewrite this later. Sources: https://deepmind.com/blog/wavenet-generative-model-raw-audio/ https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cxcnOkPx9AeWpLVXhkTDJINDQ/view?pageId=100077358973363715310 https://techcrunch.com/2017/03/07/heres-why-the-switchs-left-joy-con-could-have-connection-issues/ TED Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfDQNrVphLQ&t;=678s Sergey Brin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30rx3dBPbIs https://futurism.com/google-ai-secretly-uploaded-to-the-internet-where-it-wreaked-havoc-on-gamers/ https://qz.com/877721/the-ai-master-bested-the-worlds-top-go-players-and-then-revealed-itself-as-googles-alphago-in-disguise/ https://www.wired.com/2017/01/mystery-ai-just-crushed-best-human-players-poker/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/aarontilley/2017/02/14/gamalon-a...
(c) 2017 smallroom Bangkok Pop Music Label since 1999 DIRECTOR : รินา สิทธาจารพงษ์ Music by : รัตน จันทร์ประสิทธิ์ , ญาดา โกเมศ Lyrics by : รัตน จันทร์ประสิทธิ์ , ญาดา โกเมศ Arranged by : รัตน จันทร์ประสิทธิ์ , ญาดา โกเมศ Guest Musician : ภากร โกเมศ Recording Engineer : รัตน จันทร์ประสิทธิ์ Mixed and Mastered : พี่รุ่ง smallroom BKK, Thailand MEET US IG @smallroommusic @petitegomez http://www.facebook.com/smallroommusic https://www.facebook.com/petiteyada http://www.smallroom.co.th SHOW BOOKING 02-261-7826 092-267-8260 THANKS FOR WATCHING AND SMILING :)
當A.I.革命時代的來臨,華語音樂天王王力宏的新專輯 “A.I. 愛:第一集” 非常合時宜的以探討 A.I. 人工智慧歌曲:“A.I. 愛“ 與 ”沒有眼淚的世界“ 揭開序幕。A.I. 既是人工智慧英文 Artificial Intelligence 的縮寫,也是 “愛” 字的漢語拼音,最人工化的發明 “A.I.” 跟最人性化的感情 “愛”—非常令人反思的雙關語道出“科技與愛”的新專輯核心。 王力宏每張專輯都不斷創新,引領華語樂壇潮流,繼自創的 ”CHINKED-OUT“ 中式嘻哈,中文EDM電音曲風,此次融入 A.I. 人工智慧元素令人耳目一新。擁有雙音樂博士學位的全方位創作才子王力宏一直以來都把用華語音樂改變世界視為最重要的使命,繼 ”改變自己“ 倡導全球暖化環保專輯,此次 “A.I. 愛”專輯亦是探討現今全球關注的議題:A.I.時代的來臨。王力宏認為未來人工智慧會在很多層面上取代人類,但人文是不會被取代的,人類的道德觀,哲學,宗教,文學,藝術是最珍貴亦是人工智慧無法複製的。這次的概念是圍繞著我們現在面對的新的革命:人工智慧的革命。“A.I. 愛”用音樂去探討接下來即將會影響世界很巨大的改變,在這個世界將來會變成 A.I. 的一個年代讓關注流行文化的人能一起探討我們如何能使用人工智慧的發展讓未來的世界變得更好,而不是毀滅人類。 首波主打新專輯同名歌曲 “A.I. 愛” 是從人類視角敘述的故事:一個宅男訂製最新科技研發的擬真機器人作他的 “完美情人” 體現人工智慧完善了愛情的觀點。王力宏透過“A.I. 愛”歌曲探討現今人工智慧化的時代來臨時值得探討的議題—道德與情感。隨著人工智慧的研發,機器人可以越來越像人但機器人能有真實的情感嗎?人工智慧的發展能讓我們得到永生還是毀滅人類? *iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/…/a-i-%E6%8...
The AI Race - Documentary ABC TV The world of the future and how jobs will be impacted with artificial intelligence
Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/9FS8uF Become a Patreon!: https://www.patreon.com/ColdFusion_TV Visual animal AI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgPaCWJL7XI Hi, welcome to ColdFusion (formally known as ColdfusTion). Experience the cutting edge of the world around us in a fun relaxed atmosphere. Sources: Why AlphaGo is NOT an "Expert System": https://googleblog.blogspot.com.au/2016/01/alphago-machine-learning-game-go.html “Inside DeepMind” Nature video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN1d3qHMIEQ “AlphaGo and the future of Artificial Intelligence” BBC Newsnight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53YLZBSS0cc http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v518/n7540/full/nature14236.html http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/063c1176-d29a-11e5-969e-9d801cf5e15b.html http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v52...
Facebook has shut down two artificial intelligences that appeared to be chatting to each other in a strange language only they understood. The two chatbots came to create their own changes to English that made it easier for them to work – but which remained mysterious to the humans that supposedly look after them. The bizarre discussions came as Facebook challenged its chatbots to try and negotiate with each other over a trade, attempting to swap hats, balls and books, each of which were given a certain value. But they quickly broke down as the robots appeared to chant at each other in a language that they each understood but which appears mostly incomprehensible to humans. The robots had been instructed to work out how to negotiate between themselves, and improve their bartering as the...
Bravo, ai stil! (02.10.2017) - Alexandra s-a intors in platoul "Bravo"! Care e motivul? Bravo, ai stil LIVE chiar acum ------ http://www.kanald.ro/live.html Toate stirile editiei pe LINK ----- http://bravoaistil.kanald.ro/stiri/ Site-ul kanald.ro si-a schimbat fata! Cum arata acum si toate noutatile despre vedetele preferate, AICI: http://www.kanald.ro/ Bravo, ai stil! (02.10.2017) - Sezonul 3, Editia 26 Copyright © Toate drepturile rezervate.
Bravo, ai stil! (02.10.2017) - Roxana s-a enervat! Nu ai mai vazut-o asa! ? "M-a luat tremuratul!" Bravo, ai stil LIVE chiar acum ------ http://www.kanald.ro/live.html Toate stirile editiei pe LINK ----- http://bravoaistil.kanald.ro/stiri/ Site-ul kanald.ro si-a schimbat fata! Cum arata acum si toate noutatile despre vedetele preferate, AICI: http://www.kanald.ro/ Bravo, ai stil! (02.10.2017) - Sezonul 3, Editia 26 Copyright © Toate drepturile rezervate.
Bravo, ai stil! (02.10.2017) - Anca, inca o tinuta buna: "Din gala ai prins aripi!" Bravo, ai stil LIVE chiar acum ------ http://www.kanald.ro/live.html Toate stirile editiei pe LINK ----- http://bravoaistil.kanald.ro/stiri/ Site-ul kanald.ro si-a schimbat fata! Cum arata acum si toate noutatile despre vedetele preferate, AICI: http://www.kanald.ro/ Bravo, ai stil! (02.10.2017) - Sezonul 3, Editia 26 Copyright © Toate drepturile rezervate.
Video by SóiUG Please don't re-up ------ Link SC : https://soundcloud.com/yunbray/ai-b-ray-prod-gummy-beatz ------ Bitch Ai? Ai? Ai? Ai? mấy thằng nhỏ này là ai? con cháu của thằng nào, sao cho nó bước ra đường mà không dạy, Bitch Ai? Ai? Ai? Ai? mấy thằng nhỏ này là ai? Để tao lên mic cho 1 track là phúc cả 3 đời nhà nó cộng lại. Bitch Ai? Ai? Ai? Ai? mấy thằng nhỏ này là ai? Sao vẫn chưa ai nói cho nó biết, từng câu tao phán là không sai? B Ray nhà thông thái, thịt bò nào không dai, Trẻ con răng chưa rụng có cứt trong nhà mềm mỏng thì không nhai, Ai đó hãy khuyên thằng nhỏ này dừng lại, ai cho nó phép được đứng kế tượng đài, Xuất ngôn mà không biết ngượng ngại, thế hệ trẻ con mà không có tương lai, Nhạc tao là đương đại, nhạc mày hôi mùi nước đái, Số phận mấy thằng hay đam ...
Aired (October 1, 2017): Kalma ka lang Petite, matatawa rin sa'yo si Bossing. Watch ‘Bossing and Ai,’ every Sunday on GMA Network, starring the Royal Couple of Comedy Vic Sotto and Aiai delas Alas. Also included in the cast are Jose Manalo, Tart Carlos, Teri Onor and Oyo Boy Sotto. -------------- Subscribe to the GMA Network channel! - http://goo.gl/oYE4Dn Visit the GMA Network Portal! http://www.gmanetwork.com Connect with us on: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GMANetwork Twitter: https://twitter.com/GMANetwork Instagram: http://instagram.com/GMANetwork
Will A.I. take us over, and one day look back on this time period as the dawn of their civilization? Richard Dawkins posits an interesting idea, or at the very least a premise to a good science-fiction novel. Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/richard-dawkins-richard-dawkins-why-ai-might-run-the-world-better-than-humans-do Follow Big Think here: YouTube: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigThinkdotcom Twitter: https://twitter.com/bigthink Richard Dawkins: When we come to artificial intelligence and the possibility of their becoming conscious we reach a profound philosophical difficulty. I am a philosophical naturalist. I am committed to the view that there’s nothing in our brains that violates the laws of physics, there’s nothing that could not ...
giong ai giong ai, giọng ải giọng ai, GAGA, #giongaigiongai #GAGA Giọng ải giọng ai mùa 2 đã trở lại siêu hot với hai đội chơi Trấn Thành, Thu Trang và Trường Giang, Ốc Thanh Vân. Giọng ải giọng ai mùa 2 tập 1 chào đón 2 khách mời là Ca sĩ Trung Quân và Ca sĩ Văn Mai Hương. Đón xem giọng ải giọng ai vào 19h thứ Bảy hàng tuần trên kênh HTV7, bắt đầu từ ngày 07/10/2017
Ai sẽ thành sao nhí là hành trình tìm kiếm tài năng âm nhạc sở hữu giọng hát xuất sắc, giàu cảm xúc và phong cách biểu diễn chuyên nghiệp, đề cao chất giọng và khả năng thích nghi trình diễn, biến hóa của các thí sinh. Sự cạnh tranh là khốc liệt khi tại Vòng tuyển chọn chỉ có 8 đơn ca nữ, 8 đơn ca nam và 8 nhóm được lọt vào vòng tiếp theo. Đón xem chương trình lúc 21h Chủ Nhật hàng tuần trên kênh THVL1 và phát lại lúc 12h Thứ Hai trên kênh THVL2. Mọi đóng góp để chương trình hoàn thiện hơn vui lòng liên hệ: Website: http://www.thvli.vn http://www.thvl.vn Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/THVLGiaiTri/?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VinhLongTV Google Plus: https://www.google.com/+THVLGiaiTri
Ai sẽ thành sao nhí là hành trình tìm kiếm tài năng âm nhạc sở hữu giọng hát xuất sắc, giàu cảm xúc và phong cách biểu diễn chuyên nghiệp, đề cao chất giọng và khả năng thích nghi trình diễn, biến hóa của các thí sinh. Sự cạnh tranh là khốc liệt khi tại Vòng tuyển chọn chỉ có 8 đơn ca nữ, 8 đơn ca nam và 8 nhóm được lọt vào vòng tiếp theo. Đón xem chương trình lúc 21h Chủ Nhật hàng tuần trên kênh THVL1 và phát lại lúc 12h Thứ Hai trên kênh THVL2. Mọi đóng góp để chương trình hoàn thiện hơn vui lòng liên hệ: Website: http://www.thvli.vn http://www.thvl.vn Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/THVLGiaiTri/?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VinhLongTV Google Plus: https://www.google.com/+THVLGiaiTri
- 이서니 구독 : https://goo.gl/gRTVBG - 트위치 : https://www.twitch.tv/wnlfhem 생방 8시~12시 - 이서니 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/LS6311 -- 채널 좀비왕 페이스북 : http://goo.gl/hvFM6i - 채널 좀비왕 카카오스토리 : https://goo.gl/SrZu95 # Ch.ZBK YOUTUBE COLONY # // 구독하세요. 당신도 채널 좀비왕과 함께합니다. // Copyright Ch.ZBK & 'This' Creator All Right Reserved. // We Do What We Must Because Only We Can
AIオールタイム・ベストアルバム 「THE BEST –DELUXE EDITION」 UPCH-20417/8 ¥3,056+税 大ヒット御礼のオールタイムベストアルバム「THE BEST」に、ファンからの要望が多かった名曲、コラボ曲などを追加収録。 2016年の年明けから『au三太郎CM』で話題になった「みんながみんな英雄」も初収録した、豪華2枚組デラックス盤! 総ダウンロード数1100万を超えるヒット曲満載の全27曲、文字通りの“THE BEST”な、“マチガイナイ”AIの決定盤! 米ロサンゼルス生まれの鹿児島育ち。 「Story」や「ハピネス」「みんながみんな英雄」など大ヒットソングを世に送り出す、 日本が世界に誇るグローバル・スタンダード・アーティスト。 2016年は約50公演のベストツアーで全国を駆け巡る。 Official Site: http://AImusic.tv Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AI Twitter: @micaholic1981 Instagram: @officialai -AI BIOGRAPHY- Japanese R&B; star AI moves freely between pop, hip hop and dance, combining American soul with the deep emotion of Japanese ballads. Her international reputation has grown with exciting collaborations with Snoop Dogg, Jim Jones, Trey Songz, Lloyd, Jeremih, Boyz II Men, K’Naan, Judith Hill, Ra...
Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/9FS8uF Check out the previous episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VadUK8-5OSA Become a Patreon!: https://www.patreon.com/ColdFusion_TV Hi, welcome to ColdFusion (formerly known as ColdfusTion). Experience the cutting edge of the world around us in a fun relaxed atmosphere. Sources: Dota 2 Championship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92tn67YDXg0 Demis Hassabis Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia3PywENxU8 https://blog.openai.com/robots-that-learn/ http://www.dailystar.co.uk/tech/gaming/637125/Paris-2024-Olympic-Games-eSports-Call-of-Duty-Overwatch-DOTA-Paris-IOC www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2017/8/11/16137388/dota-2-dendi-open-ai-elon-musk https://www.theverge.com/2017/5/16/15648158/openai-elon-musk-robotics-ai-one-shot-imitation-learning ...
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Bravo, ai stil! (02.10.2017) - Sezonul 3, Editia 26, COMPLET HD Toate stirile editiei pe LINK ----- http://bravoaistil.kanald.ro/stiri/ Site-ul kanald.ro si-a schimbat fata! Cum arata acum si toate noutatile despre vedetele preferate, AICI: http://www.kanald.ro/ Bravo, ai stil! (02.10.2017) - Sezonul 3, Editia 26 Copyright © Toate drepturile rezervate.
The AI Race - Documentary ABC TV The world of the future and how jobs will be impacted with artificial intelligence
- 이서니 구독 : https://goo.gl/gRTVBG - 트위치 : https://www.twitch.tv/wnlfhem 생방 8시~12시 - 이서니 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/LS6311 -- 채널 좀비왕 페이스북 : http://goo.gl/hvFM6i - 채널 좀비왕 카카오스토리 : https://goo.gl/SrZu95 # Ch.ZBK YOUTUBE COLONY # // 구독하세요. 당신도 채널 좀비왕과 함께합니다. // Copyright Ch.ZBK & 'This' Creator All Right Reserved. // We Do What We Must Because Only We Can
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Alarming Artificial Intelligence The AI Documentary. An eye opener to AI taking over all aspects of our lives but most importantly our livelihoods. We search truth and knowledge, support all veterans involved by liking and subscribing.
小沢VS天皇・創価学会のAI(小池、前原)に対し小沢の次の一手は最善策を除く予測不能な手が理想!小池ツーショットに現金3万円と公認申請料500万円持参金!小池も出馬せざるを得ない都職員の小池都政採点!カタルーニャ独立投票にスペイン国王は?財政破綻のプエルトリコの被災者支援どころじゃない倒産会社再建屋トランプが直面する米の財政破綻!… モーニング宇宙ニュース2017/10/2(月) ※ツイートテレビへのカンパをお願いします。方法はツイートテレビのHPの左記に書いてあります。m(__)m http://tweettvjp.blog.fc2.com/ ーーー 今日の話題の参考ツイート https://twitter.com/Bube_Peace/status/913975473390075904 SAN SAM @Bube_Peace 🌟希望の党が公認申請料・寄付金 500万円「持参」を、民進離党前衆院議員に求める❗ 公認を得たいなら「金持ってこい」って、少しずつ本性が現れてきました。【赤旗】9/30 https://twitter.com/sugi_moira/status/914058730341199872 Moira @sugi_moira 小池都知事、東京都職員アンケート評価が最悪!!圧倒的差で石原元、舛添前都知事以下の烙印を押された。 https://matome.naver.jp/odai/2150530703025258301 … 小池Yの風は吹かない、吹くどころか、不信任で退陣、退場に発展。政権選択選挙は絶望、希望の党は自滅する。 ーーーー 下記は「世界の話題」ツイートリンク https://twitter.com/JunjiHattori/status/912083466694541312 服部順治(脱戦争/脱原発) @JunjiHat...
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Was Mark Zuckerberg WRONG about AI being safe? No, but you wouldn't know based on all the crazy headlines. ■ Follow us on TWITCH! http://twitch.tv/etc_show http://twitch.tv/eliotetc http://twitch.tv/itsrickyftw ■ Our merch is now available! Check it out at at http://etcmerch.com ■ LINKS TO OUR SOURCES: • Facebook AI http://gizmodo.com/no-facebook-did-not-panic-and-shut-down-an-ai-program-1797414922 http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-40790258 https://www.fastcodesign.com/90132632/ai-is-inventing-its-own-perfect-languages-should-we-let-it https://code.facebook.com/posts/1686672014972296/deal-or-no-deal-training-ai-bots-to-negotiate/ • DefCon - Voting machines hacked http://gizmodo.com/every-voting-machine-at-this-hacking-conference-got-tot-1797368945 • HBO hack http://ew.com/tv/2017/07...
Devin Coldewey talks to Andrew Ng about what makes an AI-first company, his vision for an AI-powered society, and the transformation of education.
Ai mà ngờ Trung Quốc cuống cả lên khi phát hiện sức mạnh ngầm này của quân sự Việt Nam Ai mà ngờ Trung Quốc cuống cả lên khi phát hiện sức mạnh ngầm này của quân sự Việt Nam * Kênh Chuyện Quanh Ta là kênh thông tin thời sự tổng hợp chính trị tổng hợp mới nhất trong ngày. Đăng ký ngay: http://bit.ly/2svNOO5 *Theo dõi kênh Chuyện Quanh Ta trên: - G+: https://plus.google.com/106194944248209691008/ - Facebook: http://bit.ly/2ruIZ7L - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tuviphongthuy - Blogger: http://tuviphongthuytailoc.blogspot.com/ - Youtube: http://bit.ly/2svNOO5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TUYÊN BỐ MIỄN TRỪ CÁC TRÁCH NHIỆM PHÁP LÝ: + Các thông tin được tập hợp từ báo chí chính thống của Việt Nam và thế giới có chọn ...
Robots AI The New Species Robot Evolution Documentary. A must see on the Rise of Robots and AI, as we turn a new pg in history with the evolution of robots. We search truth and knowledge. Support all veterans involved by liking and subscribing.
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